Examples of the the word, rant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rant ), is the 6344 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Shannon Hamilton, in which Hamilton tells Brodie to forget Rene. * An extended, rant ,from Mr. Evening, a result of T. S. making it slip that he intended to propose
  2. Nonsensical ". He found it to be" not an issue worthy of a prolonged, rant ,", but said that" Nintendo has willfully edited its product, and damaged its
  3. Terrible food, and the recipient of his" river of liver and ocean of fish ", rant ,in" Adam's Ribs ". His bumbling even gained the ire of Father Mulch when he
  4. An apolitical family-friendly format. In December 1976 Green sang a, rant ,about the state of the United Kingdom called" Stand Up and Be Counted" with
  5. York Mets and occasionally brings this up on his show. He gave an impassioned, rant ,to open his show on February 4,2008,immediately after the Giants had defeated
  6. Lost love, and Don Juan, A Poem became an acerbic, misogynistic,sexualized, rant ,redolent of an aging Regency dandy. Clare also took credit for Shakespeare's
  7. Off the air. In one impassioned diatribe, Beale galvanizes the nation with his, rant ," I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore! " And
  8. Did the TV voice over for MLB 2K8 advertisements, where he used his trademark, rant ,style in baseball terms, and ads for the 2009 Ford F-150 pickup truck. He has
  9. Rant (recorded rant on cassette) (ACE) * High Weirdness By Mail (recorded, rant ,on cassette) (ACE) * Rev. Stand Live at Starwood (recorded rant on CD +
  10. Campus in the first week of September 1984. Natalia went into an anti-cop, rant ,during the performance, and Mas cis was so appalled by his behavior at the show
  11. Late. At the same concert, when Durst took the stage, he erupted in a furious, rant ,about Creed singer Scott Stamp, saying:" I want to dedicate this next song to
  12. The old manner – outsized, darkly prophetic, part exuberance, part prayer, part, rant , His work is finally a history of our era's psyche, with all its contradictory
  13. Malta started a personal website called Chips & Dips, which featured a single ", rant ," each day about something that interested him – typically something to do with
  14. Of mind, something completely other than physical solitude; when modern authors, rant ,about the soul’s intolerable loneliness, it is only proof of their own
  15. S run was Joe Blow (played by Colin Quinn),a blue-collar guy who would, rant ,about things that bother him. He would often make Macdonald uncomfortable and
  16. Several other commercials for MTV quickly followed, in which Leary would, rant ,at high speeds about a variety of topics, playing off the then-popular and
  17. Palm read, while Ethan Hawke's character is sidelined, leading to a cynical, rant ,from his character * Teen Witch (1989) - While Robyn Lively's character has
  18. Appropriately. He eventually finds the background missing again, and starts to, rant ,only to be erased by the animator. He is redrawn as a cowboy with a guitar, but
  19. Used to call it: 999-999-9999. People call the service and simply talk. Some, rant , others seek sympathy, still others commit suicide while on the phone. Hearing
  20. Shows, one was never broadcast on NBC (but aired much later on GSN) due to a, rant ,where he expressed dissatisfaction with NBC executives watching" as if you're
  21. Romance's make-up. " * Kerr ang! (p. 52) -" One of the finest slabs of, rant ,'n' roll ever made. " * Mojo (p. 114) - 4 stars out of 5 --" The shrill
  22. Of BAUM. He is backed by a sound that resembles a hydraulic press, German, rant , or Nazi rally. While the sound and the word" Satan" in the title may suggest
  23. Meanwhile doing nothing to improve her own life. Larry takes Joanne's drunken, rant ,without complaint and explains to Robert that despite the fact she's so
  24. Viewers; and the fact that almost everyone in the movie has a screaming, rant ,at some point—pointing out that Robert Duvall screams the loudest. (Her review
  25. Outlet, the Internet is one of the rare places where Chinese nationalists can, rant ,and express their feelings. While the government is known for shutting down
