Examples of the the word, drone , in a Sentence Context

The word ( drone ), is the 12688 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Following rules: *If an egg is laid by an undated female, it hatches a male or, drone ,bee. *If, however,an egg was fertilized by a male, it hatches a female. Thus
  2. Ordered with alternate gun armament of four AN/M2 cannon. F4U-4K: Experimental, drone , Rated at a maximum of. Other improvements included automatic blower controls
  3. Trainer for PATS competition. Drones * AQM-37 Jayhawk Air-launched target, drone ,aircraft with single rocket engine * MQM-61A Cardinal Drone aircraft with
  4. In Europe had most commonly been used singly, often self accompanied by a, drone , or occasionally in parts. During the 15th century there was a division of
  5. From an F/A-18F Super Hornet passed within lethal distance of a QF-4 target, drone ,at the White Sands Missile Range. There are also plans for Raytheon to develop
  6. Between two-, three- and four-voice polyphony. The term" ISO" refers to the, drone , which accompanies the iso-polyphonic singing and is related to the son of
  7. Is another example of a fuel cell-electric locomotive. Slug or Drone A slug or, drone ,locomotive is a non-powered unit attached to a diesel-electric locomotive to
  8. Spearheaded the rise of stoner metal, while Seattle's Earth helped develop the, drone ,metal subgenre. The late 1990s saw new bands form such as the Los Angeles–based
  9. Support the idea of drone reconnaissance, he opposed the development of an A-12, drone , contending that the aircraft was too large and complex for such a conversion.
  10. Singing and is related to the son of Byzantine church music, where the, drone ,group accompanies the song. The phenomenon of Albanian folk iso-polyphony has
  11. 138 in Japan by Mitsubishi). While the Phantom also remains in use as a target, drone ,operated by the U. S. military. World records To show off their new fighter
  12. Alludes to the Irish wars of 1578,contains a piece entitled The bagpipe: & the, drone , In 1760,the first serious study of the Scottish Highland bagpipe and its
  13. Or more parts, with a sliding joint (" 'bridle' ") so that the pitch of the, drone ,can be manipulated. Depending on the type of pipes, the drone s may lie over the
  14. Classic stoner/doom sound, and Sun O) )),which crosses lines between doom, drone , and dark ambient metal—the New York Times has compared their sound to an "
  15. Of the chanter, and further additions often add the octave below and then a, drone ,consonant with the fifth of the chanter. History Possible ancient origins
  16. Tube with a single reed, although drone s with double reeds exist. The, drone ,is generally designed in two or more parts, with a sliding joint (" 'bridle '
  17. Stylistic groups as performed by the Tasks and Labs of southern Albania. The, drone ,is performed in two ways: among the Tasks, it is always continuous and sung on
  18. Explained that in the final days of WWII, he had fallen from an experimental, drone ,plane into the North Atlantic Ocean and spent decades frozen in a block of ice
  19. Controlled from the lead locomotive configuration. CP Rail used a prototype, drone ,locomotive system called CONTROL which evolved into today's systems. Use The
  20. Instruments had varying numbers of strings, though often including some form of, drone , The five-string banjo was popularized by Joel Walker Sweeney, an American
  21. Letterman for making a joke about the death of an Al-Qaeda leader killed in a, drone ,strike in Pakistan in June 2011. In his show on August 22,Letterman joked
  22. Deeming themselves inferior as well. They are organized into different castes (, drone , scientist, strategists,supreme and eternal),which are identifiable with
  23. Seven of Nine from Star Trek: Voyager, a human who was assimilated into a, drone ,and later severed from the collective. *George La Forge from Star Trek: The
  24. Bagpipes minimally consists of an air supply, a bag, a chanter, and usually a, drone , Most bagpipes also have additional drone s (and sometimes chanters) in
  25. Wind gong. The instrument radically changes color from a steady mysterious, drone ,to a harsh, fearsome noise, that gives exotic feeling and at the same time the
