Examples of the the word, premature , in a Sentence Context

The word ( premature ), is the 6789 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Centre on the means by which the preparation of future singers could lead to, premature ,death. To prevent the child from experiencing the intense pain of castration
  2. World. The virus is a teratogenic pathogen which causes abortions, stillbirths, premature , births and congenital abnormalities, but occurs only during some years. Uses of
  3. For putting the convict to death by poisoning. Abortion originally meant, premature ,birth, and came to mean birth before viability. The term" abort" was extended
  4. Birth before viability. The term" abort" was extended to mean any kind of, premature ,ending, such as aborting the launch of a rocket. Euphemisms have developed
  5. Leagues continued play throughout the duration. In 1941,a year which saw the, premature ,death of Lou Gehrig,Boston's great left fielder Ted Williams had a batting
  6. A similar recent study in West Virginia found that the cost associated with, premature ,death due to coal mining was five times greater than all measurable economic
  7. Abused legal process. Terry Belcher stated that it was only Martin Melcher's, premature ,death that saved Day from financial ruin. It remains unresolved whether Martin
  8. Macedon a client kingdom to Persia, before the wrecking of his fleet brought a, premature ,end to the campaign. However, in 490 BC, following up the successes of the
  9. Once at their final positions, the ships were under strict orders to avoid, premature ,detection that might give away the operation. It was arranged that a coded
  10. By the holy see and possibly precipitated his death, and his son DOM Dinis's, premature ,rise to the throne at only 18 years old. Secure on the throne, Afonso III then
  11. Not introduced into the cylinder until shortly before top dead center (TDC), premature , detonation is not an issue and compression ratios are much higher. Early fuel
  12. In 1983 that the finite simple groups had all been classified, but this was, premature ,as he had been misinformed about the proof of the classification of quasi thin
  13. This stage can be detrimental as Johnson (1980) describes it as a risk for, premature ,death. A person will drink to feel normal, they block out the feelings of
  14. Pregnancy is related to adverse birth outcomes including low birth weight, premature ,delivery, and heart malformations. Cord blood of exposed babies shows DNA
  15. Teeth, as well as of tusks and jaws, are common in elephants, and may lead to, premature ,death. Tusks in the lower jaw are also second incisors. These grew out large in
  16. Organization calculated that 932 million years of potential life were lost to, premature ,death. Social significance of disease How society responds to disease is the
  17. Of Nadir Khan, Mohammed Zahid Shah became king. Dementia praetor (a ", premature ,dementia" or" precocious madness" ) refers to a chronic, deteriorating
  18. Indications are that the child will have a significantly increased chance of, premature ,morbidity or mortality or be otherwise disabled; or to selectively reduce the
  19. Before 37 weeks of gestation resulting in a live-born infant is known as a ", premature ,birth" or a" preterm birth ". When a fetus dies in uteri after viability, or
  20. Beings, raised above the common wants and affections of their race, in a, premature ,unnatural manner who undermine the very foundation of virtue, and spread
  21. Of chronic physical ailments, social deprivation, emotional starvation, and, premature , death ". Zoos argue that standards for treatment of elephants are extremely
  22. Greater triumph: their first League and FA Cup double in 1970–71. This marked a, premature ,high point of the decade; the Double-winning side was soon broken up and the
  23. Women with DS are less fertile and often have difficulties with miscarriage, premature ,birth, and difficult labor. Without preimplantation genetic diagnosis
  24. Term studies (18 to 21 months) have shown lasting benefits of treatment of, premature ,infants with caffeine. The possibility of subtle long-term developmental
  25. Death, including its physical signs, the effects of decomposition, concerns of, premature ,burial, the reanimation of the dead, and mourning. Many of his works are
  26. To fight for the Union. In 1861,Lincoln worried that, premature ,attempts at emancipation would mean the loss of the border states, and that "
  27. Would be protected from ground bursts. However, proximity fuses can suffer, premature ,detonation because of the moisture in heavy rain clouds. This led to
  28. Tips and the pump housing. In addition, due to the high pressure conditions, premature ,failure of the pump's mechanical seal and bearings can be expected. Under
  29. Because of ill-health, and Fuller's abrasive personality resulted in his, premature ,retirement in 1933. Their views therefore had limited impact within the British
  30. Into a vapor. A pump that has been operating under these conditions shows, premature ,wear of the impeller vane tips and the pump housing. In addition, due to the
  31. Miniature defibrillators, ligament repair to tiny blood pressure monitors for, premature ,infants, as well as a new method for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (
  32. There is little doubt that polypharmacy contributed significantly to Presley's, premature ,death. Racial issues When Dewey Phillips first aired" That's All Right" on
  33. Medicine, Acacia militia is considered a remedy that is helpful for treating, premature ,ejaculation. A 19th century Ethiopian medical text describes a potion made from
  34. Forward in a mature field. " However, any postmortems for cryptanalysis may be, premature , While the effectiveness of cryptanalytic methods employed by intelligence
  35. Due to his death in 1995,this work never got past the stage of early (and, premature ,) conceptualizations, some of which were published in the journals Forum
  36. Combustion. Branched-chain alkanes are preferred as they are much less prone to, premature ,ignition, which causes knocking, than their straight-chain homologies. This
  37. Which causes knocking, than their straight-chain homologies. This propensity to, premature ,ignition is measured by the octane rating of the fuel, where
  38. Water used to make concrete can cause problems when setting or in causing, premature ,failure of the structure. Hydration involves many reactions, often
  39. Arrangements, special blockages are employed at regular distances to prevent a, premature ,toppling from undoing more than a section of the dominoes while still being
  40. Cancers, followed by cardiac problems, seem to be the most frequent causes of, premature ,death. Like its native relative the Horthy Soraya, the borzoi is basically a
  41. Ibn al-Jarrah and a few others rushed to prevent the ANVAR from making a, premature ,decision. Accounts of this meeting vary greatly. All agree that during the
  42. Described the singer as a Madonna next door, despite considering it silly and, premature , The album was successful on the charts, reaching the top five in several
  43. And may also be effective in preventing bronchopulmonary dysplasia in, premature ,infants. The only short-term risk associated with caffeine citrate treatment is
  44. For a while before birth, but open again before the normal birth time, but very, premature ,babies are sometimes born with their eyes fused shut, and opening later. Other
  45. Removed, causing the impeller to look spongelike. Both cases will cause, premature ,failure of the pump, often due to bearing failure. Suction cavitation is often
  46. Johnson considered withdrawal as a means to developing sexual problems, e. g., premature ,ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Prevalence Worldwide,3 % of women of
  47. Of humanity, may refuse any temptation, however insidious, to conclude a, premature ,peace, and may accept with cheerfulness all the sacrifices necessary to bring
  48. Tube) technology. It was inefficient and produced a lot of heat which led to, premature ,failures in the circuitry. In the 1960s,semiconductor technology was introduced
  49. A direct return-to-Earth abort capability. However," Pogo" vibrations caused, premature ,shutdown of two second-stage engines, and failure of the third stage to
  50. With the disease. Chlamydia can affect infants by causing spontaneous abortion;, premature ,birth; conjunctivitis, which may lead to blindness; and pneumonia.

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