Examples of the the word, relocate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( relocate ), is the 7023 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. When Art Model, then owner of the Cleveland Browns, announced his intention to, relocate ,his team from Cleveland to Baltimore. The resulting controversy ended when
  2. Relocate America" named Ithaca the fourth-best city in the country to, relocate , too. In July 2006,Ithaca was listed as one of the" 12 Hippest Hometowns for
  3. Between Israel and the PLO. The agreement allowed the PLO leadership to, relocate ,to the occupied territories and granted autonomy to the Palestinians with talks
  4. Government for refugee status. This allowed the Royal Australian Navy to, relocate ,them to other countries (Papua New Guinea's Minus Island, and Nauru) as part
  5. In the Jay Treaty of 1794,they agreed to abandon the frontier forts and to, relocate ,on their side of the border defined in the Treaty of Paris (1783). Their plan
  6. College, London,in 1922. The University of Berlin in 1923 called on him to, relocate ,there, but he declined the offer. In 1926 Heidegger dedicated his book San UND
  7. War the Christadelphians in Britain assisted in the Kindertransport, helping to, relocate ,several hundred Jewish children away from Nazi persecution and founding a
  8. Influence and military power—provided a perfect location for al-Qaeda to, relocate ,its headquarters. Al-Qaeda enjoyed the Taliban's protection and a measure of
  9. Communities away from the marshes or have been forced by government decree to, relocate ,within the marshes. Also, in early 1988,the marshes had become the refuge of
  10. And Waffle House. In early June 2009,NCR Corporation announced that they will, relocate ,its headquarters to the nearby suburb of Duluth, Georgia. First Data is also a
  11. Unavailable in 1971,such as satellite maps and GPS, they are attempting to, relocate ,the exact point of Ingram's 1980 discovery, and then determine if the money
  12. Was a nineteenth century policy of the government of the United States to, relocate ,Native American tribes living east of the Mississippi River to lands west of
  13. Art Model, then owner of the Cleveland Browns, announced his intention to, relocate ,the team to Baltimore. Modell's team was named the" Baltimore Ravens" after
  14. President of the church on December 27, 1847. Repeated conflict led Young to, relocate ,his group of Latter-day Saints to a territory in what is now Utah, then part of
  15. The government paid handsome bonuses to workers participating in a program to, relocate ,Soviet industry close to the extensive coal, gas,and oil deposits of Central
  16. With Fianna Fáil. The County Mayo branch of the party still supports efforts to, relocate ,the refinery to an alternative location. 2008 Budget The 2008 budget, announced
  17. A grant from the Carnegie Foundation however,King's College was able to, relocate ,to Halifax and had entered into a partnership with Jalousie University. An
  18. The city's newly-constructed freeway system enabled middle class Atlanta to, relocate ,from the city to the suburbs. As a result, the city began to make up an ever
  19. Danish attacks and huge floods in 1011 and 1014 motivated the townspeople to, relocate ,to the New Burgh. In the Middle Ages Hastings became one of the Cinque Ports;
  20. But on 22 August, after the end of the armistice, the family was forced to, relocate ,from their pleasant house in the suburbs into the town, and during the next few
  21. The Cayman Islands have attracted many international businesses and citizens to, relocate , The largest numbers of expatriates living in the Cayman Islands (as of the
  22. Places, especially Santiago. Congressional members have tried repeatedly to, relocate ,the Congress back to Santiago, where it operated until the Chilean Coup of 1973
  23. To be relocate d but the residents understandably resisted. The opportunity to, relocate ,the village occurred when it was substantially damaged by an earthquake, with
  24. The forties before anyone even knew there had been a depression. " Forced to, relocate ,to Fort son, Georgia,to live with his father because of a near-fatal asthma
  25. Albania has shown potential for economic growth, as more and more businesses, relocate ,there and consumer goods are becoming available from emerging market traders as
  26. And is building new corporate headquarters in Markham, Ontario,scheduled to, relocate ,in 2008; their manufacturing division, Honda of Canada Manufacturing, is based
  27. Estate concepts (land office, lot,outlands, waterfront,the verbs locate and, relocate , betterment, addition,subdivision),types of property (log cabin, adobe ) in
  28. Game. Model announced on November 6,1995,that he had signed a deal to, relocate ,the Browns to Baltimore in — a move which would return the NFL to Baltimore for
  29. In place an economically favorable regime towards any Barbadians that wish to, relocate ,to Guyana and contribute towards that nation's goals in agricultural
  30. Obelisk was built by Lord Mortimer on his departure from the village to, relocate ,to a large home in Edinburgh, it was built, so he could see his former hometown
  31. The Alleghany Mountains by the mid-18th century. Generally, those who did not, relocate ,out of the State of Delaware were baptized, became Christian and were grouped
  32. His plans to colonize the east despite evidence that Germans did not want to, relocate ,there, and that the activities hindered the war effort; several high-ranking
  33. 1 September 2005,it was announced that the Oceania Customs Organization would, relocate ,to Fiji in 2006. Though located in Fiji, it would be totally independent of the
  34. The end of the war, the Confederate government evacuated Richmond, planning to, relocate ,farther south. Little came of these plans before Lee's surrender at Appomattox
  35. In ski masks and black combat suits. Mills never officially left UR, but did, relocate ,from Detroit, first to New York, then Berlin (as a resident at the Trevor club
  36. Persuaded the king to accede to the demand of the crowd that the monarchy, relocate ,to Paris. On 6 October 1789,the King and the royal family moved from
  37. Integers) can be used interchangeably. This allows the garbage collector to, relocate ,referenced objects and ensures type safety and security. As in C++ and some
  38. Signs the executive order 9066,allowing the United States military to, relocate ,Japanese-Americans to Japanese internment camps. *1943 – World War II: Battle
  39. In Sudan that maintains English as the language of instruction. Plans exist to, relocate ,the university or part of it back to South Sudan. Transportation Air Khartoum
  40. Toehold in Sicily, although Roman forces which bypassed Hamilcar forced him to, relocate ,to Very, to better defend Deana. Without naval support, Hamilcar Barça was
  41. The availability of air conditioning provided impetus for many companies to, relocate ,to Houston resulting in an economic boom and producing a key shift in the city
  42. Is used in the field of economic development to encourage businesses to, relocate , expand, and more currently to retain facilities in a community An amateur (
  43. Nagasaki suffered greatly. Government officials, who were looking for means to, relocate ,the Dutch trading post, forced the Dutch to move from Hired to Decimal. From
  44. The British captured it from the Ottoman Turks. The Templar's were forced to, relocate ,their headquarters to other cities in the north, such as the seaport of Acre
  45. Interest in Guam by the U. S. military. American forces are scheduled to, relocate ,from Okinawa to Guam beginning in 2012 or 2013. " Cosmopolitan" Guam poses
  46. Hash table is referred to as a dynamic hash table. A hash function that will, relocate ,the minimum number of records when the table is resized is desirable. What is
  47. Of the German tribes who would cross the Rhine. Ambrosia advised them to, relocate ,to another Roman camp so that they would be stronger to battle these troops. He
  48. For Sam Houston, the first and third President of the Republic of Texas, to, relocate , the capital once again in 1841. Upon threats of Mexican troops in Texas
  49. North to cities such as Tortola, but lost that too, and were forced to, relocate ,their headquarters offshore to Cyprus. Some naval raids and attempts to retake
  50. Government in exile describes a government of a country that has been forced to, relocate ,and argue its legitimacy from outside that country. Exile can also be a

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