Examples of the the word, cliche , in a Sentence Context
The word ( cliche ), is the 12685 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Images of clouds rolling past wheat fields, the familiar device transcends, cliche , because it's tied to the way that Mike, in his benumbed isolation
- Which is the bane of ordinary methods of composition; he never allowed a, cliche , to pass him. Flaubert believed in, and pursued, the principle of finding" LE
- And also avoids copyright issues. " Reinventing the wheel" may be an ironic, cliche ,- it is not clear when the wheel itself was actually invented. The modern "
- The stories as" space opera of the old, raw,gloves-off school including every, cliche , of the period," concluding" Hawk Care was so bad that he was almost good. "
- S next victim. During the murder, Buffy thinks it's a game, so she does every, cliche , done by a white female in a horror film. Ghost face decapitates her (even
- By Princess Beatrice of York, which was widely mocked by the media. A cliché or, cliche , ( pronounced, ) is an expression, idea,or element of an artistic work which
- This subpar effort sinks to the bottom of the ocean in a tidal wave of, cliche , " During an interview on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno in May 2008,Gladiator
- The system of continuous tenses (absent in other Germanic languages) was a, cliche , of similar Celtic phrasal structures. *French legal, military,and political
- She was still very prominent, though despite her strengths she fulfilled the, cliche , of a" summer movie heroine ". GamesRadar named her" Miss 2004" in their
- Is labeled to be the new Glass jaw EP with a tweet following saying" It sounds, cliche , and all the bands say it BUT the" Heavy" is truly heavier & the melodic stuff
- In the western literature (the rifle was never called this in Russia). The, cliche , is deficient from the legal point of view (taking into consideration the legal
- Rational, ambivalent attitude towards woman. A famous early reversal of the, cliche , occurs with the overtly lecherous Atari Moroboshi of Unused Satsuma),who is
- Exposed to show her unborn child in" a pose taken straight from pornographic, cliche ,"; and http://www.bodyworlds.com/en/media/picture_database/preview.html? ID 28
- Of Nagant's attempts to use the situation for publicity the" Mosin-Nagant ", cliche , appeared in the western literature (the rifle was never called this in Russia
- Tourists and as such is lined with travel agencies, banks,and shops selling, cliche , Parisian merchandise. It is close to a small Japanese district on rue
- To Dylan, Forbert said," You can't pay any attention to that. It was just a, cliche , back then, and it's nothing I take seriously. I'm off the hook — I don't
- Says the cliché of" pretty ladies teased and tortured by magicians" was not a, cliche , prior to Selbit's illusion. Male assistants were common in magic history and
- From historians, remarking that the series:" consciously traded on every, cliche , and misremembered piece of history about the Western Front, and was influential
- The Tough Guide to Fantasy land contains an entry on gay mages as a fantasy, cliche , Such characters are found in Mercedes Lackey's works, such as the Lambda
- Manager, to create a comedic juxtaposition of his usual immortal and overcoming, cliche , action hero. Another method in which actors avoid typecasting is by acting or
- Of different specialties. The character was a sharp distinction from the, cliche , image of the mad scientist's assistant, as Ramos is fiercely intelligent in
- That mocked and embraced the conventions of horror which had become considered, cliche , was credited with changing the status of the genre, becoming both a financial
- Poles and nets year-round. In naturism and nudism volleyball has become a, cliche , and a source of much amusement to non-naturists/nudists. The concept entered
- In class - I labored to impress him. I got it back circled in red with 'cliché, cliche , ' 'White as newly fallen snow' - 'cliché '; 'high upon a silver shadowed hill
- Unity in a large-scale form. Although, as noted above, classical music has its, cliche , progressions these are seldom named and discussed: perhaps only Schoenberg
- The public. Steinmeier observes that:" Before Selbit's illusion, it was not a, cliche , that pretty ladies were teased and tortured by magicians. Since the days of
- Been more mixed. The series premise of seeking magical items was criticized as, cliche , by ANN and IGN, but the parasitic nature of the rings and zombie powder
- Means to be human. The idea of animate weapons is now so much a science fiction, cliche , that it has spawned a whole genre of science fiction films such as Hardware
- In the first Austin Powers film because Mike Myers believed it was a film, cliche , to play the song whenever any film changed its setting to Britain. *It appears
- s. Another editor commented that the way his teeth stick out is the" manga, cliche , of how you draw a cat ". Another editor commented that he liked the way how
- Called Bundler Herrschaft; it is criticized as being a" laughable, infantile,cliché," and" a more vivid example of hyperreality. " Sequels The two sequel books
- Promoter in the all-male world of professional boxing. It works, and another, cliche , works,too: the Big Fight scene, right out of" Rocky" and every other boxing
- Of 10; the first VHS was also given a B+. Less favorable reviews criticized the, cliche , plot,character voices and less than crisp artwork. Media Manga A few months
- And many other bop tunes. (Spitzer 2001,p. 62) " It is a bop soloist's, cliche , to arpeggios this chord A79 (V/ii = VI79) from the 3 up to the 9. " (
- Station until it was ready to be seen by the viewing public (as in the, cliche ," Film at 11! "). Film was also difficult to handle, subject to easy
- American Poetry suggest that“ In her drive to freshen poetic diction, avoid,cliché, and sentimentality, and create 'skewed domains ‚' in her poetry, Fulton has
- Two. However, Murphy is usually shown to be exasperated by Connor's second hand, cliche , movie plans. * Willem Dafoe as FBI Special Agent Paul Smacker, an incredibly
- This is enforced by more naturalistic acting coupled with significantly less, cliche , dialog,and cutaways from Allegra and Paul. Another difference occurs when it
- With routine plots, slapdash presentation, cardboard characterization, and much, cliche , of ideas. Alexei and Cory Pan shin concluded that" Time has swallowed what were
- Detective dénouement that quickly became a cinematic (and literary),cliché, With the suspects gathered together, the detective would dramatically announce
- For magic featuring female assistants in the role of victim. He says the, cliche , of " pretty ladies teased and tortured by magicians" was not a cliché prior to
- His carefully built background, into just one more damned chase with a rousing, cliche , at the end of it ... this error is fatal. " SF reviews. Net gave a mixed review
- The alias Mahatma Kane Jeeves (derived from the Broadway drawing-room comedy, cliche ," My hat, my cane, Jeeves! "),and directed by Edward F. Cline. Sheep Howard
- Of the electorate's polarization between the Labor and the Conservatives. The, cliche ," A Liberal vote is a wasted vote" argument never held truer than in the 1950s
- An alarmingly contemporary criminal subculture gradually reverts to underworld, cliche , covering its derivative tracks with outrageous decor and an apocalyptic
- Game. GameS pot criticized the game for having" paper-thin characters" and a, cliche , plot,augmented by a lack of character development during the game's fetch
- Diversions In some stories, mostly in more recent literary works,the, cliche , involving princesses and dragons is somehow twisted to create a more exciting
- Version, these round appear randomly, and include trivia questions inspired by, cliche , fortune cookie messages. For example, the fortune" You have a magnetic
- Issue, love? Because her sex songs are flavorful where her love songs are all, cliche , and because her much-berated fluting little-girl timbre whispers innocence
- Arthur Dent" has come to be a characterization, cliche , for characters who, despite being the only normal humans (if not the only
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