  26. Was aired during the 2000 federal election campaign, and consisted of a staged, rant ,by Rick Mercer. When former Canadian Alliance leader Stockwell Day ran for
  27. And features articles, a feature artist, columns,creative writing, and a, rant ,in each edition. It is partially funded by outside advertising, which is
  28. Will apologize for his outburst, but once on the air, he launches back into a, rant ,claiming that life is" bullshit ". Beale's outburst causes the newscast's
  29. Issue but end up on an unrelated and generally inane point by the end of his, rant , Discontinued when More left the show.; That Show Sucked!: with Ma and Eddie
  30. Which appears on the film, Bono condemned the violence in a furious mid-song, rant ,in which he yelled," Fuck the revolution. " So powerful was the performance
  31. OS/2 was used by radio personality Howard Stern. He once had a 10-minute on-air, rant ,about OS/2 versus Windows 95 and recommended OS/2. He also used OS/2 on his IBM
  32. Family Stone trademark. Goldstein filed a countersuit for slander following a, rant ,by Stone at the Coachella Festival. Mid 2000s tributes A Sly & the Family Stone
  33. Emotional and irrational as deliberations progressed, explodes in a, rant ,:" He's got to burn! He's slipping through our fingers! " Juror 8 takes him
  34. Recorded rant on cassette) (ACE) * Rev. Stand Live at Starwood (recorded, rant ,on CD + music) ISBN 1-59157-005-0 (ACE) *
  35. Discography Partial discography includes: * Starwood Slack! (recorded, rant ,on cassette) (ACE) * Invisible College Drop-Outs (recorded rant on cassette
  36. Huey recorded his parts in New York. The album reviews range from a negative, rant ,from ME - to being hailed as this Summer's good time album - generally the
  37. Drop-Outs (recorded rant on cassette) (ACE) * The Stupid Rant (recorded, rant ,on cassette) (ACE) * High Weirdness By Mail (recorded rant on cassette) (
  38. Women marathon. Eventually she tells them to do their own work, ending her, rant ,at them with' ... and if you do not do as I say you will never alter drapes in
  39. Echoes Regan. Lear yields completely to his rage. He rushes out into a storm to, rant ,against his ungrateful daughters, accompanied by the mocking Fool. Kent later
  40. Recorded rant on cassette) (ACE) * Invisible College Drop-Outs (recorded, rant ,on cassette) (ACE) * The Stupid Rant (recorded rant on cassette) (ACE) *
  41. Must be rid of evil before killing him. A killer delivers a similar biblical, rant ,in Modesty Blaine, the hardback but pulp-style novel Vincent is shown with in
  42. Of the sketch, which is slightly different from the TV version. Praline's, rant ,about the deceased parrot includes" He fucking snuffed it! " Also, the sketch
  43. Bass-heavy noise rock, overlaid by Lydon's distinctive, vituperative, rant , " Their early work is often regarded as some of the most challenging and
  44. The song in its original version, on her 2000 album Haunted, was a sultry pop, rant ,of a woman seeking sexual satisfaction on any grounds possible. It was remade
  45. The electors" ) would automatically trigger a national referendum. Mercer's ", rant ," asked viewers to log on to the 22 Minutes website, and sign an online
  46. Of Unionism, and the British in Northern Ireland (commencing with an internal, rant ,against his father's family, who are largely bigoted Orange men). Junk
  47. 1978,despite attracting high ratings, something Green mentioned in a bitter, rant ,against the Thames in his last show. Family-friendly Opportunity Knocks was
  48. 1997 Saturday Night Live performance of the sketch, Cleese added a line to the, rant ,:" Its metabolic processes are a matter of interest only to historians! " In an
  49. S findings. Tea Party movement (2009) In what was described by CNBC as a ", rant ," delivered from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, CNBC
  50. Song) to which they locked down to name a few. He also has a tendency to, rant ,about things during situations, a bit of a kinky side to him as shown in

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