  26. Four-string banjos The plectrum banjo is a standard banjo without the short, drone ,string. It usually has 22 frets on the neck and a scale length of 26 to 28
  27. Tactical system designed for USAF bombers. The unofficial" LOAN" was a, drone ,control system. None of these went much beyond the experimental stage. An
  28. Effectively alters the length of the drone by opening a hole, allowing the, drone ,to be tuned to two or more distinct pitches. The tuning screw may also shut off
  29. There were several discussions about using the A-12 OXCART as an piloted, drone ,aircraft. Although Kelly Johnson had come to support the idea of drone
  30. Missiles, but not the Phoenix. * In training, the Phoenix hit a target, drone ,at a range of 212 km (in January 1979,in Iran). * On January 5,1999,a pair
  31. Acts like Polo and Chavez. Space rock looked back to progressive roots, with, drone , heavy and minimalist acts like Spaceman 3,the two bands created out of its
  32. The chanter) it becomes silent. Drone Most bagpipes have at least one drone . A, drone ,is most commonly a cylindrical tube with a single reed, although drone s with
  33. Tuned to two or more distinct pitches. The tuning screw may also shut off the, drone ,altogether. In most type of pipes, where there is one drone it is pitched two
  34. Of these conducted a successful shoot-down with a Phoenix missile of a target, drone ,flying at. Following the overthrow of the Shah in 1979,the air force was
  35. Bee in a hive: a single female queen bee, a seasonally variable number of male, drone ,bees to fertilize new queens, and some 20,000 to 40,000 female worker bees. The
  36. Sound as characterized by" that gargantuan and impenetrable pre-metal/hardcore, drone , those great riffs, that inexorable drive to destinations unknown ". Dozens of
  37. Closing the chanter) it becomes silent. Drone Most bagpipes have at least one, drone , A drone is most commonly a cylindrical tube with a single reed, although
  38. On the syllable ‘ e ’, using staggered breathing; while among the Labs,the, drone ,is sometimes sung as a rhythmic tone, performed to the text of the song. It can
  39. Chords, creating a characteristic sound described by Christian as a" buzz saw, drone ,". Some punk rock bands take a surf rock approach with a lighter, twangier
  40. Some drone s have a tuning screw, which effectively alters the length of the, drone ,by opening a hole, allowing the drone to be tuned to two or more distinct
  41. The CIA to take action, the project designated" Q-12 ". By October 1963,the, drone ,'s design had been finalized. At the same time, the Q-12 underwent a name
  42. And with the lowest pitched strings tuned to a fourth below the tonic as a, drone , The Estonian kennel has a variety of traditional tuning. Concert versions
  43. Cargo plane bomb plot. In September 2011,he was killed in a targeted killing, drone ,attack in Yemen. Death of Osama bin Laden On May 1,2011, in Washington’D. C. (
  44. A fingernail. Failing techniques use the thumb to catch the fifth string for a, drone ,after each strum or twice in each action (" double thumbing" ), or to pick
  45. Included firing a five-foot-long Hellfire missile from a Predator or Reaper, drone ,(an unmanned, remote-controlled plane),detonating a cell phone bomb, and
  46. Around the world. It is sometimes described as a natural wooden trumpet or ", drone ,pipe ". Musicologists classify it as a brass aerophone. There are no reliables
  47. Drone aircraft. Although Kelly Johnson had come to support the idea of, drone ,reconnaissance, he opposed the development of an A-12 drone , contending that
  48. However, the Air Force agreed to fund the study of a high-speed, high-altitude, drone , aircraft in October 1962. The air force interest seems to have moved the CIA to
  49. Also shut off the drone altogether. In most type of pipes, where there is one, drone ,it is pitched two octaves below the tonic of the chanter, and further additions
  50. The didgeridoo is played with continuously vibrating lips to produce the, drone ,while using a special breathing technique called circular breathing. This

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