Examples of the the word, sober , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sober ), is the 8617 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In 1937,Wilson and Smith could count 40 alcoholic men they had helped to get, sober , and two years later they counted 100 members, including one woman. To promote
  2. To Dr. Robert Smith, a surgeon and Oxford Group member who was unable to stay, sober , After thirty days of working with Wilson, Smith drank his last drink on June
  3. Made by arrested during the instruction," I couldn't do that even if I was, sober ,", would not be the product of interrogation. Similarly, incriminating
  4. An obsessive attention to details of psychologically revealing physiognomy in a, sober ,but immediate naturalism, and minute attention to costume and draperies, such
  5. Word that is fitting to our sound doctrine,2. That the elders (aged men) be, sober , serious, restrained,and sound in faith, in love, and in patience. ”:“ As is
  6. With 36 % sober more than ten years,14 % sober from five to ten years,24 %, sober ,from one to five years, and 26 % sober less than one year. Before coming to AA
  7. The essay does give two compliments, however: that" women are decidedly more, sober ,in their judgment than men are" and are more sympathetic to the suffering of
  8. Thoughts (the" thieves" ) that come to the Hesychast as he watches in, sober ,attention in his hermitage. Much of the literature of Hesychasm is occupied
  9. Depth and with just enough traces of Thurber's wit to make it more than just a, sober ,piece of what would later be called investigative reporting. Thurber teamed
  10. Poetry by one of his contemporaries:" I am drunk, officer. Punish me when I am, sober , " Ba bur related that one of his uncles" was addicted to vice and debauchery.
  11. In Shipton-on-Cherwell, Oxfordshire,in June 1983 with a returned and newly, sober ,Bill Ward on drums. Even a decade after its release Allusion Eduardo Rivadavia
  12. Is facilitated by a change in the member's world view. To help members stay, sober ,AA must, they argue, provide an all-encompassing world view while creating and
  13. Sober because he had" got religion. " Teacher also told Wilson he could get, sober ,too if he set aside his objections to religion and form a personal conception
  14. Power. " Feeling a" kinship of common suffering" and struck that Teacher was, sober , Wilson attended his first Group gathering, though he was drunk. Within days
  15. For teaching on roles and relationships. " 4 ... teach the younger women to be, sober , to love their husbands, to love their children,"" 5. To be discreet, chaste
  16. AA's ideology denies AA is religious in nature, for an AA member to remain, sober ,a high level of commitment is necessary. This commitment is facilitated by a
  17. With his mother, and My Name is Joe an alcoholic's struggle to stay, sober , His most commercially successful recent film is 2009's Looking For Eric
  18. And noisy abundance of details, which sharply contrasted the clear and, sober ,rationality of the Renaissance. Although it was long thought that the word as a
  19. International mutual aid movement which says its" primary purpose is to stay, sober ,and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety. " Now claiming more than 2 million
  20. Brew alcoholic beverages have lower levels of alcohol dehydrogenase and thus ", sober ,up" very slowly, but reach lower aldehyde concentrations and have milder
  21. Namely sobriety, this is completely accurate—it is possible to recover a, sober ,space from its associated site. However, simple examples such as the indiscreet
  22. Dutch colonies. Dutch heraldry is characterized by its simple and rather, sober ,style, and in this sense, is closer to its medieval origins than the elaborate
  23. Sell food and alcohol. Also, many adults in South Korea use the nosebags to, sober ,up after drinking. Karaoke in Taiwan, karaoke bars similar to those
  24. Feelings of overwhelming guilt, remorse,anxiety and shame they experience when, sober , Other theorists such as Milan & Ketch am (1983) focus on the physical
  25. Her beams;: In the dance I weave my shadow tangles and breaks.: While we were, sober , three shared the fun;: Now we are drunk, each goes their way.: May we long
  26. Wilmersdorf, where it passes the Schaubühne theater on Lehniner Platz. The more, sober ,western or" upper" end of the Kurfürstendamm is marked by the Berlin-Halensee
  27. Life, Brahmacharya, the stage as a student, is spent in celibate, controlled, sober , and pure contemplation under the guidance of a Guru, building up the mind for
  28. Of 3rd Street and Lorraine in Los Angeles. Although Hughes was certified as, sober ,at the hospital to which he was taken after the accident, an attending doctor
  29. Third marriage, with actress Mayo Method, a lively, friendly woman when, sober , but paranoid when drunk. She was convinced that her husband was cheating on
  30. Works ". ... more and more, Bill discovered that new adherents could get, sober ,by believing in each other and in the strength of this group. Men no women were
  31. 65 % male and 35 % female. Average member sobriety is eight years with 36 %, sober ,more than ten years,14 % sober from five to ten years,24 % sober from one to
  32. Member sobriety is eight years with 36 % sober more than ten years,14 %, sober ,from five to ten years,24 % sober from one to five years, and 26 % sober less
  33. 14 % sober from five to ten years,24 % sober from one to five years, and 26 %, sober ,less than one year. Before coming to AA,64 % of members received some type of
  34. But in different capacities each time, Morris paints a picture of insanity with, sober ,and reasonable clarity. *Michael Alexander St. John: A parody of hyperbolic and
  35. Good, obedient to their husbands ..." " 6. Young men likewise exhort to be, sober ,minded" “ 9. It is for slaves to submit to their masters in everything; to
  36. P. Kiley (ISBN 1-58846-022-3) This new version of the game presented a more, sober ,and serious approach to the concept of a post-nuclear world, at odds with the
  37. Differentiated from a" fop" in that the dandy's dress was more refined and, sober ,than the fop's. In the 21st century, the word dandy is a jocular, often
  38. Bring empowered female warriors back to television screens ... by mixing the, sober ,feminism of his The Terminator and Aliens characters with the sexed-up Girl
  39. The mills to Ashley. She finds Rhett's attitude has noticeably changed. He is, sober , kinder, polite and seemingly disinterested. Though she misses the old Rhett at
  40. Such as group therapy or self-help groups are used to help the person remain, sober , Compared with men, women are more sensitive to alcohol's harmful physical
  41. Other alcoholics to the group. Wilson's early efforts to help others become, sober ,were ineffective, prompting Dr. Silk worth to suggest that Wilson place less
  42. Over and over again, by extremely painful experience, that they could not get, sober ,on their own had somehow become more powerful when two or three of them worked
  43. And perhaps the establishment of my fame. But my pride was soon humbled, and a, sober ,melancholy was spread over my mind by the idea that I had taken my everlasting
  44. Some, such as eBay Teacher, believed the group was a critical aid in staying, sober , Following the Group's evangelical bent, Thacher sought out former drinking
  45. And September 1943),the lush rendering of a future galactic empire with a, sober ,meditation on the nature of power and its inevitable loss;“ The Code” ( July
  46. Outspoken (and drunken) interview with the New Musical Express. Before going, sober , Chapman jokingly referred to himself as the British actress Betty Mars den
  47. Bent, Thacher sought out former drinking buddy Bill Wilson to tell him he was, sober ,because he had" got religion. " Teacher also told Wilson he could get sober
  48. Feature. The end of World War I once again changed public attitudes, and a more, sober ,style developed. Art Deco Growing political tensions, the after-effects of the
  49. Despite her declaration during the show that she had been" clean and, sober ," for a year. After several probation violations in early 2006,Love was
  50. The trapeze (refectory) for the longer services, and to provide an element of, sober ,celebration to accompany the spiritual joy of the feast. It is considered a

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