Examples of the the word, concurrent , in a Sentence Context
The word ( concurrent ), is the 8616 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- An effective immune response to tuberculous infection; one hypothesis is that, concurrent ,infection with various parasites produces a simultaneous Th2-response which
- A sequential general-purpose computer executing such an algorithm. The field of, concurrent ,and distributed computing studies similar questions in the case of either
- PC; knowledge-based system; Top Level Common Lisp: an early implementation for, concurrent ,execution; ICL: a shared library implementation; VAX Common Lisp: Digital
- Substitutive free-radical chlorination (in some cases accompanied by, concurrent ,thermal dehydrochlorination) may be a useful synthetic route. Industrial
- Appears to be a central manner. Reform is used in Europe for pain relief with, concurrent ,opioids. The exact mechanism of carbamazepine, gabapentin and pregabalin is
- And may optionally increase audio latency to provide better support for, concurrent ,data transfer. *Host Controller Interface (HCI) support for three-wire PART.
- That points in a portion of a plane perpendicular at O to the axis will be also, concurrent , even if the part of the plane be very small. With a considerable aperture, the
- On the case of multiple computers, although many of the issues are the same for, concurrent ,processes running on a single computer. Three viewpoints are commonly used:;
- Building, and maintaining complex information systems (typically with many, concurrent ,end-users, and with a diverse large amount of data). It has evolved together
- One of the Six Excesses, or a pattern of stagnation (of QI, xuě, etc.). In a, concurrent ,exterior pattern, repletion is characterized by the absence of sweating. * Yin
- In the autistic population. *Preempted diagnoses. Although the DSM-IV rules out, concurrent ,diagnosis of many other conditions along with autism, the full criteria for
- Wilhelm Shipyard – one of first calculating machines * Fred B. Schneider –, concurrent ,and distributed computing * Michael I. Schwartzman – computer scientist at
- Database. BDB can support thousands of simultaneous threads of control or, concurrent ,processes manipulating databases as large as 256 terabytes, on a wide variety
- First three seasons, but also as a metaphor for the war within ourselves. The, concurrent ,limiting of civil liberties and Earth's descent into a dictatorship are "
- To the American League Championship Series. The Division Series consists of two, concurrent ,best-of-five series, featuring the three division winners and a wild-card team
- Visitors to Ann Arbor. One such event is the Ann Arbor Art Fairs, a set of four, concurrent ,buried fairs held on downtown streets, which began in 1960. Scheduled on
- DBMS's, with more elementary DBMS functionality (e.g., not supporting multiple, concurrent ,end-users on a same database),with basic programming interfaces, and a
- Ada has language support for task-based concurrency. The fundamental, concurrent ,unit in Ada is a task which is a built-in limited type. Tasks are specified in
- To as" Data Store" ( DS). The 2. X releases added a locking system enabling, concurrent ,access to data. This is what is known as" Concurrent Data Store" ( CDS). The
- An update of Plan 9,was created by Dennis Ritchie with others, using the new, concurrent ,Limbo programming language. A high performance database engine (Dali) was
- Rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown),Stevens-Johnson syndrome, as well as, concurrent ,usage of NSAIDs contributing to the severity of these reactions. After
- To the Board of Directors, regardless of any other reporting lines conferred by, concurrent ,titles. * Associate – Used in many ways in US business. Often used to
- To implement and faster than incremental garbage collection. Incremental and, concurrent ,garbage collectors are designed to reduce this disruption by interleaving their
- Car Championship, which was open to Group A Touring Cars, was held in 1987, concurrent , to the long-running European Touring Car Championship (ETC). Additional
- Clock rate and had its own 64-bit bus, called a" back-side bus ", that allowed, concurrent ,system front side bus and cache accesses. Initially, the L2 cache was run at
- In some of his earliest showings at the Bosley Gallery in New York. With the, concurrent ,rapid expansion of the record industry and the introduction of the vinyl record
- Signed as Nevada Avenue until it leaves the city at exit 153. * US 87 remains, concurrent ,with I-25 throughout Colorado. In addition, there were plans to develop a "
- Succession be made only with the agreement of all the states involved, with, concurrent , amendments made by each state's parliament, legislating for alterations to the
- Of networked computers, which have the same goal for their work. The terms ", concurrent ,computing "," parallel computing ", and " distributed computing" have a lot
- For example, what is the task of the algorithm designer, and what is the, concurrent ,or distributed equivalent of a sequential general-purpose computer? The
- An immune response. This is called the blocking hypothesis. #Interference by, concurrent ,parasitic infection Another hypothesis is that simultaneous infection with
- Architecture is the method of communicating and coordinating work among, concurrent ,processes. Through various message passing protocols, processes may communicate
- And Storage engines (see above) both to guarantee the correct execution of, concurrent ,transactions, and (different mechanisms) the correctness of other DBMS
- With some overhead and possibly some delays. The upside is possible, concurrent ,read of a same data group by two independent processes, which increases
- Least three orthogonal criteria: digital vs analog, sequential vs parallel vs, concurrent , batch vs interactive. In practice, digital computation is often used to
- Ideally guarantees ACID properties in order to ensure data integrity despite, concurrent ,user accesses (concurrency control),and faults (fault tolerance). It also
- Underway simultaneously in the first half of the 20th century, while over 20, concurrent , civil wars were occurring at the end of the Cold War, before a significant
- Between tasks and to synchronize the operation of co-operating tasks. Various, concurrent ,computing techniques are used to avoid potential problems caused by multiple
- Lehman and Lao showed that all read locks could be avoided (and thus, concurrent ,access greatly improved) by linking the tree blocks at each level together
- Granted In 1994,appears to show a way to use a 'Meta Access Method' to allow, concurrent ,B+Tree access and modification without locks. The technique accesses the tree
- Each other. A number of mathematical models have been developed for general, concurrent ,computation including Petra nets, process calculi and the Parallel Random
- A user should be uninterrupted and unaffected by actions of other users. These, concurrent ,actions should maintain the DB's consistency (i.e., keep the DB from
- Objects at right angles to the axis If rays issuing from O (fig. 5) be, concurrent , it does not follow that points in a portion of a plane perpendicular at O to
- Different levels of collector aggression. Stop-the-world vs. incremental vs., concurrent ,Simple stop-the-world garbage collectors completely halt execution of the
- Majority political party in parliament and usually hold elected seats within it, concurrent ,with their cabinet positions. The bicameral National Assembly of Belize is
- To the Board of Directors, regardless of any other reporting lines conferred by, concurrent ,titles. * Secretary-Treasurer – in many cases, the offices of Secretary and
- Is not at all obvious what is meant by“ solving a problem” in the case of a, concurrent ,or distributed system: for example, what is the task of the algorithm designer
- Individuals according to such factors as age, liver function, pregnancy,some, concurrent ,medications, and the level of enzymes in the liver needed for caffeine
- Time-outs and aborts. The following example illustrates some concepts of, concurrent ,programming in Ada. With Ada. Text_IO; use Ada.
- Large-scale distributed system uses distributed algorithms. History The use of, concurrent ,processes that communicate by message-passing has its roots in operating system
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