Examples of the the word, geothermal , in a Sentence Context
The word ( geothermal ), is the 12686 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Sources, and vehicles using natural gas, hydrogen and biogas. A hot dry rock, geothermal ,energy project was cancelled in 2009 since it caused induced basicity in
- Especially in the North Island's Taupe Volcanic Zone. The associated, geothermal ,energy is used in numerous hydrothermal power plants. Some volcanic places are
- And Steamboat Springs—but they were destroyed by the installation of nearby, geothermal ,power plants. At the plants, geothermal drilling reduced the available heat and
- With a small amount from solar energy, tidal harnesses, wind generators, and, geothermal , sources. Methods of generating electricity There are seven fundamental methods
- Oxidizing in air to form Eu (III) compounds. In anaerobic, and particularly, geothermal ,conditions, the divalent form is sufficiently stable that it tends to be
- The Earth's core. Three types of power plants are used to generate power from, geothermal ,energy: dry steam, flash,and binary. Dry steam plants take steam out of
- Tapped and brought to the surface it may be used to generate electricity. Such, geothermal ,power sources exist in certain geologically unstable parts of the world such as
- Which comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind,rain, tides,and, geothermal ,heat, which are renewable (naturally replenished). About 16 % of global final
- Hydroelectricity. New renewables (small hydro, modern biomass, wind,solar, geothermal , and biofuels) accounted for another 2.8 % and are growing very rapidly. The
- From its numerous rivers. Large swaths of the Alaskan coastline offer wind and, geothermal ,energy potential as well. Alaska's economy depends heavily on increasingly
- Pressure exceeds 300 bar and temperature exceeds 393 K, only found near deep, geothermal ,vents) and therefore the rate of uptake from the atmosphere decreases as ocean
- In Sweden, national use of biomass energy has surpassed that of oil. Direct, geothermal ,for heating is also growing rapidly. Globally, the long-term technical
- As a possible precursor by NASA. Radon is a known pollutant emitted from, geothermal ,power stations, though it disperses rapidly, and no radiological hazard has
- Purchasing power parity ($40,112). Except for its abundant hydroelectric and, geothermal ,power, Iceland lacks natural resources; historically its economy depended on
- Of revenue. Important domestic sources of electrical energy are hydropower and, geothermal ,power, the latter from the volcano Momotombo, near Managua. But most commercial
- Can be and are used to generate electricity such as solar photovoltaics and, geothermal ,power. History Centralized power generation became possible when it was
- Operation may use a supply of heat from other sources such as nuclear, solar, geothermal , or exothermic reactions not involving combustion; but are not then strictly
- Its northeastern limit. Many geysers in this zone were destroyed due to, geothermal ,developments and a hydroelectric reservoir, but several dozen geysers still
- Local landholders and local councils. The region is also a source of bountiful, geothermal ,energy, solar power Through the Laura Wind Farm the Ballarat region produces
- Through volcanic activity started around 150 million years ago. Today, some, geothermal , activity still occurs on the islands of Vania Levi and Tavern. Fiji has been
- Litter and debris into them; others have ceased to erupt due to dewatering by, geothermal ,power plants. The Great Geyser of Iceland has had periods of activity and
- In volcanically active locations of the globe or from shallow depths, as in, geothermal ,heat pumps in most locations of the planet. It is expensive to build a power
- Grown more quiet and does not erupt often. With the widespread availability of, geothermal ,power, and the harnessing of many rivers and waterfalls for hydroelectricity
- The highest point is Cerro El Vital, at 2,730 m. Natural resources: hydropower, geothermal ,power, petroleum,arable land use (1993 estimate) includes 29 percent
- Destroyed by the installation of nearby geothermal power plants. At the plants, geothermal ,drilling reduced the available heat and lowered the local water table to the
- More environmentally friendly technologies, including insulation advancement, geothermal ,cooling, and the En wave deep lake system in Toronto that cools a number of
- Department is obligated by law to assess the potential environmental impacts of, geothermal ,development. " Geysers" elsewhere in the Solar System There are several bodies
- An organic fluid that spins the turbine. The condensed steam and remaining, geothermal ,fluid from all three types of plants are injected back into the hot rock to
- Geothermal energy resources. In 2003,it produced 1931 MW of electricity from, geothermal ,sources (27 % of total electricity production),second only to the United
- Ocean, which bring heavy rains and flash floods. Natural resources include, geothermal ,energy. Inadequate supplies of potable water and desertification are current
- Cebu region. Mining and natural resources The country is rich with mineral and, geothermal ,energy resources. In 2003,it produced 1931 MW of electricity from geothermal
- Will not run out in foreseeable future),these are solar radiation, geothermal ,energy, and air (though access to clean air may not be). The vast majority of
- 354 megawatt (MW) SEES power plant in the Mojave Desert. The world's largest, geothermal ,power installation is the Geysers in California, with a rated capacity of 750
- Over the faults. Similarly, it has found some limited use in prospecting for, geothermal ,gradients. Some researchers have investigated changes in groundwater radon
- Point of water decreases, and the ice melts. Friction between ice and rock and, geothermal ,heat from the Earth's interior also contribute to melting. This type of
- In sediments under the volcano, they would likely have been kept warm by a high, geothermal ,gradient and residual heat from the volcano's magma chamber. Potential springs
- Types of plants are injected back into the hot rock to pick up more heat. The, geothermal ,energy from the core of the Earth is closer to the surface in some areas than
- The complete elimination of nuclear energy in favor of solar, tidal,wind and, geothermal , citing environmental, worker safety, migrant labor, national security
- Potential, and geologic activity in the mountain areas provides potential for, geothermal ,power development. Much of the state is sunny and could produce solar power.
- Hazard has been demonstrated in various investigations. The trend in, geothermal ,plants is to reinfect all emissions by pumping deep underground, and this seems
- Various activities such as electricity generation, heating and tourism. Many, geothermal ,reserves are found all around the world. The geyser fields in Iceland are some
- Involve natural phenomena such as sunlight, wind,tides, plant growth, and, geothermal , heat,as the International Energy Agency explains: Renewable energy replaces
- Polar ice cap of Mars. In the latter two cases, instead of being driven by, geothermal ,energy, the eruptions seem to rely on solar heating via a solid-state
- In 1979 the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) actively promoted development of, geothermal ,energy in the Geysers-Calistoga Known Geothermal Resource Area (
- And 7 % on hydroelectric power. In 2004,Iran opened its first wind-powered and, geothermal ,plants, and the first solar thermal plant is to come online in 2009.
- In the nation and its geologically active mountain areas have significant, geothermal ,power and wind power potential. These realities have shaped much of the state’s
- And fauna. In December 2010 the Eden Project received permission to build a, geothermal ,electricity plant which will generate approx 4MWe,enough to supply Eden and
- Percent of renewable energy was hydroelectric followed by wind at 6 % and, geothermal ,at 1.8 %. Solar photovoltaic was 0.06 %, and solar thermal was 0.004 %. Data
- Iceland expects to be energy-independent by 2050. Iceland's largest, geothermal ,power plants are Hellisheiði and Nesjavellir, while Kárahnjúkavirkjun is the
- This type of movement is dominant in temperate, or warm-based glaciers. The, geothermal ,heat flux becomes more important the thicker a glacier becomes. The rate of
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