Examples of the the word, delicate , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Velvet bag and the scorecard of the 1882 match. Because the urn itself is so, delicate , it has been allowed to travel to Australia only twice. The first occasion was
  2. Somalia and Ethiopia, and therefore relations are important and, at times, very, delicate , The fall of the SIAD Barre and Dentist governments in Somalia and Ethiopia
  3. Michael Szymczyk, and Charles Borowski, and one often finds in their works a, delicate ,balance between distastefulness and beauty. Theatre Jean-Paul Sartre wrote No
  4. And Tort Galena, which is rather like Tort negra. Sandwiches de Amiga are, delicate ,sandwiches made with crustless buttered white bread, very thinly sliced cured
  5. Boiler, also known as a Bain Marie, is a stove top apparatus used to cook, delicate ,sauces such as before Blanc, to melt chocolate without burning or seizing, or
  6. More surprised, when we know how many operations, most of them very, delicate , are mandatory to make a good pin. We are going to go through these operations
  7. Muscles react to penetration differently, the anal sphincter in general has, delicate ,tissue that can tear, and the rectal mucous membrane provides insufficient
  8. On the freshness and quality of the ingredients for taste and flavor. As a, delicate ,cuisine, oil is not often used in large quantities and there is a relatively
  9. Commercial relations with most of them. Other reforms included the always, delicate ,matters with the pope. In order to get the independence of Portugal recognized
  10. Less erosion than inertial cavitation, and is often used for the cleaning of, delicate ,materials, such as silicon wafers. Cavitation damage Cavitation is, in many
  11. Tests was conducted by Marcus Spanaway at Philips in Eindhoven, in 1958,in a, delicate ,and difficult experiment with parallel plates, obtaining results not in
  12. And produce low yields of cocoa per tree. The flavor of Criollo is described as, delicate ,yet complex, low in classic chocolate flavor, but rich in" secondary" notes
  13. Glands ... in the manner of a nut or date" in the groin" and in other rather, delicate ,places followed by an unbearable fever ". While the swellings in this
  14. At which time the pulse is sent again. Hot-wire anemometers, while extremely, delicate , have extremely high frequency-response and fine spatial resolution compared to
  15. Climate model suggested that a substantial nuclear exchange could upset the, delicate ,balance of life on Earth. He was one of five authors—the" S" of the" TRAPS "
  16. Largely in the province of Oran. In Mexico, there are famous deposits of a, delicate ,green variety at La Ferrara, in the district of Recall, near Puebla.
  17. As Blind Willie McTell and Blind Boy Fuller performed in the southeastern ", delicate ,and lyrical" Piedmont blues tradition, which used an elaborate ragtime-based
  18. Is obtained from coal tars. In the laboratory, more directed and more, delicate ,processes are employed such as dehydrohalogenations and condensations. Myriad
  19. Beetles (which prey upon insect pests) and breaking up hard soil for more, delicate ,neighboring plants. Myth, legend and poetry The word amaranth comes from the
  20. Weevils to both fly and move through confined spaces. Doings so by folding the, delicate ,wings under the extra while not flying, and folding their wings out just
  21. Business District, South Korea Chervil (Anthriscus Carolina) is a, delicate ,annual herb related to parsley. Sometimes called garden chervil, it is used to
  22. In octaves, but in decibels; even that misses the problem of how to measure, delicate ,whispers that are hardly audible at all. " Presley was always" able to
  23. Fluid, and isolated from the bloodstream by the blood-brain barrier,the, delicate ,nature of the brain makes it vulnerable to numerous diseases and several types
  24. On sexually transmitted diseases than vaginal sex, as the anal sphincter is, delicate ,tissue and the chances of a small tear occurring are much higher, which also
  25. C. B. Clarke. Growth, with slender stems and alternate, finely divided, softly, delicate , leaves long. The ultimate leaf divisions are broad, slightly broader than the
  26. And produce bold visual effects, whereas thinner yarns are best for refined or, delicate ,pattern work. Yarns are standard grouped by thickness into six categories:
  27. The Marconi variety of almond, which is shorter, rounder,sweeter, and more, delicate ,in texture than other varieties, originated in Spain and is becoming popular in
  28. In the North Pole. In this portrayal, elves slightly resemble nimble and, delicate ,versions of the dwarves of Norse mythology as well as the elves in English
  29. His confidential letter to George I of Great Britain, whom he consulted on this, delicate ,affair. Peter felt insulted: the flight of the service to a foreign potentate
  30. What he felt the skull of this massive creature might look like. This was not a, delicate ,Diplodocus-style skull (which would later turn out to be more accurate),but
  31. More rosin in works for large orchestra (e.g., Brahms symphonies) than for, delicate ,chamber works. Some brands of rosin, such as Pop's double bass rosin, are
  32. On the pseudosphere was created by William Thurston, however,it was quite, delicate , Diana Timing used the art of crochet to create a strong, durable model, which
  33. Of robust constitution. Even when this elder brother first showed symptoms of, delicate ,health, the notion that he might die young was never seriously taken; Nicholas
  34. Vinegar, is often used as an accompaniment (most Argentines have a relatively, delicate ,palate and do not include chili in their version of chimichurri). Breaded and
  35. By a single blow. Therefore, diamond cutting is traditionally considered as a, delicate ,procedure requiring skills, scientific knowledge, tools and experience. Its
  36. Of Lithuania before the Russians could get there. That put Khmelnytskyi into a, delicate ,situation in regard to the Tsar, as he had been negotiating with the Swedes for
  37. S style became the epitome of the court of Louis XV. His style consisted of, delicate ,colors and gentle forms painted within a frivolous subject. His works
  38. H2O The dehydration route often requires conditions incompatible with, delicate ,molecules. Several milder methods exist to produce ethers. Williamson ether
  39. More pronounced curve and lighter hold on the bow is used for virtuoso or more, delicate ,pieces, while a flatter curve and sturdier grip on the bow sacrifices some
  40. And patchwork. Array is another specialty of Christian. It is a special and, delicate ,printing technique on both sides of the cloth in indigo blue and red patterns
  41. Emotions with the event to provoke a violent response and obstruct success of, delicate ,ongoing peace talks. On the following day,many Palestinian
  42. Whiteface makeup, the ears are painted red. Features, in red and black, are, delicate , He or she is traditionally costumed far more extravagantly than the other two
  43. Chrysippus (3rd century BC) and Hipparchus (2nd century BC) of a rather, delicate ,enumeration problem, which was later shown to be related to Schröder numbers.
  44. A particular subfamily with any certainty. Part of the solution seems that the, delicate ,tambourines are the core group, consisting of minor lineages that have not
  45. Power and replace them with men of his own lineage, the Samurai. This upset the, delicate ,balance of Duran tribal politics that Ahmad Shah had established and may have
  46. The player's breathing, so bellows-driven bagpipes can use more refined and/or, delicate ,reeds. The most famous of these pipes are the Irish villain pipes, the
  47. Use Basque as the primary medium of teaching. However, the situation is more, delicate ,in the North, where lack of autonomy and monolingual public schooling in French
  48. Boyling (sic) them with sugar for sauce to eat with their meat; and it is a, delicate ,sauce, especially with roasted mutton. Some make tarts with them as with
  49. From a sputtering machine; however, this process has the potential to disturb, delicate ,samples. Small, stable specimens such as carbon nanotubes, diatom frustules and
  50. For it; furthermore, most piercing artists are reluctant to attempt such a, delicate ,procedure. Some styles, such as the Isabella, do pass through the clitoris but

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