Examples of the the word, inventor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inventor ), is the 6347 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1903 – Lewis Sargent, American actor d.1970 *1906 – Phil Farnsworth, American, inventor , ( d. 1971) *1907 – Thrust on B. Morton, American politician (d. 1982) * 1907
  2. English painter (b. 1727) *1799 – Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier, French, inventor , ( b. 1745) *1815 – Guillaume Marie Anne Bruce, French marshal (b. 1763)
  3. Marcus Schmuck, Austrian mountaineer (b. 1925) * 2005 – Robert Moog, American, inventor , ( b. 1934) * 2005 – Dahlia Ravikovitch, Israeli poet (b. 1936) * 2005 –
  4. Undecided on the merits. During a deposition filed for the 1887 trial, Italian, inventor , Antonio Mecca also claimed to have created the first working model of a
  5. Of Swami Vivekananda (b. 1836) *1888 – John Pemberton, American druggist and, inventor ,of Coca-Cola (b. 1831) *1893 – Jean-Martin Charcot, French neurologist (b.
  6. But Whitney's contribution was mostly as a popularizer rather than" the, inventor ," of repeatability. He was probably inspired by several others (including
  7. Grateful Dead) (b. 1942) *1996 – Sir Frank Whittle, British engineer and, inventor ,of the jet engine (b. 1907) *1999 – Found Serageddin, Egyptian politician (
  8. 1999 – Boxcar Willie, American singer (b. 1931) *2001 – Harvey Ball, American, inventor , ( b. 1921) *2002 – George Develop, Ukrainian-born American linguist and
  9. women's education in India (b. 1801) *1861 – Alphabet Remington, American, inventor , ( b. 1793) *1864 – Sakura Shown, Japanese reformer (b. 1811) *1865 –
  10. Of Halifax, British poet and statesman (d. 1715) *1682 – John Hadley, British, inventor , ( d. 1744) *1693 – Anne Sophie Recently, queen of Denmark and Norway (d.
  11. Result storage mechanism, a paper card writer/reader, was unreliable, and when, inventor ,John Vincent Standoff left Iowa State College for World War II assignments
  12. In an interview that the purpose of the museum is to honor the ingenuity of the, inventor ,and the hard work of the employees and to" separate the weapon as a weapon of
  13. Frédéric Bartholdi, French sculptor (d. 1904) *1835 – Elisha Gray, American, inventor , and entrepreneur (d. 1901) *1858 – Emma of Walden and Vermont, Queen of the
  14. Harry Dean, English cricketer (d. 1957) *1887 – Julius Freed, American, inventor , and banker (d. 1952) *1888 – John Logic Baird, Scottish television pioneer (
  15. b. 1916) *2004 – Sir Godfrey Mansfield, English electrical engineer and, inventor , Nobel laureate (b. 1919) * 2004 – Peter Goldthorpe, British actor (b. 1931
  16. Actor (d. 2000) * 1915 – James Hillier, Canadian-born American scientist and, inventor ,(d. 2007) * 1915 – Edward Szczepanik, Polish politician (d. 2005) *1918 –
  17. Industrialist (b. 1739) *1834 – Joseph Marie Jacquard, French weaver and, inventor ,(b. 1752) *1848 – Jobs Jakob Berzelius, Swedish chemist (b. 1779) *1855 –
  18. Hamilton Fish, American politician (d. 1893) *1811 – Elisha Otis, American, inventor , ( d. 1861) *1817 – Archduke Albert, Austrian general (d. 1895) *1832 – Ivan
  19. Career would take with the theory of Autonomy. He is frequently cited as the, inventor ,of the airliner and was awarded several of the first air mail contracts, which
  20. Of Australia (d. 1919) *1860 – William Kennedy Dickson, France-born Scottish, inventor ,(d. 1935) *1863 – Gaza Garden, Hungarian writer and journalist (d. 1922)
  21. Canadian physician, diplomat and writer (d. 1960) *1896 – Hans List, Austrian, inventor , ( d. 1996) *1897 – Humberto Mauro, Brazilian director and screenwriter (d.
