Examples of the the word, thrust , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thrust ), is the 6354 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And one for 25 tonnes of liquid hydrogen, and a Vulcan engine at the base with, thrust ,of 115 tonnes-force (1.13 meganewtons). This part of the first stage weighs
  2. Chamber, and accelerate the exhaust rearwards at high speed to provide, thrust , Turbojet and turbofan engines use a spinning turbine to drive one or more fans
  3. Stated that the engines repeatedly failed to respond to commands for more, thrust ,from both the autothrottle system and from manual intervention, beginning when
  4. Tips. Autogyros have unpowered rotors, with a separate power plant to provide, thrust , The rotor is tilted backward. As the autogyro moves forward, air blows upward
  5. Used to control heading and altitude and had limited authority on things like, thrust ,and flight control surfaces. In helicopters, auto stabilization was used in a
  6. Forward so that a proportion of its lift is directed forward to provide, thrust , The rotor may, like a propeller, be powered by a variety of methods such as a
  7. Measured from their base at the bottom of the ocean to their peaks, which, thrust , high above the surface of the Atlantic. Because these once-uninhabited and
  8. Engines use a spinning turbine to drive one or more fans, which provide, thrust , An afterburner may be used to inject extra fuel into the hot exhaust
  9. Body and traveling towards the target in a straight line. The rear shoulder is, thrust ,forward and finishes just touching the outside of the chin. At the same time
  10. Hertz, flexing the thrust frame by. The engine shutdown was triggered by sensed, thrust ,chamber pressure fluctuations. Smaller Pogo oscillations had been seen on
  11. Sized to lift the CSM off of the Moon, and thus oversized to about twice the, thrust ,required for translunar flight. As used in the actual lunar program, the two
  12. S chest and the knees are bent slightly. From this position, the rear hand is, thrust ,upwards in a rising arc towards the opponent's chin or torso. At the same time
  13. The air at the end of the flight deck, the jump combined with the aiming of jet, thrust ,partly downwards by swiveling exhaust nozzles on aircraft with this feature
  14. Ship that can rotate left and right, fire shots straight forward, and, thrust , forward. As the ship moves, momentum is not conserved — the ship eventually
  15. Are not considered aircraft because they do not have wings and rely on rocket, thrust ,as the primary means of lift. The human activity that surrounds aircraft is
  16. By tilting the rotor forward, the downward flow is tilted backward, producing, thrust , for forward flight. Some helicopters have more than one rotor and a few have
  17. Hera and Athena encouraged Diomedes to attack Ares (V.780–834). Diomedes, thrust ,with his spear at Ares, with Athena driving it home, and Ares' cries made
  18. Fugger and his Imperial Classier brigade to help repel the French cavalry, thrust , Despite his own desperate struggle, the Imperial Prince at once complied
  19. Dynamic up thrust : aerodynamic lift, and powered lift in the form of engine, thrust , Aerodynamic lift involving wings is the most common, with fixed-wing aircraft
  20. Safe. Another popular method of exploiting this bug was to simply use, thrust ,to keep the ship in motion with 1 or 2 asteroids in the playfield, allowing
  21. Superiors that he was increasingly concerned with the possibility of an enemy, thrust ,through the pass, which could attack his brigade from the flank or the rear.
