Examples of the the word, felt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( felt ), is the 12693 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Was still a virgin - biographer Bob Cola cello who was present at the interview, felt ,it was probably true and that what little sex he had was probably" a mixture
  2. God. Albert Einstein once pointed out that Buddhism was the tradition that he, felt ,fulfilled the criteria he thought necessary for a spiritual path adapted to the
  3. Least astonished. In fact, you merely confirm what I have for years and years, felt ,scarcely a doubt about, but should have considered it most improper in me to
  4. The expedition, there was much argument between Crowley and the others who, felt ,that he was reckless. They eventually mutinied against Crowley's control, with
  5. Large abdominal veins had been severed, and surgeons who treated the president, felt ,that such veins were too large to be successfully reconnected. This left a deep
  6. This leaves the reader with an ambiguous understanding of how Achilles, felt ,about the heroic life. Achilles was worshiped as a sea-god in many of the
  7. Their religious structures was an effort to symbolically undo the changes they, felt ,they caused due to their abuse of their spiritual power, and thus make amends
  8. A hit in many parts of Europe and also in South Africa. However, Stig Anderson, felt ,the true breakthrough could only come with a UK or US hit. Official naming In
  9. Anxiety, and constant, irrational thoughts. The anxious thoughts and feelings, felt ,while suffering from GAD are difficult to control and can cause serious mental
  10. That they were abolitionists. Name "/IN"> abolitionists"/> The North, felt ,threatened as well, for as Eric Finer concludes," Northerners came to view
  11. India that nearly claimed his life). Furthermore, the anguish that Alexander, felt ,after Hephaestion's death may have contributed to his declining health. Fate
  12. Novelist who has come up has been effected by driving him into a groove' and, felt ,unable to comply. Edited works * The Goober: a Book of Fools (1975) – a
  13. By 1930,Agatha Christie found Poirot" insufferable ", and by 1960 she, felt ,that he was a" detestable, bombastic,tiresome,egocentric little creep ".
  14. Title I (employment) provisions on grounds of religious liberty. The NAE, felt ,that the regulation of the internal employment of churches was" ... an
  15. Americans as the" paradigmatic Negro spiritual" because it expresses the joy, felt ,at being delivered from slavery and worldly miseries. Anthony Halibut, author
  16. The relationship was frowned upon by Speer's class-conscious mother, who, felt , that the Webers were socially inferior (Weber's father was a successful
  17. To attack civilians in frontier settlements. These operations, the King, felt , would inspire the Loyalists; would splinter the Congress; and" would keep the
  18. Him, thus plunging the entire kingdom into war. As Japanese studios still, felt ,wary about producing another film that would rank among the most expensive ever
  19. Of the class. She further stated that" Malmö reminds me of the anti-Semitism I, felt ,as a child in Poland before the war. " I am not safe as a Jew in Sweden anymore
  20. Said," I can't spare this man. He fights. " With Grant in command, Lincoln, felt , the Union Army could relentlessly pursue a series of coordinated offensives in
  21. In other words, desire is understood to be prior to thought. Schopenhauer, felt ,this was similar to notions of purushartha or goals of life in Vedanta Hinduism
  22. In the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century, agrarianism, felt , the influence of the European Romanticism movement. Romantics focused attention
  23. Halo committed suicide. Kurosawa has commented on the lasting sense of loss he, felt ,at his brother's death and the chapter of his autobiography that describes
  24. S comment on the signing of the Proclamation was:" I never, in my life, felt ,more certain that I was doing right, than I do in signing this paper. " For
  25. In performance. Test anxiety is the uneasiness, apprehension,or nervousness, felt ,by students who had a fear of failing an exam. Students who have test anxiety
  26. Uses are for bituminous waterproofing products, including production of roofing, felt ,and for sealing flat roofs. The terms asphalt and bitumen are often used
  27. To her diary that she was finding Poirot“ insufferable," and by the 1960s she, felt ,that he was" an egocentric creep. " However, unlike Doyle, Christie resisted
  28. Within the states, he approved the bill in deference to the legislature. He, felt ,such action could only be taken by the commander-in-chief using war powers
  29. Works, had to go through forced rewrites due to American censorship, Kurosawa, felt , that this was the first film in which he was able to express himself freely. A
  30. He was meant to live to 180 years, but God purposely took his life because he, felt ,that Abraham did not need to go through the pain of seeing Esau's wicked deeds
  31. Lepidus and Octavian gathered the surrendered troops of Compass, yet Lepidus, felt ,empowered enough to claim Sicily for himself, ordering Octavian to leave. The
  32. Language requirements, a series of documents stating the requirements they, felt ,a programming language should satisfy. Many existing languages were formally
  33. Suffering. " The filmmaker himself remarked that, during this period," I, felt ,that without the establishment of the self as a positive value there could be
  34. Which killed more than 25,000 people and made 500,000 homeless, are still being, felt , Although a cease-fire has held since 1994,the conflict with Azerbaijan over
  35. To appear as Marsh believed it should, as well as a composite model of what he, felt ,the skull of this massive creature might look like. This was not a delicate
  36. A serious contender for a new Messiah, Shabtai AVI, whose influence was, felt ,in Jewish communities worldwide (Harris Lefkowitz," The Jewish Messiahs" ).
  37. An era of constitution writing—most states were busy at the task—and leaders, felt ,the new nation must have a written constitution, even though other nations did
  38. So the @ was placed in position 0x40 next to the letter A. The control codes, felt ,essential for data transmission were the start of message (SOME),end of
  39. Change inside the suit, though the helmet was warmer in sunlight, so he, felt ,cooler in shadow. Nixon originally had a long speech prepared to read during
  40. For some prophetic purpose, and underwent a religious experience that he, felt ,bestowed on him the rank of Exempt Adept, the highest grade of the Second Order
  41. Province, perhaps because the Romans offered stability. Also, Caracalla perhaps, felt ,more comfortable about campaigning in the upper Main because he was not
  42. And fight again. " By March,Greene's army had grown to the point where he, felt ,that he could face Cornwallis directly. In the key Battle of Guilford Court
  43. After all. " In another letter he writes," In my whole life I have never, felt ,so Jewish as now. " Einstein and Szilard, along with other refugees such as
  44. Aaron is not the idol-maker and upon Moses' return begged his pardon as he had, felt ,mortally threatened by the Israelites (Quran 7:142-152). ) At the
  45. Ejecting an intruder. The resident merely needs to assert to the court that he, felt ,threatened by the intruder's presence. This defense is not universal: in New
  46. Controversial, since it introduced a unique rule-based competition that some, felt ,was contrary to the spirit of aikido. A final major style evolved from Yeshiva
  47. Was in need of clarification. He gave a name to a force within man which he, felt ,had invariably precedence over reason: the Will to Live or Will to Life (Will
  48. In American anthropology. After three decades of amassing material, Boasians, felt ,a growing urge to generalize. This was most obvious in the 'Culture and
  49. Of research. Satori says that people who went through out-of-body experiences, felt ,as if they floated above themselves and were able to accurately recount what
  50. Experience and routine later make everything seem easy and many of us in Hut 8, felt , that the magnitude of Turing's contribution was never fully realized by the

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