Examples of the the word, ignorant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ignorant ), is the 6346 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Peoples all around this sea but which is risky for those who are careless or, ignorant ,of such places ... they have therefore blocked this inlet of the troubled sea
  2. At whose cost it was published in 1862 (in four folio volumes). By those, ignorant ,of the details of his discovery of the Codex Sinaiticus, Tischendorf was
  3. Of the nature of which they may be unconscious. " Wertheim wrote," Only someone, ignorant ,of the fundamentals of psychiatry and of the psychopathology of sex can fail to
  4. Him. For he said," I am God and there is no other God beside me," for he is, ignorant ,of his strength, the place from which he had come. He is Demiurge and maker of
  5. Mother, nor anyone else, and thus concluded that only he himself existed, being, ignorant , of the superior levels of reality that were his birth-place. The Gnostic myths
  6. Not tells a different version. Not perceives Crowley as a black or at least, ignorant ,magician and says his teacher" kept a sharp watch" on the visitor, but
  7. Person will act completely within his capabilities to his pinnacle, while an, ignorant ,person will flounder and encounter difficulty. To Socrates, a person must
  8. Creation was made by a power quite separate from the Supreme God and, ignorant ,of Him. Theodore, who here copies Grenades, turns this into the plural number
  9. If the Christian faith fell into ruin in his kingdom, if the clergy were too, ignorant ,to understand the Latin words they butchered in their offices and liturgies, if
  10. Serves out of fear. Such as way is not that of the prophets and sages. Only the, ignorant , and the women and children serve God in this way. These are trained to serve
  11. Weaker than the true arch, of which the Agrarian engineers appear to have been, ignorant , The use of corbeling prevented the Agrarian engineers from constructing
  12. Technical progress, and despite his many-sided talents he remained relatively, ignorant , both of classical forms and of the new artistic ideas that were then
  13. A reason for believing some conclusion. An example would be," X is idiotically, ignorant ,of politics, so why should we listen to him now? " To analyze an algorithm is
  14. According to forms furnished by his mother; working however blindly, and, ignorant , even of the existence of the mother who is the source of all his energy. He is
  15. Byzantine throne because she was a woman). Reinhard says that Charlemagne was, ignorant ,of the Pope's intent and did not want any such coronation: He at first had
  16. Only our opinions and principles that can render us unhappy, and it is only the, ignorant ,person that finds fault with another. Every desire degrades us, and renders us
  17. An echo of a statement in a 1942 story by Leigh Bracket:" Witchcraft to the, ignorant , .... Simple science to the learned ". Even earlier examples of this sentiment
  18. Jive-ass nigger ", then upped the ante by pronouncing Ray Charles a" blind, ignorant , nigger ". Costello apologized at a New York City press conference a few days
  19. Said Most of the inhabitants can speak no word of Cornish, but very few are, ignorant ,of the English; and yet some so affect their own, as to a stranger they will
  20. He is, or what he doth, or what he is to do," she wrote of Essex," we are, ignorant ,". Ireland Although Ireland was one of her two kingdoms, Elizabeth faced a
  21. Of the Codex Sinaiticus, Tischendorf was accused of buying manuscripts from, ignorant ,monastery librarians at low prices. Indeed, he was never rich, but he staunchly
  22. Been wrongly rendered; often the true and genuine reading has been corrupted by, ignorant ,scribes, which we see happen every day, or altered by scribes who are
  23. In Aramaic (Syriac sæmʻa-ʼel). This being is considered not only blind, or, ignorant , of its own origins, but may in addition be evil; its name is also found in
  24. Wrote: Thus, Jewry is thriving precisely there were the people are still, ignorant , or not free, or economically backward. It is there that Jewry has a champ
  25. In this sense, is used both metaphorically (to refer to someone who was, ignorant ,but later became knowledgeable) and literally, as a reference to those healed
  26. To have been frequently unacquainted with the rule of St Benedict, and even, ignorant ,that they were bound by any rule at all. The reformation of abuses generally
  27. Without instruction from them to observe these things .... Being altogether, ignorant ,of the true adjustment of this question, they sometimes celebrate Passover
  28. Out for various pricing transgressions. In the most basic terms, the edict was, ignorant ,of the law of supply and demand: it ignored the fact that prices might vary
  29. Who may not merely have been hostile to the earlier paganism but actually, ignorant ,of it" and so would not have been particularly reliable, but at the same time
  30. Her opponent was an“ expert in rhetoric” as compared to herself“ a woman, ignorant ,of subtle understanding and agile sentiment. ” In this particular apologetic
  31. Mother, nor anyone else, and thus concluded that only he himself existed, being, ignorant , of the superior levels of reality that were his birth-place. The Demiurge
  32. In literature beyond that point - they were marvelous, gifted,evil, malicious, ignorant , wise, helpless,innocent, or burdensome depending upon who wrote the story -
  33. To an understanding of the things concerning the name of Jesus, of which he was, ignorant ,at his first immersion ". In 1864, he began to publish The Ambassador magazine.
  34. Spiritual" self-conquest. " This he saw as opposed to what he held to be the, ignorant ,drive toward earthly Utopians and superficiality of a worldly Jewish spirit:
  35. In him. For he said,'I am God and there is no other God beside me,' for he is, ignorant ,of his strength, the place from which he had come. "" Samuel ", in the
  36. Of labor saying it leads to a 'mental mutilation' in workers; they become, ignorant ,and insular as their working lives are confined to a single repetitive task.
  37. That it aids and promotes this cultivation in many ways. For, it is not, ignorant ,of, nor does it despise the advantages flowing therefrom into human life; nay
  38. Jethro is simply naive in the first season of the show but becomes incredibly, ignorant ,and pompous as the series progresses. He often shows off his cyphering
  39. See Zeus and Prometheus),though sometimes the creator is from a fallen, ignorant ,or lesser rather than evil perspective (in some Gnosticism traditions) such
  40. Of the light trapped inside it, or literally to keep them 'in the dark ', or, ignorant , ; in a state of drunken distraction. * Mitigated Dualism - where one of the two
  41. The Greeks, had inscribed above the entrance to his famous school," Let none, ignorant ,of geometry enter here. " Though he was not a mathematician himself, his views
  42. Made up to look African American, and acted in a stereotypically uncultured and, ignorant ,manner for the entertainment of audiences. Gangsta rappers often defend
  43. S – taking into account the Americas, of which the Florentine was, obviously, ignorant , Galileo and other scientists pioneered the study of optics, ballistics
  44. Us every day what ordinary people are capable of. These books come out of, ignorant , inquiring humanity. They are usually the first announcements for success in
  45. Does not support for this idea as it is advocating for a union against these ", ignorant ,savages" and called the idea" absurd ". Anthropologist Dean Snow stated that
  46. Of druids in Britain, but maintains a hostile point of view, seeing them as, ignorant ,savages. Ronald Hutton meanwhile points out that there" is no evidence that
  47. Even where false. * Hume notes that miracles seem to occur mostly in ", ignorant ," and" barbarous" nations and times, and the reason they don't occur in the
  48. Positive, a number of clergymen expressed different sentiments. " Allen was an, ignorant ,and profane Deist, who died with a mind replete with horror and despair" was
  49. His conversion to Christianity, about the year 598. It seems that Pope Gregory, ignorant ,of recent developments in the former Roman province, including the spread of
  50. His detective stories, allowed him to see that the public was largely, ignorant ,of the methods by which a simple substitution cryptogram can be solved, and he

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