Examples of the the word, realism , in a Sentence Context

The word ( realism ), is the 7729 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of human free will. She described her own approach to literature as" romantic, realism ,". Rand acknowledged Aristotle as her greatest influence and remarked that in
  2. The only social system that protected individual rights. She promoted romantic, realism ,in art. She was sharply critical of most other philosophers and philosophical
  3. A frame is one complete image). With rates above 70 frames/s no improvement in, realism ,or smoothness is perceivable due to the way the eye and brain process images.
  4. Also has limits, and so does not need to be given large-range images to create, realism , This can help solve the problem of fitting images into displays, and
  5. Distinction between taste and the sublime. Sublime painting, unlike kitsch, realism ," ... will enable us to see only by making it impossible to see; it will
  6. Austen's Persuasion than to Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre. The painstaking, realism ,and social criticism of The Tenant of Wild fell Hall directly counters the
  7. Marietta) to experiment with the basic look of the strip by adding a bit more, realism ,and detail (particularly to the inking). After editors complained about the
  8. With a high quality ray tracing algorithm, images may exhibit convincing, realism , particularly for indoor scenes. In advanced grandiosity simulation, recursive
  9. Moscow Art Theatre in 1898. Stanislavski's attention to psychological, realism ,and ensemble playing coaxed the buried subtleties from the text and restored
  10. Appearance of a character. Such errors in continuity can ruin the illusion of, realism ,and affect suspension of disbelief. In cinema, special attention must be paid
  11. 1865),a portrait of a nude prostitute, provoked a scandal for its blatant, realism ,mixed with an imitation of Renaissance motifs, Baudelaire worked privately to
  12. Promoted classical Buddhist emphasis on phenomena and attacked Sarvāstivāda, realism ,and Sautrāntika nominalism in his magnum opus, The Fundamental Verses on the
  13. Amidst the savagery of hand-to-hand fighting, and received accolades for the, realism ,portrayed. One reviewer for The Manchester Guardian newspaper, however,was not
  14. Senses. For a brief discussion comparing such anti- realism to its opposite, realism , see (Akasha 2002,ch. 4). Ian Hacking (1999,p. 84) also uses the same
  15. Imagery computer animation demands higher frame rates to reinforce this, realism , Movie film seen in theaters in the United States runs at 24 frames per second
  16. And stony coldness. His literary style is also a mixture of fantasy and, realism , Characters Dickens is famed for his depiction of the hardships of the working
  17. Some versions of structuralism are compatible with some versions of, realism , The argument hinges on the idea that a satisfactory naturalistic account of
  18. Or created using real actors in front of movie cameras. Complete human, realism ,is not likely to happen very soon, but when it does, it may have major
  19. Have never gone out of print. Dickens' work has been highly praised for its, realism , comedy, mastery of prose, unique personalities and concern for social reform
  20. It is precisely from this crudity that the film itself gains a credibility of “, realism , ” In an interview with Michael Bliss, De Palma notes“ Be Black, Baby was
  21. By artists (and the virtuoso became a common figure in any art) together with, realism ,and care for details (some talk of a typical" intricacy" ). The privilege
  22. Putnam later abandoned this view in favor of a position he termed" internal, realism ,". Precursor Doubts about the possibility of definite truth have been
  23. From traditional themes of mythology and allegory, modeled the human body with, realism , and celebrated individual character and physicality. Rodin was sensitive to
  24. Term is also often called semantic anti- realism . Hilary Putnam's" internal, realism ," Despite being at one time a defender of metaphysical realism , Hilary Putnam
  25. See: Gothic architecture — Gregorian chant — Neoplatonism ** Rejects Platonic, realism ,as a requirement for thinking and speaking in general terms. ** The use of
  26. He said of writing:" You have to keep in mind that there is no such thing as, realism ,or naturalism in the theater. That is a myth. If there was realism in the
  27. The most common criticism of aikido is that it suffers from a lack of, realism ,in training. The attacks initiated by use (and which age must defend against
  28. The short and intermediate term from capital accumulation and invention added a, realism ,missed later by Malthus, Ricardo,and Marx in their propounding a rigid
  29. Discovered without disturbing it in any way. He then used a hypothesis of local, realism ,to conclude that the other particle had these properties already determined.
  30. Political philosophy and aesthetics. In metaphysics, Rand embraced philosophical, realism ,and atheism, and opposed anything she regarded as mysticism or supernaturalism
  31. A classical realist tradition persisted in small Byzantine works, and, realism , steadily grew in the art of Catholic Europe. Renaissance art had a greatly
  32. European sculptor of his age and is considered a pioneer of the" northern, realism ," of the Early Netherlandish painting that came into full flower with the work
  33. Wrong" is generally regarded as a statement of fact, a position known as moral, realism , In its most general form, the moral argument is that: # Some aspect of
  34. The philosophical senses described above, or may simply be used in contrast to, realism , in whatever sense the latter is meant. Thus, sur realism in visual art is an "
  35. Some aspect of Morality (e.g., its objective force) is observed. (Moral, realism ,) # Existence of God provides a better explanation of this feature than various
  36. Ideology and consider it to be ethnopluralism or 'differentialism' ( racial, realism ,), influenced by the European New Right. Speaking on the BBC's Andrew Mary
  37. Of poignant social commentary. Many of his novels are concerned with social, realism , focusing on mechanisms of social control that direct people's lives (for
  38. Favor from the government and the artistic community. From the unexpected, realism ,of his first major figure — inspired by his 1875 trip to Italy — to the
  39. Books to black-and-white magazine-format stories of Latin American magical, realism , A number of small publishers in the 1990s changed the format and distribution
  40. A sensation in the Soviet Union as it did in the West—not only by its striking, realism ,and candor, but also because it was the first major piece of Soviet literature
  41. Philosophical disputes involving such doctrines as nominalism, conceptual, realism , idealism and phenomenalism. The novelty of Dummett's approach consisted in
  42. S" internal realism " Despite being at one time a defender of metaphysical, realism , Hilary Putnam later abandoned this view in favor of a position he termed "
  43. Grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. " Where some requirements of ", realism ,", in its flexible meanings, are set aside, allegory can come more strongly to
  44. Thing as realism or naturalism in the theater. That is a myth. If there was, realism ,in the theater, there would never be a third act. Nothing ends that way. A man
  45. To Belgium, he began work on The Age of Bronze, a life-size male figure whose, realism ,brought Rodin attention but led to accusations of sculptural cheating. Artistic
  46. Views at different times. Heisenberg in particular was prompted to move towards, realism , Even if the wave function is not regarded as real, there is still a divide
  47. Re-enact the events of the Nativity with animals to portray the event with more, realism ,or sing carols that reference the event. Some Christians also display a small
  48. Having idealist inspiration ** Run ZI, another Confucius' follower, closer to, realism , teacher of Han FEI and Li Si ** Wang Ranging, most influential proponent of
  49. However, signalling theory and agency theory extended the paradigm to greater, realism , Other issues Fairness in trading practices, trading conditions, financial
  50. States, but insisted that the pragmaticist is committed to a strong modal, realism ,by conceiving of objects in terms of predictive general conditional

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