Examples of the the word, rendering , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rendering ), is the 9047 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Historians — the affirmation of 'Castilian hegemony' in Spain" by the, rendering ,of homage for Zaragoza by Alfonso's eventual heir, Ramon Banger IV of
  2. اروانيد),which derives from the Greek Aryanizes. *Spears; the historical, rendering ,of the ethnonym Shipyard (or Shyster by French, Austrian and German authors)
  3. Because Arabic script is used to write other texts rather than Koran only, rendering ,+ + as the previous ligature is considered faulty: So, if one of those fonts
  4. This tiger was said to be the early inspiration behind Hobbes and the, rendering ,can still be found on school merchandise. College From 1976 to 1980 Bill
  5. It became easier to edit 3D models. The mental ray engine was included in, rendering , it was now possible to do quality rendering s. AutoCAD 2010 introduced
  6. Parliament to declare the marriage between Edward IV and Elizabeth illegal, rendering ,their children illegitimate and disqualifying them from the throne. With his
  7. Were in place with thirty (and in some cases forty) years as a minimum, rendering ,something like a third of the adult citizen body ineligible at any one time. An
  8. In both senses, is Judi Dench's superb Desiree Armed ... Her husky-voiced, rendering ,of" Send in the Clowns" is the most moving I've ever heard. " In reviewing
  9. Abusing judicial discretion would actually pave the way to a biased decision, rendering ,obsolete the judicial process in question—rule of law being illicitly
  10. Whom Athena overcame and whose name she attached to her own (name). In a late, rendering ,by Cygnus, ( Poetical Astronomy ii. 13) Zeus is said to have used the skin of
  11. Have built up a large-scale production of chocolate and its by-products, thus, rendering , them quintessential products in the region. Viennese and German cuisine and
  12. Blackjacks. Video and online blackjack games deal each coup from a fresh shoe, rendering ,card counting much less effective. Variants of the game Blackjack is a member
  13. Alcohols, in particular, ethanol and methanol, possess denaturing and inert, rendering ,properties, leading to their use as anti-microbial agents in medicine, pharmacy
  14. First verse of the prayer attributed to Rabbi Kenya Ben Hannah, the literal, rendering ,of which is“ O God, with thy mighty right hand-deliver the unhappy people,”
  15. For the problem of hell. Contrast in well-known English translations with its, rendering ,in Young's Literal Translation: And these shall go away to punishment
  16. Hardware device address (BD_ADD) transmission in the Connecting process (, rendering ,anonymity impossible at the protocol level),which was a major setback for
  17. Most prominent feature is an image of the Greek sun god Apollo back dropped by a, rendering ,of an American eagle, the red bars on the eagle representing those on the flag
  18. Shapes with more flexible Bézier curves, providing unprecedented accuracy. Font, rendering ,in Illustrator, however,was left to the Macintosh's Quicker libraries and
  19. As the Death Strip. The Death Strip was covered with raked sand or gravel, rendering ,footprints easy to notice, easing the detection of trespassers and also
  20. From being sold between 12am Sunday morning and 12pm Sunday afternoon, rendering ,virtually all retailers closed in those hours, including malls and large retail
  21. The more violent athletic exercises, as a means of keeping the body supple, and, rendering , it graceful, but were generally left to boys and girls. Of regular rules for
  22. The enzyme does more than bind to the site, it actually destroys the site, rendering ,the HIV inert, and then can attach to other viruses. A single enzyme can
  23. Got one foot tangled up in the cable to one of the probes, detaching it and, rendering ,the experiment useless. The astronauts also conducted performance tests with
  24. Needed to convert bit patterns to colors. This also allowed for sub-pixel font, rendering ,since orange and blue pixels appeared half a pixel-width further to the right
  25. For example the word Braille becomes a three cell word BRL. Unicode, rendering ,table The Unicode standard encodes 8-dot Braille glyphs according to their
  26. Which includes characters like ┌╥─╨┐♥☺♫Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ) Also, the common practice of, rendering ,Unicode with a mixture of variable width fonts is likely to make predictable
  27. A 16 mm camera dislodged from storage and struck Bean in the forehead, rendering ,him briefly unconscious. He suffered a mild concussion and needed six stitches.
