Examples of the the word, paradise , in a Sentence Context

The word ( paradise ), is the 6345 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Loved land, : O may the old language SC. Courage endure. Old mountainous Wales, paradise ,of the bard, Every valley, every cliff, to my look is beautiful. Through
  2. Of the Garden of Eden ". And Paul Sharp also discusses connections between, paradise , the garden of Eden and the forests of Lebanon (possibly used symbolically)
  3. The novel in a garden of their own making, one which might represent celestial, paradise , The third most prominent" garden" is El Dorado, which may be a false Eden.
  4. Is mentioned when Magneto gives his demands on television to make it a mutant, paradise ,under his control. * In X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse, a chapter set in
  5. And its heavenly prototype. In the New Testament, there is an association of ", paradise ," with the realm of the blessed (as opposed to the realm of the cursed) among
  6. Park ". In the post-Exilic apocalyptic literature and in the Talmud,", paradise ," gains its associations with the Garden of Eden and its heavenly prototype. In
  7. Of the citadel: *Bad Al-Farabi (" the gate of the orchards ", or " of the, paradise ,") *Bad Al-Hakam (" the gate of peace" ), all on the north boundary of the
  8. Posturing are encountered in the behavioral ecology of animals. The birds of, paradise , for example, display elaborate ornaments and song during courtship. These
  9. Around the world, promising peace and equality. Despite the facade of a mutant, paradise , Nightcrawler, who intends on becoming a Kenosha resident, soon learns that
  10. Connecting Syntax Square to Monastical, has traditionally been a consumer, paradise ,for both Athenians and tourists. Complete with fashion shops and shopping
  11. Water (also the Sumerian word for semen),is living with his wife in the, paradise ,of Dillon where: :"The land of Dillon is a pure place, the land of Dillon is a
  12. The name California is most commonly believed to have derived from a fictional, paradise ,peopled by Black Amazons and ruled by Queen Malaria. The story of Malaria is
  13. The term" Passers" to describe those Christians who could only be happy in, paradise ,if they knew their enemies were suffering hell. Academic views Modern biblical
  14. Of The Washington Post wrote that the revival" takes an audience halfway to, paradise , " He praised a" broodingly luminous Jan Maxwell" and Burstein's" hapless
  15. In its ties to nature. For example, Islam venerates the color, as it expects, paradise ,to be full of lush greenery. Green is also associated with regeneration
  16. In the public mind and has often been promoted by its boosters as a kind of, paradise , In the early 20th Century, fueled by the efforts of state and local boosters
  17. Tyranny of Saddam Hussein, Sunni though he was, to the Ayatollah's Shiite, paradise ,: Hussein was an Arab, Khomeini a Persian, and 13 centuries of hostility are not
  18. So pure, : o may our old language endure. O land of the mountains, the bard's, paradise , Whose precipice, valleys lone as the skies, Green murmuring forest
  19. To a young Whig and predicts that Higgins will in short time poison even the, paradise ,of America. In Burke's view the British government was fighting" the American
  20. Or from the sweet death of the martyr, who dies in order to live forever in, paradise , " The Iraqi government commemorated the war with various monuments, including
  21. Beaches and remote bays. The constant winds blowing onto the beaches provide a, paradise ,for windsurfing. Surfing is common on the west and north coasts where there are
  22. Meaning Good Kingdom, is the general name for heaven in Hinduism, a heavenly, paradise ,of pleasure, where most of the Hindu gods (Devi) reside along with the king
  23. Of most Chronopolis's staff, and sent them to inhabit and populate it's new, paradise , Thousands of years later, a panther demon attacked a three-year-old Serge. His
  24. His own view was that Venus was dry and very hot as opposed to the balmy, paradise ,others had imagined. He had investigated radio emissions from Venus and
  25. That Elijah never entered into heaven proper (SUK. 5a). In later literature, paradise ,is generally designated as the abode of Elijah (compare Pike R. El. xvi. )
