Examples of the the word, punk , in a Sentence Context

The word ( punk ), is the 7213 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Popular music scene. As of 2008,boy bands are more likely to be imitating pop, punk ,acts like Blink 182,as well as the corresponding" emo/pop punk " fashion, but
  2. R&B. Informal training In other less mainstream genres, such as hardcore, punk ,or metal, the pedagogical systems and training sequences are typically not
  3. And the mood of the music and art with which they identify. Heavy metal, punk ,rock, grunge,nu metal, emo,and virtually any alternative rock dramatically
  4. And Duane Eddy to unknown artists singing on various drugstore records. The, punk ,band The F. U's performed a cover of the song, featured on the album This Is
  5. Punks, goths,gangsters, and casuals in all night soul and ska dances, punk ,concerts, basement shows and fighting on the terraces by casuals. The hippie
  6. The bass guitar is used in many styles of music including rock, metal,pop, punk ,rock, country,reggae, blues,and jazz. It is used as a soloing instrument in
  7. Dancing through the night. The SO36 in Kreuzberg originally focused largely on, punk ,music, but today has become a popular venue for many dances and parties. SOUND
  8. that's not where the heart of it is. I use the word 'folk' in reference to, punk ,music and rap music. It's an attitude,it's an awareness of one's heritage
  9. About being successful and ambitious once again. * Black Flag was an American, punk ,rock band formed in 1977 in Hermosa Beach, California that broke up in 1986. *
  10. Mentioned in the song" You Only Get What You Give" by the New Radicals, and, punk , band Nerf Herder wrote a song titled" Courtney" as an ode to her. Love has
  11. Boy Three's" The Lunatics (Have Taken Over the Asylum) ". Two promos for, punk ,act Johnny Moped -" Incendiary Device" and" Darling Let's Have Another Baby
  12. Wrote the song" 1,2,Ultraviolet" inspired by the story. * German, punk ,rock band Die Token Chosen wrote an album based on A Clockwork Orange, titled
  13. Imitating pop punk acts like Blink 182,as well as the corresponding" emo/pop, punk ," fashion, but some imitate 1960s surf and garage rock revivalist acts like The
  14. East in London between 5th September and 1st October 2011. Music * The New York, punk ,band The Ram ones wrote the instrumental song" Durango 95' " which was based
  15. Symbols gave it a flair of decadence and mystery ... ". The Australian, punk ,band Radio Bird man named their debut album Radios Appear after a Blue Oyster
  16. EIN planes kitchen Horrorschau or" A Bit of Horror show. " * French, punk ,rock band Barrier Noir used one of Burgess' main themes in their song "
  17. Murphy's, The Young Dubliners, The Tossers introduced a hybrid of Celtic rock, punk , reggae, hardcore and other elements in the 1990s that has become popular with
  18. Ohio, a collection of eight songs lasting just 11 minutes harking back to their, punk ,roots, in 1995. The In Sound From Way Out!, a collection of previously released
  19. Similar to that of Alex's, and had an album titled Smart Alex. * Argentinian, punk ,rock band Los Viol adores wrote the song" 1,2,Ultraviolet" inspired by the
  20. Science. Lady Lovelace has been portrayed in the film Conceiving Ada, the steam, punk ,novel The Difference Engine, by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling and the
  21. Label. Around the same time, the band made a more complete switch over from a, punk ,rock outfit to a three-man rap trio, each adopting their own hip hop monikers
  22. Industry, to produce music with a lo-fi sound, frequently infused with a strong, punk ,and alternative aesthetic, bending the traditional rules of country music.
