Examples of the the word, continuation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( continuation ), is the 6351 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Conservative party. In 1922 the Conservative backbenchers rebelled against the, continuation ,of the coalition, citing in particular the Chaney Crisis over Turkey and Lloyd
  2. Groups letters by similarity of shape. The order is not a simple historical, continuation ,of the earlier north Semitic alphabetic order, since it has a position
  3. Current level of APL language development. APL2000's product is an advanced, continuation ,of STSC's successful APL Dialog APL is an advanced APL interpreter which
  4. Of the lands now included in the Lake District National Park, and the, continuation ,of fell farming. William Heels continued his stewardship of their properties
  5. Both monodic and dyadic operations. In 1973,IBM released APL. SV which was a, continuation ,of the same product, but which offered shared variables as a means to access
  6. The two competing theories are either that Deutero-Isaiah was written as a, continuation ,of Proto-Isaiah, or that it was written separately and became attached to the
  7. High schools, three alternative learning schools including ACLU, one, continuation , school - Island High, and one high school within the College of Alameda. The
  8. Finding of Mycenaean sepulchers outside the Argo lid, from which, and from the, continuation ,of Tsountas's exploration of the buildings and lesser graves at Mycenae, a
  9. Substratum and heavy influence point out that many toponyms have no semantic, continuation ,from the Brythonic language. A notable example is" Avon" which comes from the
  10. By Yeshiva. The premise of this criticism is that" O-Sensei’s aikido was not a, continuation ,and extension of the old and has a distinct discontinuity with past martial and
  11. Conflict on 17 October. First Balkan War Except Greece, and in, continuation ,of their secret prewar settlements of expansion between them and under close
  12. Debtors experiencing financial distress to permit the rehabilitation and, continuation ,of their business. For private households, it is argued to be insufficient to
  13. Illness, and on his supposed deathbed made arrangements that would ensure the, continuation ,of the Principate in some form, whilst at the same time put in doubt the
  14. The American Psychiatric Association guidelines advise four to five months of, continuation ,treatment on an antidepressant following the resolution of symptoms. For
  15. A Messenger of God and his followers and includes social practices and the, continuation ,of authority in the religion. At this time Baha'is view Baha'u'lláh's
  16. The biological activity and occurrence of the large Pass does appear to be a, continuation ,of the small Pass. They are found as combustion products, but at lower levels
  17. Words meant to be read as Parthia ones. The Antacids saw themselves as a, continuation ,of Achaemenid rule, and so Antacid Aramaic, more than any other post-Achaemenid
  18. Assurance Company, and the National Bank of Scotland. In Castle Street,a, continuation ,eastwards of Union Street, is the new Town House, a very prominent landmark in
  19. People that flooded to Circa from around the Baltic coasts. This was a logical, continuation ,to Birka's position as the first missionary town in Sweden. Noteworthy here is
  20. IBM APL2 for IBM AIX, Linux,Sun Polaris and Windows systems. This product is a, continuation ,of APL2 offered for IBM mainframes. IBM APL2 was arguably the most influential
  21. Followed by a service to Singapore in cooperation with Singapore Airlines as a, continuation ,of the flight to Bahrain. In 1981,the airline was instructed to prepare for
  22. Called Choir Bank, Silver Bank, and Naiad Bank, are geographically a, continuation ,of The Bahamas, but not part of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Climate The
  23. Hans began to experiment with seaplane flights from Berlin via the Azores with, continuation ,to New York City. In the late 1930s,Imperial Airways and Pan American World
  24. Churches, to the original Twelve Apostles, thus making the Church the, continuation ,of the early Apostolic Christian community. Within the sacramental theology of
  25. To the death of Valets at the Battle of Adrianople (378),in effect writing a, continuation ,of the history of Tacitus. He presumably completed the work before 391,since
  26. In 2 % of the men and 4 % of the women. The newest survey in 2007 indicates a, continuation ,of the increase in BMI: 63 % of Americans are overweight or obese, with 26 %
  27. Commander of the Grey's (who were supposed to form a reserve) ordered a, continuation ,of the charge to the French Grande batteries. Though the Grey's had neither the
  28. Part due to the pejorative connotation of the term 'Balkans' in the 1990s,and, continuation ,of this meaning until now. Today, the term 'Southeast Europe' is often used or
  29. The bishops of Amelia Capitoline appear to be Greeks. Eugenics' evidence for, continuation ,of a church at Amelia Capitoline is confirmed by the Bordeaux Pilgrim. The
  30. The men of industry and finance ”. Anne Skinny also gave her agreement to the, continuation ,of the series and sold her rights at the same time. A few months later, Uderzo
  31. Territories and Israel). The Habsburg-ruled Austria-Hungary wished for a, continuation ,of the existence of the Ottoman Empire, since both were troubled multinational
  32. Rather than stopping play, the referee may allow play to continue when its, continuation ,will benefit the team against which an offense has been committed. This is
  33. Of the Antarctic Peninsula south of the Scotia Plate which appear to be a, continuation ,of the Andes chain. Volcanism The Andes range has many active volcanoes, which
  34. Several independent movements (poly genesis); and * that Anabaptists are a, continuation ,of New Testament Christianity (apostolic succession or church perpetuity).
  35. Of the economic-financial crisis situation of the debtor, in order to allow the, continuation ,of the source producer, the employment of workers and the interests of
  36. Branch recommended that the UK and US authorities review the policy on flight, continuation ,and give clear guidance. This has not happened, but the FAA have accepted the
  37. After Communist revolutionary, Felix Dzerzhinsky—and its northern, continuation ,is still called Dzerzhinsky Street. An important east-west street is Jibe Jolt
  38. The city of Albanopolis (located northeast of Durrës). The name may have a, continuation ,in the name of a medieval settlement called Alb anon and Abandon, although it is
  39. That in use during the Antacid empire (247 BCE – 224 CE),represents a, continuation ,of Achaemenid Aramaic, widely spoken throughout the west of the empire. Aramaic
  40. Crisis (a result of the prolonged war),the abundance of minefields,the, continuation ,of the political, and to a much lesser degree, military activities in favor of
  41. 28, 2010,at the age of 85. Geography The Andaman Archipelago is an oceanic, continuation ,of the Burmese Arabian Coma range in the North and of the Indonesian Archipelago
  42. Gradually decreasing in height toward the southwest, where Sand Mountain is a, continuation ,of Raccoon. South of these the mountains are marked by steep northwest sides
  43. Or" synods ", are often seen in science fiction, and can be viewed as a, continuation ,of the long tradition of men attempting to create the stereotypical" perfect
  44. Has yet to tap the vast growth potential that should be achievable due to the, continuation ,of the high economic growth. Still the banking system is considered an
  45. Media, as they are supported by Israel, would not be happy with the, continuation ,of the AKP government ". The Harriet Daily News went further by stating that "
  46. Artworks, WordWriter ST, First Word shipped with the machine and It's Plus, continuation , and others); spreadsheets (3D-Calc,LDW Power, LDW Power 2,Logistic Senior
  47. Has always thought of itself not as a new foundation but rather as a reformed, continuation ,of the ancient" English Church" ( Ecclesial Anglican) and a reassertion of
  48. Lies just west of the line of the great East African Trough, the northern, continuation ,of which passes along its eastern escarpment as it runs up to join the Red Sea.
  49. Union to reflect this broader scope. The main objectives of the treaty are the, continuation ,and enlargement of the cooperation between the three member states within a
  50. An oracle which survived into the Roman period. In the lost epic Æthiopis,a, continuation ,of the Iliad attributed to Artists of Miles, Achilles ’ mother Thesis

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