  26. Reestablished relations with western countries. The pre-War Bali as ", paradise ," was revived in a modern form, and the resulting large growth in tourism has
  27. Tough questions, such as whether Catholicism allows for Jews to enter eternal, paradise , ” Steinmetz and his wife live in Jerusalem, and have three children and more
  28. Trade Winds and winter swells of the Atlantic make this a year-round surfer ', paradise , Sailors, scuba divers and big-game fishermen are all drawn to these clear blue
  29. As the abode of Elijah (compare Pike R. El. xvi. ), but since the location of, paradise ,is itself uncertain, the last two statements may be identical. Elijah in Jewish
  30. Nature of the local people and the characterization of the island as a, paradise ,much impressed early European visitors, planting the seed for a romanticization
  31. Barnabas: 4-44/135),anyone who refuses to be circumcised will not enter, paradise ,(Barnabas 17/23),that God has a soul (Barnabas 6/82),that there are 9
  32. Final episode. * In the Wolverine and the X-Men continuity, Genosha is a mutant, paradise ,under Magneto's rule. Magneto offers the country as a sanctuary for other
  33. That to the west is surrounded by a semicircular colonnade, leaving an open ", paradise ," (E) between it and the wall of the church. The whole area is divided by
  34. Juniper berries, orris root, angelica,coriander, cassia,cube, and grains of, paradise , The spirit is triple distilled using a carter head still, and the alcohol
  35. The endangered Long-beaked Echidna),many bird species (including birds of, paradise , cassowaries, parrots,cockatoos),the world's the longest lizards (Papa
  36. Constellation Paradysvogel APIs Indica; the first word is Dutch for 'bird of, paradise ,', but the others are Latin for" Indian Bee ";" APIs" ( Latin for" bee" )
  37. Paradise Lost (1667),iii. 353::" Immortal amaranth, a flower which once: In, paradise , fast by the tree of life, : Began to bloom; but soon for man's offense: To
  38. Begins with a young man, Candide,who is living a sheltered life in an Ethnic, paradise ,and being indoctrinated with Leibniz optimism (or simply Optimism) by his
  39. Walled orchard garden' or 'enclosed hunting park' in Old Persian. The word ", paradise ," occurs three times in the Old Testament, but always in contexts other than a
  40. The book to predict future events, especially an upcoming millennium of, paradise ,on earth. In the late classical and medieval eras, the Church disavowed the
  41. Babylon (Mesopotamia) and the Promised Land will be transformed into an, paradise , where the mountains will be lowered, and the valleys raised to create level
  42. Shorter reign of the Hindu Sent dynasty. Medieval European geographers located, paradise ,at the mouth of the Ganges and although this was over hopeful, Bengal was
  43. He tries to limit man's knowledge by forbidding him the fruit of knowledge in, paradise , The Demiurge, fearing lest Jesus, whom he had intended as his Messiah, should
  44. Peel, dragon eye, saffron,baobab, frankincense,coriander, grains of, paradise , nutmeg and cassia bark. London dry gin may not contain added sugar or
  45. Against desertification by walls; this is the same concept as in the word ", paradise ," from pairi-daêza, an Avesta word for garden that literally means 'having
  46. Through Band included cloves from Tern ate and Tide in the north, bird of, paradise ,feathers from the ARU Islands and western New Guinea, massoi bark for
  47. It may linger for a short period on Earth, it is ultimately escorted either to, paradise ,(Abraham's bosom) or the darkness of Hades, following the Temporary Judgment
  48. There are four rivers starting from this mountain. Interpretation Eden as, paradise ,n animals. " Paradise" ( Hebrew פרדס Parades) used as a synonym for the Garden
  49. And those who are resurrected are then to gradually restore earth to a, paradise , After Armageddon, unrepentant sinners are punished with eternal death (
  50. In long queues until they reach the chairs which transport them to a tourist’s, paradise , It unfolds a prophecy of cities, towns,and countrysides served by a

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