  23. In the UK. Since 2001 there has been some crossover with power pop and pop, punk ,from bands that play live instruments. For example, as of 2008,boy bands are
  24. And" Rampage" off of their latest album Long Live the Kings. * American, punk ,rock band Rancid wrote a song called" Clockwork Orange. " It was on the album
  25. Live tracks, and was described as an anthology of the band's progression from, punk ,rock to more mainstream alternative rock tastes. While My Body, The Hand
  26. Have recorded in Scottish Gaelic. Mill a guile RUD (a Scottish Gaelic, punk ,band from Seattle) recorded in the language in 2004. Several contemporaries
  27. Of detective novels. This emphasis on the misfits and the malcontents is the ", punk ," component of cyber punk . Society and government Cyber punk can be intended to
  28. On" high-tech and low life. " The name is a portmanteau of cybernetics and, punk , and was originally coined by Bruce Bethe as the title of his short story "
  29. Underground following. Their music includes spoken word pieces and elements of, punk , hip hop, rock,funk, jazz,and indigenous music, among others. The artists are
  30. Brief, is the standard for competitions in the sport of bodybuilding. Male, punk ,rock musicians have performed on the stage wearing women's bikini briefs. The
  31. Up" and" Something's Got to Give ". The band returned to their hardcore, punk ,roots for the song" Time for Living' ", a Sly & the Family Stone cover. The
  32. Instruments. For example, as of 2008,boy bands are often influenced by pop, punk , post-grunge,1960s garage rock, post punk revivalists, power pop (a perennial
  33. Made appearances in other forms of music, including rock, metal,jazz, hip-hop, punk , and classical music, for example with Paul McCartney's" Mull of McIntyre "
  34. S name; in Latin, the expression Alex means" without law. " * Hardcore, punk ,band Lower Class Brats wrote a song called" Ultra-violence" inspired by the
  35. Adam Horowitz) who plays the guitar. The Beastie Boys began as hardcore, punk ,band in 1979,first appearing on the compilation cassette New York Thrash
  36. Defendant. The song appears on the 1982 album Combat Rock by British first wave, punk ,band The Clash. Attendance to his poetry readings was generally standing room
  37. Automated Mathematician, an artificial intelligence program * Against Me!,a, punk ,band sometimes referred to as AM. In engineering * Additive manufacturing, a
  38. Brats wrote a song called" Ultra-violence" inspired by the story. * British, punk ,rock band The Addicts wore outfits similar to that of Alex's, and had an album
  39. Station, KBOO, and wrote an article under the name" Courtney Michelle" in, punk ,zine or something. " Love has said that she" didn't have a lot of socials
  40. Anonymously or using additional pseudonyms. Stiff, Radar and F Beat (and other, punk ,and New Wave) Barney Bubbles joined Stiff Records as designer and art director
  41. Early years (1979–1983) The Beastie Boys came together in 1979 as a hardcore, punk ,band. A teenaged Adam Yauco had the idea to start an NY-Hard Core band after
  42. Dress in black for a concert or recital. * Members of the modern goth and some, punk ,subcultures dress predominantly in black (see also goth fashion). Demography
  43. Blend of the politics, art,and rock n roll of the extremely influential, punk ,rock band The Clash. Further, influences include early rock bands Led Zeppelin
  44. Bands are often influenced by pop punk , post-grunge,1960s garage rock, post, punk , revivalists,power pop (a perennial genre) and dance- punk . Just recently some
  45. For their effective mixture of varied musical styles, incorporating elements of, punk ,rock, dance music, hip hop, reggae,and funk. BAD's one constant throughout
  46. Effect, the string is plucked or picked first, or,in a metal or hardcore, punk ,context, a pick may be scraped along the sides of the strings. The fretting
  47. Preference. Although the use of a pick is primarily associated with rock and, punk ,rock, picks are also used in other styles. Jazz bassist Steve Swallow uses a
  48. 1939-1977). In the United Kingdom in the 1970s this was associated with the, punk ,rock movement, as exemplified by bands such as Crass and the Sex Pistols. The
  49. Of virtually every type of popular music including electronica, rock,metal, punk , hip hop, reggae,new age, Latin,Andean and pop. Collectively these modern
  50. At the intimate theater of Bad Goldberg featured a musical score by the German, punk ,rock band Die Token Chosen which, combined with orchestral clips of Beethoven's

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