Examples of the the word, manifestation , in a Sentence Context
The word ( manifestation ), is the 6362 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Set of parallel (sometimes squiggly) lines beneath the eyes, especially as a, manifestation ,of repressed romantic feelings. Characters who want to childishly taunt someone
- This desire for the friendship experienced in life is one example of the, manifestation ,of this aspect of the drug. Drug also exhibit an immense and nearly
- On bass and Mick Robson on electric guitar. After a brief and disastrous, manifestation ,as the Hype, the group reverted to a configuration presenting Bowie as a solo
- In a Satan-like figure, Kroni. Krone, according to Ayyavazhi is the primordial, manifestation ,of evil and manifests in various forms of evil, i. e., Ravana, Duryodhana, etc.
- The strip's depiction of time within Calvin's real and imaginary worlds as a, manifestation ,of the Acadian concepts of the Imaginary, the Real, and the Symbolic. A
- Is president. # The Primates' Meeting (first met in 1979) is the most recent, manifestation ,of international consultation and deliberation, having been first convened by
- A completely different disorder, of which atypical color deficiency is only one, manifestation , The English chemist John Dalton published the first scientific paper on this
- Southerly),picks up speed and also accumulates water volume. The greatest, manifestation ,of the divide is during floods. During flood stage, the Casiquiare's main
- Taking part in it.; Small Monmartre of Bipolar In the last few years, the Art, manifestation ," Small Monmartre of Bipolar" that is organized by the art studio" CIRIL and
- Anarchism that views patriarchy (male domination over women) as a fundamental, manifestation ,of compulsory government. It was inspired by the late 19th century writings of
- The deity Khentiamentiu, foremost of the Westerners, came to be seen as a, manifestation ,of the dead pharaoh in the underworld. PPI I (sixth dynasty) constructed a
- English-language service book of the Church of England, was the first overt, manifestation ,of his changing views. It was thus no mere translation from the Latin: its
- Biological and genetic makeup in the test subjects. This is the only reliable, manifestation ,of polyembryony in the class Mammalian, and only exists within the genus Days
- On account of his opinions, including his religious views, provided their, manifestation ,does not disturb the public order established by law. # The free communication
- Lack of coordination of muscle movements. Ataxia is a non-specific clinical, manifestation ,implying dysfunction of the parts of the nervous system that coordinate
- Is president. * The Anglican Communion Primates' Meeting is the most recent, manifestation ,of international consultation and deliberation, having been first convened by
- This raises the possibility that depression can result from a maladaptive, manifestation ,of sickness behavior as a result of abnormalities in circulating cytokines. The
- In the Lord ", God may or may not choose to glorify the individual through the, manifestation ,of miracles. If so, the devotion to the saint will normally grow from the "
- As category 1 carcinogens. Arsenic is known to cause arsenicosis owing to its, manifestation ,in drinking water,“ the most common species being Senate HAsO42-; As (V)
- And Ancient Rome. Wall or rock painting for commercial advertising is another, manifestation ,of an ancient advertising form, which is present to this day in many parts of
- The academy or in Plato's text. This tradition of creator God as nous (the, manifestation ,of consciousness),can be validated in the works of pre-Plotinus philosophers
- Laid the groundwork for their dilapidation due to nuclear proliferation and the, manifestation ,of culturally aligned conflict. The nuclear bomb was the result of the state
- Phobia, the fear of spiders and other arachnids such as scorpions. It is a, manifestation ,of zoophobia, among the most common of all phobias. The reactions of
- Chapters to have followed the Exegetical of Basil ides. After describing the, manifestation ,of the Gospel in the Goad and Headman, he adds that the Basilicas have a
- Systems in the U. S., having entered service in 1933. It is the present, manifestation ,of an electric transit service that has been operated continuously in Dayton
- Created that corporation. Thereby, the creature of statute is the tangible, manifestation ,of the functions or work described by a given statute. The jurisdiction of a
- Century Baroque architectural style are often seen as a separate Late Baroque, manifestation , (See Claude Perrault. ) Academic characteristics in the neo-Palladian
- Was hailed as a radical departure from science-fiction standards and a new, manifestation ,of vitality. Shortly thereafter, however,many critics arose to challenge its
- Worldwide in recent years as generating a" need to understand the current, manifestation ,of this disease ". In June 2011,Yale voted to close this initiative. After
- The Son of God). According to Christian Science, Christ is" the divine, manifestation ,of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error. " (Science and
- e., Ravana, Duryodhana, etc., in different ages or Yumas. In response to such, manifestation ,of evil, believers,in Ayya-Vazhi religion believe that God, as Vishnu
- Finally, was the lowliest of the three disciplines and referred to the, manifestation ,of those same mathematical proportions in sound—be it sung or played on
- Have added to the mix. Churchman ship" Churchman ship" can be defined as the, manifestation ,of theology in the realms of liturgy, piety and, to some extent, spirituality.
- That economic antisemitism is not a distinct form of antisemitism, but merely a, manifestation ,of theology antisemitism (because, without the theological causes of the
- Of Jesus that might be called Docetist, believing that Jesus had been a, manifestation ,of spirit unbounded by the limitations of matter—a sort of divine spirit or
- Or culture-specific) syndrome, which is a psychological condition whose, manifestation ,is strongly shaped by cultural factors. Others reported culture-bound syndromes
- Fuselage would extend by as much as 300 mm (almost 1 ft),the most obvious, manifestation ,of this being a gap that opened up on the flight deck between the flight
- Thought, but on life; it depends on the individual's empirical development and, manifestation ,of life, which in turn depends on the conditions existing in the world. " Birds
- Onslaught storyline, in which the crossover event's antagonist is a physical, manifestation ,of that dark side. Also, Onslaught is created in the most violent act Xavier
- Any useful purpose,outside a thought experiment, must have some physical, manifestation , That is, a file (an abstract concept) in a real computer system must have a
- Power called Chaos Literature *Dæmon (His Dark Materials),the term for a, manifestation ,of a person's soul in the Philip Pullman trilogy His Dark Materials *Daemon (
- Components have been proposed, with some implication that the observed neural, manifestation ,of developmental dyslexia is task-specific (i.e., functional rather than
- Habitats unlikely. Such sightings and stories may simply be a more modern, manifestation ,of earlier stories of mythical 'Black Dogs and other such creatures in remote
- The psyche. However, there are those who believe that chakras have a physical, manifestation ,as well. The author Gary Osborn, for instance, has described the chakras as
- Others like Nissan Dana and Mordechai Nisan state that he is perceived as the, manifestation ,and the reincarnation of God or presumably the image of God. Some Drupe and
- Fathers,Rome's opulent and luxurious Church seemed a palpable embodiment and, manifestation ,on Earth of Rex Mundi's sovereignty. The Catholic Church regarded the sect as
- Frédéric Bastian expressed the idea that trade deficits actually were a, manifestation ,of profit, rather than a loss. He proposed as an example to suppose that he, a
- An asserted complete incompatibility of love and power. As matter was seen as a, manifestation ,of power, it was believed to be incompatible with love. The Atari did not
- Intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite, manifestation , for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error.
- Radar, one of his closest friends, and wrote:" Radar is the most amazing, manifestation ,of vitality ". They moved in similar circles and Baudelaire made many socials
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