Examples of the the word, frost , in a Sentence Context

The word ( frost ), is the 7210 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In appearance. There are many types of frost , such as radiation and window, frost , Frost causes economic damage when it destroys plants or hanging fruits.
  2. The formation of frost is an example of meteorological deposition. Types Hear, frost ,Hear frost (also called radiation frost or hoar frost or Purina) refers to the
  3. Meteorological deposition. Types Hoar frost (also called radiation, frost ,or hoar frost or Purina) refers to the white ice crystals, loosely deposited on
  4. In their winter stock of wood. They seldom begin to repair the houses until the, frost ,sets in, and never finish the outer coating until the cold becomes severe. When
  5. Word (), meaning both“ ice” and“ rock crystal ”, from (),“ icy cold, frost ,”. Most common metals are poly crystals. Crystals are often symmetrically
  6. The daily minimum temperature may dip as low as, but very rarely lower, and, frost , has never been recorded. The wet season is associated with tropical cyclones
  7. For the whole group. Wizards direct damage spells are generally from the fire, frost , and magic schools. * Magician: Usually referred to as Mages, Magicians are
  8. Maximum and minimum temperatures are 3.0 °C and 2.6 °C lower respectively, and, frost , is at least five times as frequent. On the highest ground, in the north of the
  9. First recorded games of bandy on ice took place in The Fens during the great, frost ,of 1813-1814,although it is probable that the game had been played there in
  10. Based on wind direction," Frost arrows" might form. In general, for, frost , to form the deposition surface must be colder than the surrounding air. For
  11. The cooking process has finished. Cultivation Gardeners in frost -free or light, frost ,areas will find that bay laurel seedlings planted in the ground easily grow
  12. Are protected from disastrous spring frost during shoot growth, and early, frost ,before the harvest. The main grape varieties grown are Chardonnay, Riesling
  13. The month is called duty or лютий, meaning the month of ice or hard, frost , Pronunciation Many people pronounce the 'Ru' of" February" you rather than
  14. Cairo, the temperatures often drop below zero during winter causing morning, frost , Infrastructure Health Cairo, as well as neighboring, has been established as
  15. Winter) are generally grown in large pots or tubs that can be protected from, frost , Several cultivars are known, such as 'Albus' ( with white flowers)
  16. Can also be broken apart and blown across the surface forming yukimarimo. Hear, frost ,also occurs around man-made environments such as freezers or industrial cold
  17. To form pockets of very cold air in depressions, valleys,and hollows. Hear, frost ,can form in these areas even when the air temperature a few feet above ground
  18. 12 miles east-north-east. Typically,27.6 nights of the year will report an air, frost ,at Car money, and at least 1 mm of precipitation will be reported on 181.4 days (
  19. Can be used as an adjective for showing signs of old age in reference to the, frost ,which makes trees and bushes look like elderly white hair. It may also have
  20. Frost is also usually translucent in appearance. There are many types of, frost , such as radiation and window frost . Frost causes economic damage when it
  21. Sidewalks when moist air escapes from the ground below. Other objects on which, frost ,tends to form are those with low specific heat or high thermal emissivity, such
  22. On the freezer temperature. Advection frost (also called wind, frost ,) refers to tiny ice spikes forming when there is a very cold wind blowing over
  23. Wind greatly influences the temperature attained by the air. The formation of, frost ,is an example of meteorological deposition. Types Hoar frost (also
  24. The overall population in 1987 was estimated at about 5,000. Though winter, frost ,is unknown, rainfall is low. The main occupation of the islanders is fishing
  25. winter's cold in the spring, the grapes are protected from disastrous spring, frost ,during shoot growth, and early frost before the harvest. The main grape
  26. Fog" ), starting 22,23 or 24 October **Firmware (From French crimes,", frost ,"),starting 21,22 or 23 November **Nivôse (from Latin Nivose," snowy" )
  27. The frost itself will be at or below the freezing temperature of water. Hear, frost ,may have different names depending on where it forms. For example, air hear is
  28. Chocolate points (warm lighter brown),blue points (dark gray),lilac or, frost ,points (silvery gray-pink),red or flame points (orange),and sortie (
  29. The deposition surface must be colder than the surrounding air. For instance, frost ,may be observed around cracks in cold wooden sidewalks when moist air escapes
  30. Cover their lodges late every autumn with fresh mud, which freezes when the, frost ,sets in. The mud becomes almost as hard as stone, and neither wolves nor
  31. Drought-adapted), frost -sensitive shrublands and woodlands **Occasional, frost , often with summer rainfall maximum **Temperate evergreen forest, somewhat
  32. Action, goes out from the cracks and freezes on contact with the air. Also, the, frost ,can literally look like a flower, even a dead flower from the previous summer.
  33. Names depending on where it forms. For example, air hear is a deposit of hear, frost ,on objects above the surface, such as tree branches, plant stems, wires;
  34. Brides in the hawed house::: and heard the lewd, wooed field flow to the coming, frost ,::: the scurrying, furred small friars squeal in to dowse::: of day, in the
  35. Of frost on the heads of rusty nails. The apparently erratic occurrence of, frost ,in adjacent localities is due partly to differences of elevation, the lower
  36. Are elusive as terrain plays a big part in their formation as well. Window, frost ,Window frost (also called fern frost ) forms when a glass pane is exposed to
  37. Will enter and freeze instantly depending on the freezer temperature. Advection, frost ,Advection frost (also called wind frost ) refers to tiny ice spikes forming
  38. Objects to become colder than the surrounding air. A related effect is flood, frost ,which occurs when air cooled by ground-level radiation losses travels downhill
  39. In the bed to provide irrigation for vine growth and for spring and autumn, frost ,protection. Cultivation Cranberry vines are propagated by moving vines from an
  40. About 1,300 meters and by Australian standards, has cold winters with overnight, frost ,and occasional light snow falls. The average rain fall is 950 mm. The
  41. And compressed once again. Footing depth depends on the region and its ground, frost ,level. The footing and stem wall are commonly 24 and 14 inches, much larger
  42. Air temperature a few feet above ground is well above freezing. Nonetheless, the, frost ,itself will be at or below the freezing temperature of water. Hear frost may
  43. Or 1.9 Celsius lower the Storming) and 39 nights should register an air, frost , -Some 13 more frost y nights than Storming. Areas and districts Belfast
  44. Point of the surrounding air and the surface itself is colder than freezing, frost ,will form on the surface. Frost consists of spicules of ice which grow out from
  45. Of frost is an example of meteorological deposition. Types Hear frost Hear, frost ,(also called radiation frost or hoar frost or Purina) refers to the white ice
  46. Or high thermal emissivity, such as blackened metals; hence the accumulation of, frost ,on the heads of rusty nails. The apparently erratic occurrence of frost in
  47. The southerly latitude and moderating effects of the warm ocean currents, and, frost , and snow are very rare at the coast and are also rare in the central upland
  48. Although in an average year the coldest night will fall no lower than with air, frost ,being recorded on just 26 nights. The lowest temperature to occur in recent
  49. Instantly depending on the freezer temperature. Advection frost Advection, frost ,(also called wind frost ) refers to tiny ice spikes forming when there is a
  50. Of Silly, for example, where there are on average less than 2 days of air, frost ,per year, are in the USDA Hardiness zone 10,which is the only area in the UK

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