  28. Was designed by IBM, a follow-on to the mainframe-based IBM 5080,capable of, rendering ,990K vectors per second. * PIGS, another 3D rendering API, popular in
  29. Developed in landaus and the Maghreb. (There are two typographic styles for, rendering ,European numerals, known as lining figures and text figures). *The
  30. Of the tank in World War I and the tank did not fulfil its promise of, rendering ,trench warfare obsolete. Nonetheless, it was clear to military thinkers on both
  31. Stored as BCD were misinterpreted as 16 causing a paradox in the unit's date, rendering ,most functionalities inoperable. Representational variations Various BCD
  32. To revise the story into a novel he called Stephen Hero. It was a fictional, rendering ,of Joyce's youth, but he eventually grew frustrated with its direction and
  33. Needed to convert bit patterns to colors. This also allowed for sub-pixel font, rendering ,since orange and blue pixels appeared half a pixel-width further to the right
  34. During winter, fast ice, which is attached to the shoreline, develops first, rendering ,the ports unusable without the services of icebreakers. Level ice, ice sludge
  35. IBM 5080,capable of rendering 990K vectors per second. * PIGS, another 3D, rendering , API,popular in automotive CAD/CAM circles, and at the core of CAT IA. * Full
  36. Vase, and therefore this remarkable 'find' must represent the lost art of, rendering ,antimony malleable. " An English translation of the" Cirrus Triumphalism "
  37. No PL/1 code) than v2. Other notable subsystems included: * IRIS GL, a 3D, rendering , library,the progenitor of OpenGL. IRIS GL was licensed by IBM from SGI, then a
  38. ABM, effectively requiring engagement of 50 times more targets than before and, rendering ,defense even less effective. At about the same time, the USSR reached strategic
  39. To have entertained the idea of diverting the course of the Nile River and so, rendering ,the whole country barren. Perhaps most tellingly, he intended to steal the body
  40. During these years, Armenia occupied some 20 % of Azerbaijan's territory, rendering ,possibility of supplies from Azerbaijan an impossibility. This led the
  41. To access several megabytes of memory led to the development of several 3D, rendering , packages,including Light Wave 3D and Aladdin 4D. Since the demise of Commodore
  42. Embossers and refreshable Braille displays do not yet support the Unicode, rendering ,table; instead they use Braille ASCII for 6-dot Braille. Some embossers have
  43. Primarily for animation that attempts to resemble real life. Using advanced, rendering ,that makes detailed skin, plants,water, fire,clouds, etc. to mimic real life.
  44. An uneconomical amount of computing power or storage in order to run, again, rendering , it practically useless. Ælle (; also Belle or Ella) is recorded in early
  45. Whom he called Khoisan" (" the master" ), and " Balboa ", ( Yiddish, rendering ,of Hebrew Baal heydays for" master of the house" ). He was accused of
  46. Ceramics show evidence of adhesives based upon animal glues made by, rendering ,animal products such as horse teeth. During the times of Babylonia, tar-like
  47. By a pitch while playing for the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant softball team, rendering ,him unconscious, but forcing in the winning run. * In" Cheers" the
  48. Art and its individualism and detail—observed in such things as the convincing, rendering ,of cloth and skin textures—make it one of the most compelling periods of
  49. Bizarre posturing on one hand, graceful posturing on the other hand, and a, rendering ,of the heads as uniformly small and oval. The composition is jammed by clashing
  50. Was to begin with Apollo 17. The image of Apollo in the mission insignia is a, rendering ,of the Apollo Belvedere sculpture. The insignia was designed, along with the

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