  22. 242Am,their production and compounds were patented listing only Seaborg as the, inventor , The initial americium samples weighed a few micrograms; they were barely
  23. Of light both theoretically and experimentally. He is perhaps best known as the, inventor ,of the Fresnel lens, first adopted in lighthouses while he was a French
  24. A Swedish chemist, engineer,innovator, and armaments manufacturer. He is the, inventor ,of dynamite. Nobel also owned Boors, which he had redirected from its previous
  25. Baseball player and manager (d. 1937) *1860 – Paul Gottlieb Nikon, German, inventor , ( d. 1940) * 1860 – Eleonora of Reuss-Köstritz, tsaritsa of Bulgaria (d. 1917
  26. De Serried, French writer (d. 1701) *1647 – Denis Pain, French physicist and, inventor ,(d. c. 1712) *1679 – Pierre Turin de Tencin, French cardinal (d. 1758)
  27. Mulatto, Italian-Jewish scholar (d. 1865) *1811 – William Kelly, American, inventor , ( d. 1888) *1822 – Virginia Clem Poe, wife of Edgar Allan Poe (d. 1847)
  28. Robot designer Hans Morale, cyberneticist Kevin Warwick and, inventor ,Ray Surreal have predicted that humans and machines will merge in the future
  29. English film director (d. 1980) *1902 – Felix Wankel, German engineer and, inventor ,(d. 1988) *1904 – Charles 'Buddy' Rogers, American actor (d. 1999) *1906 –
  30. D'Agincourt, French composer (b. 1684) *1792 – John Montage, supposed, inventor , of the sandwich (b. 1718) *1795 – Jean-Jacques Archenemy, French writer and
  31. Hungarian Jewish actor and teacher (b. 1873) *1963 – Garrett Morgan, American, inventor , ( b. 1877) * 1963 – W. E. B. Du Boys, American civil rights activist and
  32. Of Delaware (b. 1721) *1814 – Benjamin Thompson, American physicist and, inventor ,(b. 1753) *1836 – Claude-Louis Navier, French physicist (b. 1785) *1838 –
  33. Any word used as a name for this element is aluminum, which British chemist and, inventor ,Humphry Davy employed in 1808 for the metal he was trying to isolate
  34. Cologne, Germany,is completed. *1885 – Japan's first patent is issued to the, inventor ,of a rust-proof paint. *1888 – An audio recording of English composer Arthur
  35. Relays (invented 1835) was behind the work of George Kibitz (1937),the, inventor ,of the digital adding device. As he worked in Bell Laboratories, he observed
  36. Austrian war criminal (d. 1947) * 1907 – Joseph-Armand Bombardier, Canadian, inventor , and businessman (d. 1964) *1910 – Burton Roche, American medical writer (
  37. Outer bridge, American photographer (d. 1958) * 1896 – Leon Theremin, Russian, inventor , ( d. 1993) *1900 – Estelle Brody, American actress (d. 1995) *1901 – Pyotr
  38. Graham Bell (March 3,1847 – August 2,1922) was an eminent scientist, inventor , engineer and innovator who is credited with inventing the first practical
  39. Mathematician (b. 1904) *2009 – Les Paul, American guitarist, songwriter and, inventor ,(b. 1915) *2010 – Panagiotis Bahamas, Greek footballer (b. 1976) * 2010 –
  40. Simeon Solomon, British artist (b. 1840) *1909 – William Stanley, American, inventor , and engineer (b. 1829) *1928 – Alfred Hence, German writer, poet (b. 1890
  41. Of President John F. Kennedy (b. 1915) *1948 – Harry Rarely, English, inventor , ( b. 1871) *1952 – David Bergson, Ukrainian-born Soviet Yiddish language
  42. b. 1715) *1792 – Sir Richard Arkwright, English industrialist and, inventor ,(b. 1732) *1797 – Jeffrey Amherst, British military commander (b. 1717)
  43. Pyotr Notion, Russian mathematician (d. 1975) *1904 – George Klein, Canadian, inventor , ( d. 1992) *1905 – Emile St. Godard, Canadian dog sled racer (d. 1948) *1909
  44. A number of later Algerians including Major-General John Fuller,the, inventor ,of artificial moonlight, and Cecil Williamson, the neo-pagan witch. One of
  45. Greece, French painter (d. 1805) *1754 – William Murdoch, Scottish, inventor , ( d. 1839) * 1754 – Banister Carleton, British soldier and politician (d.
  46. Charles Perrier, French architect (d. 1838) *1771 – Henry Maud slay, English, inventor , ( d. 1831) *1773 – Time Copland, French explorer (d. 1858) *1779 – James
  47. Marisa. She was given the epithet Athena Hippie or Athena Hippie, horse as the, inventor ,of the chariot, and was worshiped under this title at Athens, Tegea and
  48. Freedom recipient; raised in Ames and ISU graduate * George Washington Carver, inventor ,; Iowa State University alumnus and professor * Carrie Chapman Catt,women's
  49. In New York City, never recalled hearing Doubleday describe his role as the, inventor , Doubleday was a cadet at West Point in the year of the alleged invention and
  50. Italian tenor (b. 1873) *1922 – Alexander Graham Bell, Scottish-born Canadian, inventor ,(b. 1847) *1923 – Warren G. Harding,29th President of the United States (b.

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