Examples of the the word, europeans , in a Sentence Context

The word ( europeans ), is the 6361 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Vessel ever designed and built by natives of Oceania before contact with, europeans , " Drugs were large, up to 30 meters long, and could carry over 200 people.
  2. Of Nkwoagu Sochi. Nkwoagu is in Mud and was originally inhabited by the, europeans , because of its beautiful scenery. It therefore serves as the political rallying
  3. Villages to be used as cheap man-power in the plantations and mines that the, europeans , had in American lands. It was classified as National Monument by the Provincial
  4. Of Guys borough was Chedabuctou. The village of Guys borough was first settled by, europeans , in 1634 by Isaac de Razilly. He built a fort named Fort St François à Cans at
  5. 900. People can easily visit the Ararat Marie. The first settlers who were, europeans , arrived during the 18th century. The first European to arrive at the island
  6. Raids and wars of" kwata-kwata" ( wars among the Africans linked to the, europeans , who working to them, caught the other Africans for the slavery). The slaves
  7. Culture before the invasion and conquest of Mexico by Hernán Cortés and the, europeans , It is a Nahuatl name derived from the words" CEM" ( totally) and" Annual
  8. Union returned to using his birth name of Ngunaitponi however,the, europeans , anglicised his name to Union in correspondence. On 27 July 1866 Union
  9. Kept was the first Russian to be drafted by the Penguins, and one of three, europeans , to be drafted by the Penguins during the 1992 draft class. Death On July 24
  10. Meaning" place of the bear. " European contact The first recorded visit by, europeans , was in 1792 when Peter Puget and a crew from the British Vancouver Expedition

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