Examples of the the word, cull , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cull ), is the 12687 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. UK store revamp, which would cost between £850,000,000 and £900,000,000 and a, cull ,of what Holland called" " the often confusing" store layouts and "
  2. Were decommissioned in the 1930s under Damon de Valeria, with a further large, cull ,in services by both CIE and the Ulster Transport Authority (UTA) during the
  3. To agriculture. There is evidence for at least some year-round breeding (, cull ,records show joeys discovered in the pouch at all times of the year),although
  4. Beetle. Herds of red and fallow deer roam freely within much of the park. A, cull ,takes place each November and February to ensure numbers can be sustained. Many
  5. Those that are left in the ground after the previous year's harvest; in, cull ,piles, soil or infected volunteer plants and are spread rapidly in warm and wet
  6. And is working with major neighboring private landowners on measures to, cull ,the deer. The landscape of Ashdown Forest is landscape in the
  7. Edge, a California court ruled that Bidder's Edge's use of a web crawler to, cull ,auction information from eBay's website constituted trespass to chattel and
  8. During its infancy by October due to poor sales figures. The '2011 brand, cull ,' Marc Holland had considered axing several brands in early 2011 after an audit
  9. The object of compiling an anthology was to preserve the best of a form, and, cull , the rest. In Malaysia, an anthology (or anthology in Malay) is a collection of
  10. In 2003 the List Wader Project - headed by Scottish Natural Heritage - began a, cull ,of hedgehogs in the area. Following a campaign and concerns over animal welfare
  11. For being cover songs, they were the songs the record companies elected to, cull ,and release off the albums. More importantly, Linda Ronstadt became a highly
  12. On all sides and public opinion can have an impact on the practicality of a, cull , It was entirely legitimate for that to be one of the factors that I weighed up
  13. Culling for the first time since 1994 to control elephant numbers although no, cull ,has yet taken place. Nevertheless, as scientists learn more about nature and
  14. Also recognized by the Spaniards, who periodically had extermination parties, cull ,and kill thousands of excess livestock, when herd populations grew beyond their
  15. People were hastily buried in overcrowded pits. The City Corporation ordered a, cull ,of dogs and cats. - A poor decision, since those animals - mostly the cats -
  16. Of the party, but none more so than Hawks, who expressed his willingness to, cull ,Labor's" sacred cows ". The Socialist Left faction, as well as prominent
  17. As Just icier south of the Forth. After Robert's accession, there was no mass, cull ,of David II's favorites and appointees, but there were casualties—the brothers
  18. And runners using the park at all times of the day and night. During the deer, cull ,the majority of the gates are locked, and warning signs are displayed forbidding
  19. Bacteria and fungi on the vertebrate corpse. At an early stage, the parents may, cull ,they're young. This infanticide functions to match the number of larvae to the
  20. Spatial data structures More advanced techniques use data structures to, cull ,out objects which are either outside the viewing volume or are occluded by
  21. Auctions on the site. Market days are: Tuesday – The sale of finished sheep, cull ,ewe/store, a Fodder auction (sale of hay and straw). Some Fridays – The sale
  22. Of Dean are disputed. In early 2010 the Forestry Commission embarked on a, cull , with the aim of reducing the boar population from an estimated 150 animals to
  23. Where he reached the rank of Captain but was demoted to Lieutenant as part of a, cull ,of rear-echelon jobs. University and the Bar After the war Day attended St
  24. Pipeline rendering allowed a multithreaded application to construct the scene, cull ,its primitives, and render it in different threads (borrowing from the
  25. In the area. Following a campaign and concerns over animal welfare, this, cull , was called off in 2007,instead hedgehogs are being captured and translocated
  26. By Margaret Thatcher as" one of us" - was a beneficiary of her move to, cull ,the Tory wets and joined her cabinet as Secretary of State for Transport. In
  27. A quarterly anthology series that was published from 2004 to 2006,purported to, cull ,stories from an involved, fictitious 60-year history of the Escapist character
  28. From 200 to 90,but that only 25 had been killed. The failure to meet, cull ,targets was confirmed in February 2011. There have also been reports of wild
  29. A business protection racket. In these early years, Evel notably stopped an Elk, cull ,in Yellowstone National Park, and staged an exhibition match against the
  30. Often appears near the end of the play is Alcibiades commanding his troops to ", cull ,TH' infected fourth" from the Senate, as if he intends to destroy a fourth of
  31. From the Chief Scientific Advisor until 2007,Sir David King, was a badger, cull , In July 2008,in a House of Commons debate after Hilary Been had made clear
  32. Which can not be seen. Blackface cull ing The simplest way to cull polygons is to, cull ,all polygons which face away from the viewer. This is known as blackface cull ing
  33. To fly again. A lone Boeing 767–200,the ex VH-RMF survived the scrappers, cull , was sold and continues to fly in the United States as a charter aircraft. More
  34. And bicycle access to the park 24 hours a day except when there is a deer, cull , This means it is not uncommon to find cyclists, walkers and runners using the
  35. Mentally probed by Darkseid's minions Monkey and Simon, in an attempt to, cull ,the personality traits that make Batman the successful superhero that he is in
  36. Such as mother to son, father to daughter, brother to sister. Breeders must, cull ,unfit breeding suppressed individuals and/or individuals who demonstrate either
  37. New job cuts, on top of 23,000 cuts already made during 2008 in a huge job, cull ,resulting from four quarters of consecutive losses and reports that it was
  38. In a House of Commons debate after Hilary Been had made clear that a badger, cull ,would not be pursued, Anne Snelgrove (Labor) asked: Was one of the
  39. Of State. Warning signs are normally displayed a month before the deer, cull ,occurs. The park has designated bridleways and cycle paths. These are shown on
  40. Bottom card, the second from bottom card, and the middle card. The idea is to, cull , or to find the cards one needs, place them at the bottom, top,or any other
  41. Critiquing conformation and movement - of potential breeding stock to, cull ,out unsuitable breeding horses and direct the evolution towards a particular
  42. Variability and resilience. The peoples of the Sahel control dam lines and, cull ,puppies heavily at birth according to locally held aesthetic criteria that we
  43. To cull out objects which can not be seen. Blackface cull ing The simplest way to, cull ,polygons is to cull all polygons which face away from the viewer. This is known
  44. Where he is the story's writer-apprentice protagonist, on a pilgrimage to, cull ,the wisdom of the reclusive author E. I. Logoff (perhaps a stand-in for
  45. Renderer. A number of acceleration techniques have been developed over time to, cull ,out objects which can not be seen. Blackface cull ing The simplest way to cull
  46. At approximately 8 % per year. The government of South Australia has decided to, cull ,the animals using aerial marksmen, because the camels use too much of the
  47. And the threat of their spreading to presently pristine areas, a complete, cull ,would take place, leading to the eradication of reindeer from the island. The
  48. The hunting is used as a part of the wildlife management strategy and to help, cull ,less desirable individuals. In Montana, a public hunt was reestablished in 2005
  49. During a very controversial New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, cull , Since the campaign began to remove horses from there over 400 have been
  50. By great swathes of countryside, it would be very difficult to undertake a, cull ,and persuade people in the densely populated center that that was the right

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