Examples of the the word, segregated , in a Sentence Context
The word ( segregated ), is the 12690 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- By Robinson's old friend Joe Louis. Robinson also openly criticized, segregated ,hotels and restaurants that served the Dodger organization; a number of these
- Met69.; GROUP 2c: CARBENICILLINASE, Molecular Class A: Later subgroup 2c was, segregated ,from group 2 because these enzymes inactivate carbenicillin more than
- Issued to parents. The vouchers, in many cases, were only good at privately, segregated ,schools, known as segregation academies. Today, all modern voucher programs
- Same chain of command as other internal camp SS personnel, but in practice were, segregated ,and worked and lived locally on site at the crematorium. In all, there were
- Should be stressed that, within EC, this information remains at least partially, segregated , The deep layers, especially layer V, receive one of the three main outputs of
- The most densely populated areas. Heathrow's two runways generally operate in, segregated ,mode, whereby arriving aircraft are allocated to one runway and departing
- More established tradition, view the safety, practicality,and intent of many, segregated ,cycle facilities with suspicion. They favor a more holistic approach based on
- Black colleges and universities remain today which were originally set up when, segregated ,colleges did not admit African Americans. As late as 1947,about one third of
- Ecosystems of the Columbia Basin to intermix with sister lineages that are, segregated ,to the interior mountain systems. Fire class" thumb left" style "
- The hijab alongside other measures, including insisting women stay at home be, segregated ,from men, and the promotion of polygamy. In the course of this campaign women
- The divided nature of Northern Ireland as a whole. Many areas are still highly, segregated ,along ethnic, political and religious lines, especially in working class
- To avoid the ritual and physical pollution of their community. Gladiators were, segregated ,in separate cemeteries. Even for those whose death had brought honorable
- The hijab alongside other measures, including insisting women stay at home be, segregated ,from men, and the promotion of polygamy. In the course of this campaign women
- Including some traffic management advisers) seek the construction of, segregated ,cycle facilities for journeys of all lengths. Other activists, especially those
- School. Black American Sign Language Black American Sign Language developed in, segregated ,schools in the Southern United States. Much like African American Vernacular
- Despised as slaves, schooled under harsh conditions, socially marginalized, and, segregated , even in death. Irrespective of their origin, gladiators offered audiences an
- There are increasingly higher-quality opportunities to move from special (, segregated ,) education to regular education settings. Despite these changes, the
- The cell cycles. The nucleus provides a site for genetic transcription that is, segregated ,from the location of translation in the cytoplasm, allowing levels of gene
- Are allowed to cook for themselves. All the inmates mix freely and are not, segregated ,on the basis of nationality; Serbian and Bosnian Muslim detainees (once mortal
- Of which varied with time and place. Restrictions included residency in, segregated ,quarters, obligation to wear distinctive clothing, public subservience to
- Both Reformed and Lutheran, and 8,000,000 Catholics. Most people were generally, segregated ,into their own religious worlds, living in rural districts or city
- outside the research context in controlled facilities where they are, segregated ,from other animals. In 2009,scientists in Japan announced that they had
- Created. Diverging from the present Croydon route the Sutton line might adopt, segregated ,alignment within the highway along Borden Road, serving Borden station
- Not really considered citizens. The restricted movement in public and were very, segregated ,from the men. Also disallowed were citizens whose rights were under suspension
- Defining the districts of the city than nucleated settlements. Belfast remains, segregated ,by walls, commonly known as" peace lines ", erected by the British Army after
- Underfunded schools and services for the disfranchised African Americans in the, segregated ,state, but did not relieve them of paying taxes. Continued racial
- Became a private school. Prior to 1965,the Bermuda school system was racially, segregated ,and when the desegregation of schools was enacted in 1965,two of the formally
- Ending apartheid As Minister of National Education, de Clerk was a supporter of, segregated ,universities, and as a leader of the National Party in Transvaal, he was not
- This low-down music: blues was the devil's music. Musicians were therefore, segregated ,into two categories: gospel and blues singers, guitar preachers and songsters.
- The Supreme Court of the United States decision that led to the end of, segregated ,public schools. Significantly, Belton was the only case in which the state
- 2 were Poles, and 4 were Asiatics. At the present time these prisoners are, segregated ,by sex and are under quarantine in the two hospital buildings of Auschwitz. "
- That, due to the high incidence of accidents at these sites, some such, segregated ,schemes can actually increase the number of car-bike collisions. Bicycles are
- Like some of his peers, he may have attended blues venues—of necessity, in the, segregated ,South, only on nights designated for exclusively white audiences. He certainly
- High levels are seen in the predominantly Protestant east Belfast. Areas where, segregated ,working-class areas meet are known as interface areas. Ethnic minority
- To grow and consists of several marked on-road routes and 50 kilometers of, segregated ,bicycle facilities including several main routes: Ballarat–Skip ton Rail Trail
- That Hoover's grandfather was African American and the Hoover family lived in, segregated ,Washington D. C. McGhee states in her book that Hoover was ashamed of his
- Bicycle use. However, there are different opinions on the role of the use of, segregated ,cycle facilities and other items of the cycling infrastructure in building
- On anatomy and live study (and allowed the female students to partake in, segregated ,studios),eventually led to his firing as director of the Academy. She did not
- Settled in isolated valleys of the Peloponnese and Thessaly, establishing, segregated , communities that were referred by the Byzantines as Slave. Traces of Slavic
- Released information placing the Buffalo-Niagara metro area, as the 8th most, segregated ,area in America. Employment Overall, employment in Buffalo has shifted as its
- And cephalosporins at the same rate. Furthermore, new subgroups were, segregated ,from subgroup 2b:; GROUP 2be: EXTENDED-SPECTRUM, Molecular Class A: Subgroup
- APG II, allowed 'bracketed' families,i.e. families which could either be, segregated ,from more comprehensive families or could be included in them. These are the
- A more ideological basis: some members of the Vehicular Cycling movement oppose, segregated ,public facilities, such as on-street bike lanes, on principle. Some groups
- To supervisory positions such as education directors in the 143, segregated , camps. The separate Indian Division was a major relief force for Native
- Their own European society. English caste is from Latin casts" pure, cut off, segregated ,", and is etymologically related to career" to cut off ". Application to
- Are unclear, but it often fails in areas where populations are culturally, segregated , as when the U. S. Indian school service failed to suppress Lakota and Navajo
- 1956 with a United States Supreme Court decision that the laws requiring, segregated ,buses were unconstitutional. Many historically significant figures of the civil
- Carolina camp. Minorities The total of 200,000 African-American enrolled were, segregated ,after 1935 but received equal pay and housing. Black leaders lobbied to secure
- Supreme Court handed down its decision in Brown v. Board of Education in which, segregated ,(" separate but equal" ) schools were ruled to be unconstitutional
- By the Liberal and the Catholic parties, the educational system is, segregated ,within a secular and a religious segment. The secular branch of schooling is
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