  22. By the Greeks, and include the Radio Bridge. The weight of the bridge is, thrust ,into the abutments at either side. Dubai in the United Arab Emirates is
  23. Set up another match with Fischer, but all the negotiations fell through. This, thrust ,the young Karol into the role of World Champion without having faced the
  24. Mountains host large ore and salt deposits and some of its eastern fold and, thrust ,belt acts as traps for commercially exploitable amounts of hydrocarbons. In the
  25. And impaled with a flash of rapid fire from Athena in his chest, and his body, thrust ,upon sharp rocks, which afterwards were called the rocks of Ajax. After his
  26. Lift or by using the dynamic lift of an airfoil, or in a few cases the downward, thrust ,from jet engines. Although rockets and missiles also travel through the
  27. Especially on military" fast jets ". Jet engines can provide much higher, thrust ,than propellers, and are efficient at higher altitudes, being able to operate
  28. Montgomery was able to persuade Eisenhower to adopt his strategy of a single, thrust ,to the Ruhr with Operation Market Garden in September 1944. It was
  29. Under the roadway viaduct, with external columns sloping to take the diagonal, thrust ,from the vault supporting the road. Image: Colonnadeparkguell. JPG|Colonnaded
  30. Or rigid, fixed,or rotary. With powered lift, the aircraft directs its engine, thrust ,vertically downward. V/STOL aircraft, such as the Harrier Jump Jet and F-35B
  31. Up from the audience to rebut the argument. Dealer approached Hitler and, thrust ,a booklet into his hand. It was entitled My Political Awakening and, according
  32. The nationalist movement, which came to be led by Mustafa Kamil. As Kamil's, thrust ,was increasingly aimed at winning popular support for a National Party, Khedive
  33. P241 for Ariane 5 ECA),each weighing about 277 tonnes full. Each delivers a, thrust ,of about 630 tonnes-force (). These SBS are usually allowed to sink to the
  34. The Boeing 747–100," the original jumbo jet" ) of between 227 and 236 kN, thrust , it entered service with Air France in May 1974. The prototype A300B2 made its
  35. Buddhist surreys, is a highly" difficult and obscure" text whose basic, thrust ,is to emphasize" the inner enlightenment that does away with all duality and
  36. By one J-2 engine burning liquid hydrogen with LOX oxidizer, to produce of, thrust ,; and * An Instrument Unit which contained the rocket's guidance system. The
  37. Speer's attorney, Dr. Hans Flasher, presented Speer as an artist, thrust ,into political life, who had always remained a non-ideologue and who had been
  38. Actuators which have replaced the heavier hydraulic ones used for, thrust ,vector control. These developments will probably later make their way back into
  39. Maximum weight of 132,000 kg and two General Electric CF6-50A engines of 220 kN, thrust , A300B2 The first production version. Powered by General Electric CF6 or Pratt
  40. Stage apart. The engine experienced 68g vibrations at 16 hertz, flexing the, thrust ,frame by. The engine shutdown was triggered by sensed thrust chamber pressure
  41. Edmund Crawley, to the Chair of Classics, as had been expected, that really, thrust ,into the forefront of Baptist thinking the need for a College established and
  42. Ninny Aquino International Airport) upon returning home from exile. His death, thrust ,his widow, Corazon Aquino, into the limelight and, ultimately,the presidency
  43. To create more drag, the crew piloted the plane using differences in engine, thrust ,and landed the plane with minimal further damage. The plane was repaired and
  44. Arranged in a cross pattern, burning RP-1 with LOX oxidizer to produce of, thrust , They burned for 2.5 minutes, accelerating the spacecraft to a speed of
  45. Powered by eight H-1 engines burning RP-1 with LOX oxidizer, to produce of, thrust ,; * An S-IVB-200 second stage, powered by one J-2 engine burning liquid hydrogen
  46. Current scholarly support for Arminianism is wide and varied. One particular, thrust ,is a return to the teachings of Arminius. F. Leroy For lines, Robert Piccalilli
  47. Density of antimatter is vastly higher than that of conventional fuels,the, thrust ,to weight equation for such craft would be much better than for conventional
  48. In some hybrid designs such as the Saunders-Roe SR.53. *The ornithopter obtains, thrust ,by flapping its wings. It has found practical use in a model hawk used to
  49. Or aircrew spins on an axis aligned in the direction of travel to create, thrust ,in a forward direction. The propeller is usually mounted in front of the power
  50. Hotels, banquets,advertising and other" wasteful expenditure" The main, thrust ,behind this reporting is the official opposition in the country, the Democratic

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