Examples of the the word, temptation , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Or spider, the weaver of the web of life). A third time ENI succumbs to, temptation , and attempts seduction of TTU. Upset about Enki's reputation, Uttu consults
  2. Of what could have happened if the terrestrial Eve had resisted the serpent's, temptation ,and avoided the Fall of Man. The last novel in the Trilogy, That Hideous
  3. Consider the devil in the Bible to refer figuratively to human sin and, temptation ,and to any human system in opposition to God. Satan is often identified as the
  4. In the Old Testament. The word" πειρασμός ", which is translated as ", temptation ,", could also be translated as" test" or" trial ", making evident the
  5. Interdependent and necessary to salvation. Thus, he claimed that yielding to, temptation ,(and, for him personally, this meant sex and alcohol),even for the purposes
  6. Is on a journey home after the Trojan war has finally ended. The theme of, temptation ,as a psychological peril is portrayed by the sirens who lure sailors to their
  7. For we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into, temptation , '" Analysis Subheadings use 1662 Books of Common Prayer (BCP) (see above)
  8. For we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us.: And lead us not into, temptation , " The context of the prayer in Matthew is a discourse deploring people who
  9. Experience salvation; preaching was fiery and focused on saving the sinner from, temptation ,and backsliding. Religion was stripped of ornament and ceremony, and made as
  10. Of disruption when filming in an open multi-user environment and the, temptation ,for puppeteers to play the game in earnest, littering the set with blood and
  11. Demand for anal penetration from their (male) clients. Light is regarded as a, temptation , and anal intercourse is not seen as repulsively unnatural so much as
  12. Epigrams. Oscar Wilde's witticisms such as" I can resist everything except, temptation ," are considered epigrams. e.g.: art lies in concealing art. This shows the
  13. We shall fail probably to resolves its various cruxes. Hence, there is a, temptation ,to look for 'external' influences ... The trouble with all these approaches is
  14. St Giles's, Cripplegate, in 1588,and there delivered striking sermons on the, temptation ,in the wilderness and the Lord's prayer. In a great sermon (during Easter
  15. He was" an egocentric creep. " However, unlike Doyle, Christie resisted the, temptation ,to kill her detective off while he was still popular. She saw herself as an
  16. Us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into, temptation , but deliver us from evil. ' ": And he said to them," When you pray, say:
  17. Their employer, have financial problems, or simply an inability to resist the, temptation ,of a loophole they have found. Screening and background checks on perspective
  18. Pulpit; many clergy preached from a distance, not admitting any intimacy with, temptation ,or sin. He was involved in his parishioners' lives, and he was much loved
  19. Librarian (again perhaps with reference to Larking, librarian at Hull) and his, temptation ,towards adultery; I Like It Here (1958) presents AMIS’s contemptuous view of
  20. Pretorium serves as a" gay Mephistopheles ", a figure of seduction and, temptation , going so far as to pull Frankenstein away from his bride on their wedding
  21. For involuntary transgressions remain. Perfected Christians remain subject to, temptation , and have continued need to pray for forgiveness and holiness. It is not an
  22. Proffering his daughter the star he has stolen for her in heaven. ... The, temptation ,to count the whole scintillating string is difficult to resist. Inception In
  23. Government is determined to pay off the debt as fast as possible, avoiding the, temptation ,to increase spending which might overheat the economy (increase wages and
  24. Temptation contradicts the righteousness and love of God," Lead us not into, temptation ," has no counterpart in the Old Testament. The word" πειρασμός ", which is
  25. Is highly desirable. Epictetus said remaining abstinent in the face of, temptation ,was a victory for which a man could be proud. Modern ethics In the modern era
  26. Only by forests of pine and spruce and ecologically unique sand dunes. The, temptation ,for fast profit, however,may foster violation of laws that clearly forbid any
  27. To one of Sulayman's allies, a man named Al-Hasan in Ya hiya. The, temptation ,was too much for Al-Hasan who murdered his colleague Sulaiman. As promised
  28. That they are fighting for the best interests of humanity, may refuse any, temptation , however insidious, to conclude a premature peace, and may accept with
  29. He began to wear his hair very long. On July 16, 1858,in order to avoid the, temptation ,of prostitutes, Corbett castrated himself with a pair of scissors. He then ate
  30. Eye so they informed the English ambassador and posted the Irish Brigade out of, temptation ,'s way. Mar was bullied into betraying the conspiracy, which collapsed with
  31. Every cites the creation account in Genesis 1 and 2 and the story of Eve's, temptation , However, other Christian authors assert that Christian narratives should not
  32. Of the protagonists, either to caution the audience metaphorically about, temptation , or to lambaste famous individuals of the day by inferring similarities with the
  33. Temptation, testing,trial, experiment. Traditionally it has been translated ", temptation ," and, in spite of the statement in that God tests/tempts nobody, some see the
  34. Trespasses, : as we forgive them that trespass against us.: And lead us not into, temptation ,;: but deliver us from evil.: For thine is the kingdom, : the power, and the
  35. Way that a thief is a criminal, meaning that they are giving in to a universal, temptation , Buddhism The most common formulation of Buddhist ethics is the Five Precepts.
  36. Court has" cautioned that ... Courts must take great care to 'resist the, temptation ,' to express preferences about certain types of cases in the form of
  37. The Baptist (1:57–80; 3:1–20; 7:18–35; 9:7–9) Jesus' baptism and, temptation ,Jesus' ministry in Galilee *Commission of the Twelve (6:12–16; 9:1–6
  38. Personal being but to any 'adversary' and figuratively refers to human sin and, temptation , Islam In Islam the Devil is referred to as Iblis (Arabic: Satan, a word
  39. Me. "). Chupacabra says that, because the idea of God leading a human into, temptation ,contradicts the righteousness and love of God," Lead us not into temptation "
  40. That is," yearning ", to his practice of sobriety to overcome the, temptation ,to Acadia (sloth). He is also to use an extremely directed and controlled
  41. Number=3986 The New Testament Greek Lexicon. In different contexts it can mean, temptation , testing, trial,experiment. Traditionally it has been translated" temptation
  42. Concludes with" deliver us from evil" in Matthew, and with" lead us not into, temptation ," in Luke. The liturgical form is Matthew. Some Christians, particularly
  43. Powers that seek to oppose the ways of God and God's Kingdom. The chief, temptation ,for Christians in the 1st century, and today, is to fail to hold fast to the
  44. Trespasses, : As we forgive them that trespass against us.: And lead us not into, temptation ,;: But deliver us from evil.: For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory
  45. Trespasses, : as we forgive those who trespass against us, : and lead us not into, temptation ,: but deliver us from evil.: The 1928 BCP adds:: For thine is the kingdom, : and
  46. Is clearly distinguished from brazen public identification of their better Hara, temptation ,for forbidden behavior.... How painful, sad and sobering is the sharp contrast
  47. The servant's forgiveness of a small debt owed to him. " And lead us not into, temptation ," Interpretations of the penultimate petition of the prayer — not to be led by
  48. Excerpts from the Dialogue with Trophy of the baptism (Dial. 88:3,8) and, temptation ,(Dial. 103:5-6) of Jesus, which are believed to have originated from the
  49. Us our debts, : as we also have forgiven our debtors.: And lead us not into, temptation ,: but deliver us from evil. ": The prayer as it occurs in:" Father, : hallowed
  50. Dr. Richard Mead (1755),Hugh Farmer (at least in the account of Christ's, temptation ,; 1761),William Shown (1791),John Simpson (1804) and John EPP (1842

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