Examples of the the word, magnet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( magnet ), is the 6360 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. S motion. Demonstrations of dia magnet ism Curving water surfaces If a powerful, magnet ,(such as a super magnet ) is covered with a layer of water (that is thin
  2. Due to the magnet o static effects of the particle shape. As the temperature of a, magnet ,increases, the anisotropy tends to decrease, and there is often a blocking
  3. Containing a man holding a bar magnet or charged object. If the man pumps the, magnet ,up and down, then,according to Maxwell's theory of artificial luminance (AL
  4. Of gravity can easily be demonstrated by suspending a pin using a simple, magnet ,(such as a refrigerator magnet ). The magnet is able to hold the pin against
  5. Elementary and high schools citywide, including several selective-admission, magnet ,schools. There are 9 selective enrollment high schools in the Chicago Public
  6. Californium metal is either ferro magnet ic or ferro magnet ic (it acts like a, magnet ,), between 48 and 66 K it is antiferro magnet ic (an intermediate state),and
  7. Ammeter for testing high currents in cars and trucks has a pivoted bar, magnet ,that moves the pointer, and a fixed bar magnet to keep the pointer centered
  8. In a loop of wire when it is moved towards or away from a magnet ic field, or a, magnet ,is moved towards or away from it, the direction of current depending on that of
  9. And are labeled" north" and" south. " The dipole moment of the bar, magnet ,points from its magnet ic south to its magnet ic north pole. The North Pole of a
  10. To the intrinsic magnet ic dipole moment of the electron. The two ends of a bar, magnet ,are referred to as poles (not to be confused with monopolies),and are labeled
  11. And its dia magnet ic nature keeps it from interfering with the complex multipole, magnet ,systems used to steer and focus the particle beams. Mechanical applications
  12. Church of the Nativity is one of Bethlehem's major tourist attractions and a, magnet ,for Christian pilgrims. It stands in the center of the city — a part of the
  13. Field around the wire carrying current to be measured deflects the moving, magnet , Since the ammeter shunt has a very low resistance, mistakenly wiring the
  14. Series, dubbed Canyon Cinema, toured local coffeehouses. These events became a, magnet ,for the teenage Lucas and his boyhood friend John Plummer. The 19-year-olds
  15. Dipole moment for more information). A permanent magnet , such as a bar, magnet , owes its magnet ism to the intrinsic magnet ic dipole moment of the electron.
  16. Campaign that emphasized" states' rights. " Goldwater's 1964 campaign was a, magnet ,for conservatives since he opposed interference by the federal government in
  17. Adrian Monk, is frequently accused of being a" bad luck charm" and a" murder, magnet ," as the result of the frequency with which murder happens in his vicinity.
  18. Is covered with a layer of water (that is thin compared to the diameter of the, magnet ,) then the field of the magnet significantly repels the water. This causes a
  19. And other major faiths, with a mixture of funding arrangements. In the US,a, magnet ,school receives government funding and has special admission requirements:
  20. A magnet randomly change direction in response to thermal fluctuations and the, magnet ,is super para magnet ic. There are several kinds of magnet ic anisotropy, the most
  21. The buoy via The Catboat with the projector on it, they are trapped on it by a, magnet ,and torpedoes are launched at them, but they escape using a radio-detonator to
  22. And trucks has a pivoted bar magnet that moves the pointer, and a fixed bar, magnet ,to keep the pointer centered with no current. The magnet ic field around the
  23. The Western sectors was somewhat restricted. This resulted in Berlin becoming a, magnet ,for East Germans desperate to escape life in the GDR, and also a flash point for
  24. Course of the 20th century and economic diversification has made the state a, magnet ,for population and home to more Fortune 500 companies than any other U. S.
  25. Just by moving forces around! " The problem is that he would have to wave the, magnet ,up and down something like 450 trillion times per second in order to see
  26. Two continents: Europe and Asia. It was a commercial, cultural,and diplomatic, magnet , With its strategic position, Constantinople controlled the route between Asia
  27. Announced they had successfully levitated mice using a superconducting, magnet , an important step forward since mice are closer biologically to humans than
  28. That is thin compared to the diameter of the magnet ) then the field of the, magnet ,significantly repels the water. This causes a slight dimple in the water's
  29. To increase its inductance. Archaically called Pupil coils. * A multiple coil, magnet ,is an electro magnet that has several coils of wire connected in parallel. * A
  30. See electron electric dipole moment for more information). A permanent, magnet , such as a bar magnet , owes its magnet ism to the intrinsic magnet ic dipole
  31. Remain re-oriented when the field is turned off, thus creating a" permanent ", magnet , The domains don't go back to their original minimum energy configuration when
  32. Demonstrated by suspending a pin using a simple magnet (such as a refrigerator, magnet ,). The magnet is able to hold the pin against the gravitational pull of the
  33. Number of firms to ensure supplies of essentials like brass, wire,ebonize and, magnet ,steel. Much of the walnut used for cabinets was imported from the US. As
  34. Magnet used to hold notes on a refrigerator door. The attraction between a, magnet ,and ferro magnet ic material is" the quality of magnet ism first apparent to the
  35. Field strength of the pair. (As they rotate relative to each other, each, magnet , 's field can be considered to have two opposing components at right angles, and
  36. From its magnet ic south to its magnet ic north pole. The north pole of a bar, magnet ,in a compass points north. However, this means that Earth's geo magnet ic north
  37. Air gap between the iron core of the instrument and the poles of its permanent, magnet , the instrument has good linearity and accuracy. Basic meter movements can have
  38. Are traditionally associated with a heavier sound. Single-coil pickups, one, magnet , wrapped in copper wire, are used by guitarists seeking a brighter, twangier
  39. To the electron gun axes. Each pair of magnet ic rings forms a single effective, magnet ,whose field vector can be fully and freely adjusted. By rotating a pair of
  40. Of neodymium magnet s (Nd2Fe14B),which are the strongest type of permanent, magnet , They are found in a variety of domestic and professional electromechanical and
  41. But he observed the effect was reciprocal: a current exerts a force on a, magnet , and a magnet ic field exerts a force on a current. The phenomenon was further
  42. S luminous room:" Consider a dark room containing a man holding a bar, magnet ,or charged object. If the man pumps the magnet up and down, then,according to
  43. In a laboratory. An everyday example of ferro magnet ism is a refrigerator, magnet ,used to hold notes on a refrigerator door. The attraction between a magnet and
  44. League contract. Realizing that the first African American signee would be a, magnet ,for prejudicial sentiment, however,Rickey was intent on finding a player with
  45. Determined by the average test scores on state achievement tests. The oldest, magnet ,school in the City of Chicago, Whitney M. Young Magnet High School, was opened
  46. Then in any particular direction. Without magnet ic anisotropy, the spins in a, magnet ,randomly change direction in response to thermal fluctuations and the magnet is
  47. Likely to land up. A less common type of loaded die can be made by inserting a, magnet ,into the die and embedding a coil of wire in the game table; running current
  48. Suspending a pin using a simple magnet (such as a refrigerator magnet ). The, magnet ,is able to hold the pin against the gravitational pull of the entire Earth. Yet
  49. By the movement of a loop of wire, or disc of copper between the poles of a, magnet , For electric utilities, it is the first process in the delivery of electricity
  50. Of bismuth plates and a few permanent magnet s that will levitate a permanent, magnet , Theory of dia magnet ism The Bohr–van Leuven theorem proves that there cannot

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