Examples of the the word, pressing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pressing ), is the 12683 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Over 65,000 casualties in seven weeks),name "/IN"> mcpherson56"/> kept, pressing ,Lee's Army of Northern Virginia back to Richmond. He pinned down the
  2. S independence from France. Housing and medicine shortages continue to be, pressing ,problems in Algeria. Failing infrastructure and the continued influx of people
  3. Rear from effectively supporting the van due to the prevailing winds. A more, pressing ,problem for Areas was a lack of food and water for the fleet: Bonaparte had
  4. An accordionist. It is played by com pressing or expanding a bellows whilst, pressing ,buttons or keys, causing valves, called pallets, to open, which allow air to
  5. Therefore, the field of bioinformatics has evolved such that the most, pressing ,task now involves the analysis and interpretation of various types of data
  6. Been calling for a greater degree of autonomy for various areas started, pressing ,for full independence. As one of his Fourteen Points, U. S. president Woodrow
  7. Clay mix, so it forms more accurate, sharper-edged bricks. The greater force in, pressing ,and the longer burn make this method more expensive. Extruded bricks For
  8. With less than 35 % zinc, are malleable, can be worked cold, and are used in, pressing , forging, or similar applications. They contain only one phase, with
  9. Singers; the original 1942 master had become damaged due to its frequent use in, pressing ,additional singles. Though the two versions are very similar, it is the 1947
  10. Coins, medals and paper money; prints & drawings; and ethnography. A, pressing ,problem was finding space for additions to the library which now required an
  11. With Benin benefiting from a G8 debt reduction announced in July 2005,while, pressing ,for more rapid structural reforms. An insufficient electrical supply continues
  12. NA-40B,dubbed the NA-62,was the basis for the first actual B-25. Due to the, pressing ,need for medium bombers by the Army, no experimental or service-test versions
  13. Other woodwind is called flicking. It involves the left-hand thumb momentarily, pressing , or 'flicking' the high A, C and D keys at the beginning of certain notes in
  14. Question, sooner,rather than later. On July 2,1908,in response to the, pressing ,of the Austrian-Hungarian claim, the Russian Imperial Foreign Minister
  15. Such figures as Armor De Cosmos, John Robson, and Robert Beaten, led the chorus, pressing ,for the colony to join Canada, which had been created out of three British
  16. Returned to its former state quickly (in response to activity such as the user, pressing ,a key on the keyboard). * APM Suspend: Most devices are powered off, but the
  17. Of tubing coming into play when the first, second or third valves are pressed;, pressing ,the thumb valve takes these secondary valve slides and the extra length of main
  18. With higher ranges such as six-string basses. Another variation to fully, pressing ,down a string is to gently graze the string with the finger at the harmonic
  19. At them from the north side of the lane, and Somerset's heavy cavalry still, pressing ,them from behind. The novelty of fighting armored foes impressed the British
  20. Makes use of a screen filled with movable pins, which can be moved in or out by, pressing ,an object onto the screen. The screen is lit from the side so that the pins
  21. Substitution syntax $ (… ). When used as an interactive command shell and, pressing ,the tab key, Bash automatically uses command line completion to match partly
  22. General election and led by Clement Attlee, moved quickly to tackle the most, pressing ,issue facing the empire, that of Indian independence. India's two independence
  23. The south, in spite of his naturally despotic character and his continual and, pressing ,need of money. He is noted for ordering the first recorded local expulsion of
  24. Hessians and Danes, despite earlier undertakings, found,or invented, pressing ,reasons for withholding their support. Additionally, the King in Prussia
  25. Dutch commander, Count Overwork, along the Meuse, took Hey on 10 June before, pressing ,on towards Liège. With Marshal Pillars sitting strong on the Moselle, the
  26. That are pressed down on the fingerboard—open strings can also be vibrated by, pressing ,down on the string behind the nut. As well, the fretting hand can be used to "
  27. With United taking the title in 1965 and 1967. In between, there was the, pressing ,matter for Charlton of the 1966 World Cup for which England, as hosts, had not
  28. Involves spreading some glue along the spine edge of the folded endpaper and, pressing ,the endpaper against the signature. The gathered signatures are then glued
  29. And Bismarck-class battleships as commerce raiders. In Britain, the most, pressing ,need was for air defenses and convoy escorts to safeguard the civilian
  30. According to Robert Langley," Clinton and Gore were responsible for, pressing ,almost all federal agencies, the U. S. court system and the U. S. military onto
  31. The dedicated Pause key on 101-key keyboards sends the same scan codes as, pressing ,Ctrl, then Unlock, then releasing them in the reverse order would do;
  32. Hostility of Marxist movements, especially the Russian Revolution. Especially, pressing ,in Europe was the formation of nation states after the Napoleonic era. In all
  33. In drive 0. On the Sinclair ZX80 and ZX81 computers, the Break is accessed by, pressing ,Space. On the Sinclair ZX Spectrum it is accessed by Shift and Space. The
  34. Are not the only resources that are limited in Asia: water scarcity is another, pressing ,issue. India, China,Thailand and Korea all have water resources per capita
  35. Attack bomber for export to the United Kingdom and France, both of which had a, pressing ,requirement for such aircraft in the early stages of World War II. However
  36. This project. Beginning in 1986 the Canadian government of Brian Mulroney began, pressing ,the Reagan administration for an" Acid Rain Treaty" in order to do something
  37. May be united by smearing the surfaces with linseed oil, heating them, and then, pressing ,them together while hot. Cloudy amber may be clarified in an oil-bath, as the
  38. In events away from Rome and Italy and his inaction contributed to the, pressing ,troubles that faced not only Marcus Aurelius but also the emperors of the third
  39. He may choose to" play on ": forfeiting the set shot in the hope of, pressing ,an advantage for his team (rather than allowing the opposition to reposition
  40. Refers to random needling with needle insertion, and this is compared to, pressing ,telescoping needles against the skin at the same points but not puncturing the
  41. To hear stories about people routinely classified as damned. This question is, pressing , given ... that Anglo-Saxons saw the Danes as 'heathens' rather than as
  42. Comments leading Dylan to re-cut five of the songs. Although the original test, pressing ,is widely bootlegged, only one of the five original takes from it has seen
  43. Designs exist, although rare, in which this behavior is reversed, i. e., pressing ,a valve removes a length of tubing rather than adding one. One modern example
  44. The computer term bootstrap began as a metaphor in the 1950s. In computers, pressing ,a bootstrap button caused a hardwired program to read a bootstrap program from
  45. S death in 59,making it highly unlikely that already married Poppaea would be, pressing ,Nero. Some modern historians theorize that Nero's decision to kill Agrippina
  46. Weeks before the release of Blood on the Tracks, Dylan played an acetate disc, pressing ,of the record for his brother, his ensuing comments leading Dylan to re-cut
  47. May use a tremolo bar-equipped bass to produce the same effect. In addition to, pressing ,down one note at a time, bassists can also press down several notes at one time
  48. Styles, bassists use both hands to play notes on the fretboard by rapidly, pressing ,and holding the string to the fret. Instead of plucking or picking the string
  49. A BIOS has a user interface (UI),typically this a menu system accessed by, pressing ,a certain key on the keyboard when the PC starts. In the BIOS UI, a user can: *
  50. Dylan had finished recording and mixing, and,by November, had cut a test, pressing ,on the album. Columbia soon began to prepare for the album's imminent release

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