Examples of the the word, inclusive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inclusive ), is the 6329 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. San Sub FYI and all concerned parties and ethnic groups in order to achieve an, inclusive ,national reconciliation with the direct support of the United Nations. "
  2. Was to create a national church in legal continuity with its traditions, but, inclusive , of certain doctrinal and liturgical beliefs of the Reformers. The result has
  3. Scholarly descriptions of older objects increasingly use the more cautious and, inclusive ,term" copper alloy" instead. The word Bronze is believed to be cognate with
  4. For her release. The United Nations has urged the country to move towards, inclusive ,national reconciliation, the restoration of democracy, and full respect for
  5. Be extensive (detailed document preparation and construction review) or less, inclusive ,(such as allowing a contractor to exercise considerable design-build functions
  6. A two-place logical connective or, is a logical disjunction, also known as, inclusive ,disjunction or alternation, that results in true whenever one or more of its
  7. Manager to interrupt the New York Yankees pennant run between 1949 and 1964, inclusive , After the pennant-clinching victory, Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley, a
  8. More comparison to determine if the value Amid is equal to x. This code uses, inclusive ,bounds and a three-way test (for early loop termination in case of equality)
  9. Lists of accepted books. The list given here for these churches is the most, inclusive ,: if at least one Eastern church accepts the book it is included here. Old
  10. A single random integer between 1 and its sole operand to the right of it, inclusive , Thus, a Role-Playing Game program might use the expression "? 20" to roll a
  11. Apomorphy-based: * In node-based definition, clade name A refers to the least, inclusive ,clade containing taxa (or specimens) X, Y,etc., and their common ancestor.
  12. This may seem clumsy when the span to be searched could be described in the ", inclusive ," form, as L to R. Although the details differ the two forms are equivalent as
  13. Names in cladistics. There is however a convention for naming more or less, inclusive ,groups, which are given prefixes like crown- or pan-, see Crown group. Taxonomy
  14. Coal, while the last class is an approximate equivalent to anthracite, but more, inclusive ,(the U. S. anthracite has < 6 % volatile). Channel coal (sometimes called "
  15. As many as 90 million. Habitat The habitat of the beaver is the riparian zone, inclusive ,of stream bed. The actions of beavers for hundreds of thousands of years in the
  16. Which aims to reintegrate society and nature. The theoretical project of, inclusive ,democracy emerged from the work of political philosopher Takes Fotopoulos in "
  17. Is the branch point, or node. * In stem-based definition, A refers to the most, inclusive ,clade containing X, Y,etc., and their common ancestor, down to where Z
  18. Moseley demonstrated that the lanthanide series (from lanthanum to lutetium, inclusive ,) must have 15 members—no fewer and no more—which was far from obvious from the
  19. Supposing that N is the number of possible values (here, twenty-one as ", inclusive ," was stated),then at most \flail\log_2 N\real questions are required to
  20. Begins something like" I'm thinking of an integer between forty and sixty, inclusive , and to your guesses I'll respond 'High ','Low ', or 'Yes! ' As might be the
  21. The Thunderbird core. With the older Athlon CPUs, the CPU caching was of an, inclusive ,design where data from the L1 is duplicated in the L2 cache. Thunderbird moved
  22. Agrees upon. Instead, the aim is to create room for critical thinking and more, inclusive ,understanding of the past and conceptions of“ the other. ” Conflicts that are
  23. Last may take is +4294967294,not +4294967295. A problem exists even for the ", inclusive ," form of the method, as if x > A (4294967295). Key, then on the final
  24. 1970s into the present day analytical chemistry has progressively become more, inclusive ,of biological questions (bioanalytical chemistry),whereas it had previously
  25. Hence, the numerical range for one uncompressed BCD byte is zero through nine, inclusive , whereas the range for one packed BCD is zero through ninety-nine inclusive . To
  26. Inclusive, whereas the range for one packed BCD is zero through ninety-nine, inclusive , To represent numbers larger than the range of a single byte any number of
  27. Bounds The most significant differences are between the" exclusive" and ", inclusive ," forms of the bounds. In the" exclusive" bound from the span to be searched
  28. Before choosing the Hebrew nation) and that the choice of the Jews is neither, inclusive ,(it does not include all the Jews, but only the 'pious' ones) nor
  29. Created. Probably the most successful all, inclusive ,Celtic music composition in recent years is Shaun Davao composition 'The
  30. Seized the moment to set a tone, a tone that I had set in Texas, a positive and, inclusive ,tone. " Withdrawal from politics Although the March 2007 issue of Foreign
  31. Christianity. Although Christians generally believe their religion to be very, inclusive ,(since not only Jews but all gentiles can be Christian),Jews see
  32. Also, using a binary search within a sorting method is debatable. Exclusive or, inclusive ,bounds The most significant differences are between the" exclusive" and "
  33. Transforming ASU into a" New American University"—one that would be open and, inclusive , As the only research university serving the metropolitan Phoenix area (and
  34. Journal of Inclusive Democracy. The basic unit of decision-making in an, inclusive ,democracy is the demotic assembly,i.e. the assembly of demos, the citizen
  35. Includes 2,000 Volunteers) *Total 20,400 personal (this number is not, inclusive ,of 6,000 first level alert reservist) Total available male manpower aged 16–49
  36. Indicative prices are £688.40 per adult and £566.60 per child aged 11 and under, inclusive ,of in flight meals and 20KG checked luggage. There is a http://www.flytacv.com
  37. Of the post-war data is simply an estimate, a census would be a statistical, inclusive , and objective way to analyze the demographics of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Most
  38. Voices From the Edge: About the importance of making employment opportunities, inclusive , Shirley Davis, director of global diversity and inclusion at the Society for
  39. Currently used to mean * liberal, having broad interests, or wide sympathies. *, inclusive , inviting and containing strong evangelism. The term has been incorporated into
  40. Which were based on a tribal paradigm. Being politically and geographically, inclusive ,and leaving at the same time space for diversity, this historical vision filled
  41. In the UK (and for many Americans) Monday to Friday, or Monday to Friday, inclusive ,is used instead; Monday through to Friday is also sometimes used. (In some
  42. Is a precise definition: a" 2nd-magnitude" star ranks between 1.51 and 2.50, inclusive , ) Bayer first designated the two 1st-magnitude stars, Betelgeuse and Rigel, as
  43. Of the immediately preceding dynasty has been cited in favor of an ethnically, inclusive ,interpretation of history. The compilation of official histories usually
  44. A Meet the Press interview, citing " his ability to inspire, because of the, inclusive ,nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because
  45. Website:" Inclusive Orthodoxy is the belief that the Church can and must be, inclusive ,of LGBT individuals without sacrificing the Gospel and the Apostolic teachings
  46. Are equivalent as can be seen by transforming one version into the other. The, inclusive ,bound form may be attained by replacing all appearances of" L" by" ( L − 1)
  47. Influenced by TDI policies. Present TDI focus is on developing open-minded and, inclusive ,views and attitudes, care of elderly members and developing solid mission and
  48. To the simplicity of checking that the value of p is zero. Nevertheless,the, inclusive ,bound form is found in many publications, such as Donald Knuth. The Art of
  49. A town and the surrounding villages, or even neighborhoods of large cities. An, inclusive ,democracy today can only take the form of a confederal democracy that is based
  50. Document that seeks to clarify or amend a set of Construction Documents * All, inclusive ,or all- inclusive , a resort that includes all meals, soft drinks, and most

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