Examples of the the word, regeneration , in a Sentence Context

The word ( regeneration ), is the 8546 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Barring a few poor quality silent 8 mm clips, is the few seconds of the, regeneration ,scene, as it was shown on the children's magazine show Blue Peter. With the
  2. Disturbance, whether natural or anthropogenic. Furthermore, biodiversity after, regeneration ,harvest often mimics that found after natural disturbance, including
  3. Most of Christian history, to be" born again" was understood as spiritual, regeneration ,via the sacrament of baptism by the power of water and word. This is still the
  4. Body from the tomb; His power to save men from sin; the new birth through the, regeneration ,by the Holy Spirit; and the gift of eternal life by the grace of God. School of
  5. Transition from one actor to another is written into the plot of the show as, regeneration , whereby the character of the Doctor takes on a new body and, to some extent
  6. Of sincere faith. Piccalilli states that" indeed this grace is so close to, regeneration ,that it inevitably leads to regeneration unless finally resisted. " The offer
  7. To BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of, regeneration ,"). During this era, some also derided BASIC as too slow (most interpreted
  8. Particular identity of its own ". Croydon is currently going through a vigorous, regeneration ,plan, called Croydon Vision 2020. This will change the urban planning of
  9. The heart of the Eleusinian Mysteries. Demeter controlled seasonal growth and, regeneration , When her virgin daughter Persephone was abducted to underworld by Hades
  10. Is a requirement for salvation and a sacrament, and speak of" baptismal, regeneration ,". Its importance may be understood by an informed knowledge of their
  11. As the new building of Park Place, which will create yet more jobs, so will the, regeneration ,of Croydon, called Croydon Vision 2020,highlighted in the Croydon Expo which
  12. The effects that caused the patient's death. In many cases extensive tissue, regeneration ,will be necessary. Hypothetical revival scenarios generally envision repairs
  13. Humans, although the liver is a notable exception. Like for salamanders,the, regeneration ,of the liver involves differentiation of some cells to a more embryonic state
  14. Dayton is a center that focuses on the science and development of human tissue, regeneration , The National Center for Medical Readiness (NCMR) is also located in the
  15. Purposely overtrained for a brief period of time to super compensate during a, regeneration ,phase. These are known as" shock micro-cycles" and were a key training
  16. UO22+ + 2 Fe2+). In this case the sole purpose of the bacterial step is the, regeneration ,of Fe3+. Sulfide iron ores can be added to speed up the process and provide a
  17. In Scandinavia are currently under construction (ultimo 2008). An ambitious, regeneration ,project will create a new Carlsberg District at the historical premises of the
  18. Transport access to Upper Norwood and Crystal Palace Park and help to stimulate, regeneration ,across the wider area. The extension could be in service by 2013. Other
  19. House Fellow In Christianity, born again refers to a" spiritual rebirth" (, regeneration ,) of the human soul or spirit, contrasted with the physical birth everyone
  20. Technology capable of it must by its nature be capable of generalized tissue, regeneration , including growth of a new body around a repaired brain. Some suggested revival
  21. Plans, which are being put in place. One of the most important pieces of the, regeneration ,jigsaw for the Borough is reviving Arrington town center. The town center is a
  22. Over. Other major tourist attractions are the Cardiff Bay, regeneration ,sites which include the recently opened Wales Millennium Center and the Ended
  23. Commercial growth. Belfast city center has undergone considerable expansion and, regeneration ,in recent years, notably around Victoria Square. Belfast is served by two
  24. Described as regeneration harvest. In temperate music climates, natural, regeneration , of forest stands often will not occur in the absence of disturbance, whether
  25. And universities Dayton is home to two major which focuses on human tissue, regeneration , Second, the public Wright State University, which became a state university in
  26. Highlight the spiritual nature of the alchemical quest, symbolic of a religious, regeneration ,of the human soul. This approach continued in the Middle Ages, as metaphysical
  27. To believe … able only to resist. # Having been drawn and enabled, but prior to, regeneration , one is able to believe … able also to resist. # After one believes, God then
  28. Considered 'unfit ', chiefly those in Arrington and Church. A current urban, regeneration ,scheme, Elevate East Lancashire, is attempting to remedy these problems. Media
  29. A whole limb after it has been amputated. There is little spontaneous, regeneration ,in adult humans, although the liver is a notable exception. Like for
  30. Groups and have been nationalistic, and emphasized tradition, order,and the, regeneration ,of France. Gaullists held divergent views on social issues. The number of
  31. Seaside resorts since the mid-20th century, but with some recent revival and, regeneration ,of its resorts, particularly focused around camping; sports such as surfing
  32. Croydon-based Brit School. It is on the Gateway site which is going through a, regeneration ,project. Stanhope's plan for the site is to include a 200 seat theater
  33. Their divine status as rulers. Even certain male deities representing, regeneration ,and fertility were occasionally depicted with breast-like appendices, such as
  34. Fins, skin,the heart and the brain (in larval stages). Heart muscle, regeneration ,does not make use of stem cells; instead, mature heart muscle cells regress to
  35. City status in 1954,2000 and 2002. The area is currently going through a large, regeneration ,project called Croydon Vision 2020 which is predicted to attract more
  36. Oxidation of sulfide by ferric iron. The main role of the bacterial step is the, regeneration ,of this reactant. The process for copper is very similar, but the efficiency
  37. Complex and the landmark Waterfront Hall. Other major developments include the, regeneration ,of the Titanic Quarter, and the erection of the Nobel Tower, a skyscraper set to
  38. Through which God creates and strengthens" saving faith" as the" washing of, regeneration ," in which infants and adults are reborn. Since the creation of faith is
  39. Cells and retinal neurons following injury. The mechanisms of this, regeneration ,are unknown. Researchers frequently amputate the dorsal and ventral tail fins
  40. The bacteria are the further oxidation of the ore, but more importantly also the, regeneration ,of the chemical oxidant Fe3+ from Fe2+. For example, bacteria catalyze the
  41. As 'Bart's ', the hospital is at Smithfield, and is undergoing a long-awaited, regeneration ,after many doubts as to it continuing in use during the 1990s. The City is the
  42. Together with markets in the city center and Plot. A major £675 million, regeneration ,program for Cardiff's St. David's Center was completed in 2009,which has
  43. Conformance with sustainable forestry practices—is correctly described as, regeneration ,harvest. In temperate music climates, natural regeneration of forest stands
  44. Time and the Ran, Sylvester McCoy briefly played the Sixth Doctor during the, regeneration ,sequence, carrying on as the Seventh. For more information, see the list of
  45. Rejected. The consolamentum was the baptism of the Holy Spirit, baptismal, regeneration , absolution, and ordination all in one. The ritual consisted of the laying on
  46. Indeed this grace is so close to regeneration that it inevitably leads to, regeneration ,unless finally resisted. " The offer of salvation through grace does not act
  47. That make up the Borough are being gradually transformed by the ambitious, regeneration ,plans, which are being put in place. One of the most important pieces of the
  48. BBC intending to double media output from the city by 2016. Cardiff has several, regeneration ,projects such the St David's 2 Center and surrounding areas of the city center
  49. St. Denis carried his head to the top of Montmartre. A further example of this, regeneration ,after beheading lies in the tales of Connemara's St. Fashion, who after being
  50. Was promoting the redevelopment of south Cardiff; an evaluation of the, regeneration ,of Cardiff Bay published in 2004 concluded that the project had" reinforced

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