Examples of the the word, dissent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dissent ), is the 7215 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Time in labor camps or been interrogated by Figurine officers. " To eliminate, dissent , the government imprisoned thousands in forced-labour camps or executed them
  2. Administrative history After the Norman conquest of 1066 by William I, dissent ,and resistance continued for many years after the invasion. In Cheshire in 1069
  3. Manichaeanism was also supported by Persia at the time, compounding religious, dissent ,with international politics. Excepting Persian support, the reasons why he
  4. Of Sarah refugees within its borders in the city of Window. Within Algeria, dissent ,was rarely tolerated, and the state's control over the media and the outlawing
  5. Convened by Adolf Hitler in his attempt to foster unity and to stifle, dissent ,within the young NSDAP. Bamberg was chosen for its location in Upper Franconia
  6. Legislation (within reason) in the Commons they wish, unless there is major, dissent ,by MPs in the governing party. But even in these situations, it is highly
  7. Used by nearly all societies—both to punish crime and to suppress political, dissent , In most places that practice capital punishment it is reserved for murder
  8. Prithviraj III in 1192. Furthermore, the Ragouts were well aware that there was, dissent ,within the ranks of Babar's army. The hot Indian summer was upon them, and
  9. And set up an extensive network of police spies and censors to monitor, dissent ,Censorship was also prevalent. The author Franz Grillparzer, a Habsburg patriot
  10. Was never refused. " The first generation of Puritans had been intolerant of, dissent , but by the early 18th century, when Franklin grew up in the Puritan church
  11. Of the people in the European Union and their allegiance to it. " 2011, dissent , In May 2011 on Europe Day, MEPs from Denmark, France,the Netherlands, and the
  12. Demands of his nobles was to leave a heritage of disunity in Aragon and further, dissent ,amongst the nobility, who increasingly saw little reason to respect the throne
  13. Court of Canada are available, for example, in criminal cases where there is, dissent ,on a point of law in a provincial court of appeal. In tort, equity,or other
  14. Of the proletariat. Honecker's plans were not successful, however,with the, dissent ,growing among East Germany's population. In 1989,severe economic problems and
  15. The most part. Starting from the Bengali Language Movement of 1952. Political, dissent ,against West Pakistani domination grew steadily. Swami League, led by Sheikh
  16. In the Gaza Strip of restricting freedom of the press and forcefully suppressing, dissent , Both foreign and Palestinian journalists report harassment and other measures
  17. Moves by the government had profound effects on the expression of political, dissent ,in the 1930s cinema. A later version of The Captain's Daughter was one of the
  18. Against them, the directors routinely used Draconian police measures to quell, dissent , Moreover, to prolong their power the directors were driven to rely on the
  19. Guide and rejected all creeds. However, this liberality eventually led to, dissent ,as John Thomas developed in his personal beliefs and started to question
  20. At the same time, the people of Tyre called for a single sovereign, causing, dissent , within the royal family. The mention of Queen Elissa (Dido) in Virgil's
  21. Loophole can be and has been abused to allow a government to suppress, dissent ,without regard for human rights—see the article on state of emergency. Façade
  22. Associated with Arius from the beginning. " No historical record of their, dissent ,actually exists; the signatures of these bishops are simply absent from the
  23. Some in Debian including the then-Project Leader Wicket Ackerman. The internal, dissent ,in the Debian Project regarding the non-free section has persisted, but the
  24. Spirit of religion. He believed that human reason (initiated by criticism and, dissent ,) would develop, even without help by a divine revelation. In addition, he
  25. The latter-day attempt to suppress freedom of inquiry and the right to, dissent ,is basically a foreign importation into Jewish life.: Fourth, the rich body of
  26. Empire and Bulgaria in order to redirect its energy to eliminating internal, dissent , In 1918,by the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the Bolshevik government gave Germany
  27. That even the language of 'two natures' derives from him. Oriental Orthodox, dissent ,The Caledonian creed was written amid controversy between the western and
  28. And an army was placed at their disposal to enforce tax collection and suppress, dissent , Abdul Rahman kept a close eye on these governors, however,by creating an
  29. Theory Smith learned in France. The Wealth of Nations There is a fundamental, dissent ,between classical and neoclassical economists about the central message of
  30. Is to make visible and challenge those relations by allowing for difference, dissent ,and antagonisms in decision-making processes. Republic In contemporary usage
  31. Publicly sided with Iran and Syria in their own violent repressions of, dissent , In August 2010,800 people demonstrated in Beirut against Syrian President
  32. The Soviet Union and other European countries. In the East, the Soviets crushed, dissent ,and imposed another police state, often employing ex-Nazis in the dreaded Stasis
  33. Later prime minister. Classical liberalism was often associated with religious, dissent ,and nonconformism. Although classical liberals aspired to a minimum of state
  34. Global warming conference in Poznań, Poland. It says it summarizes scientific, dissent ,from the IPCC. Many of its statements about the numbers of individuals listed
  35. And Austria. Prussia tried to remain neutral while imposing tight controls on, dissent , but with German nationalism sharply on the rise the small nation blundered by
  36. Chad would at last have some chances of peace and prosperity. Instead, internal, dissent , worsened,and a new civil war broke out. Debt unilaterally modified the
  37. Constructed by its editors from diverse sources and written as if by him. The, dissent ,within the movement and the contributions of others to the development of
  38. Good, two legs better ". They can be relied on by the pigs to shout down any, dissent ,from the others.; The Hens: The hens are among the first to rebel against
  39. Controversy According to The Guardian newspaper:" At the heart of years of, dissent ,against psychiatry through the ages has been its use of drugs, particularly
  40. And Saddam's call to pan-Arab/Islamism could potentially rally internal, dissent , In the face of a seemingly massive Iraqi military presence, Saudi Arabia's
  41. Secessionist conventions were heated to“ an almost raving pitch, no one dared, dissent ,” Even once respected voices, including the Chief Justice of South Carolina
  42. Allow any second awards. Umpires may also advance a free-hit by up to 10 m for, dissent ,or other misconduct after a penalty has been awarded; or, if the free-hit would
  43. Had been meant to feed the poor for his own personal gain, and for suppressing, dissent ,through violence and murder. It cannot be claimed, beyond all doubt, whether
  44. With the chairman as well; and in any vote no more than two FOMC members can, dissent , Formal meetings typically are held eight times each year in Washington’D. C.
  45. Quickly became a polarizing leader, and his government became intolerant of, dissent , imprisoning hundreds, and stifling free press. At the same time, the
  46. This period ended with the rise of the Qin Dynasty and the subsequent purge of, dissent , The Book of Han lists ten major schools, they are: *Confucianism, which
  47. Final years repairing all the damage done during the earlier years of violence, dissent , and exile, and returning to his writing and preaching undisturbed. On 2 May
  48. Deliveries, king of the Lombards. Autpert's election as abbot caused internal, dissent ,at St. Vicenza, and both Pope Stephen III and Charlemagne intervened. The
  49. Had previously always followed, but this decision created considerable, dissent ,within the Coalition; Country Party leader John McEwan was particularly angered
  50. Her view that Revelation's message is not gender-based has caused, dissent , She says we are to look behind the symbols rather than make a fetish out of

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