Examples of the the word, persian , in a Sentence Context
The word ( persian ), is the 6794 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Into electoral districts. Results Members Elected Sharper or Shakur () is a, persian , name: * Shakur I, the Great was the second Sassanian King of the Second Persian
- The old Pashtun identity which stood for Afghan. With the churning growth of, persian , many ethnic groups, including detribalized Pashtuns are adopting Dark Persian
- Of Afghans can also speak and understand especially Urdu, which uses the same, persian , script. Other languages include Punjabi, Hindi-Urdu and English. The Afghan
- Of Tehran. The main campus is located in the southern part of Tehran along the, persian , gulf Freeway. The campus hosts headquarter offices, boys dormitories, a central
- Poetry; spirituality Jamal Alvin Muhammad Rum, one of the best known, persian , passion poets, famous for poignant poetry on the theme of spiritual
- 1931),and a collection of stories adapted from Persian literature (Divan, persian ," The Persian Divan ",1940). Mariana Poor Madurai is itself an adaptation
- En. ), Roxshire (en. ), Rochas and Rocha (for. ), Roach (en. ), Roashan (, persian , ); Places in the Philippines: * Pres. Manuel A. Rojas, Zamboanga del North (
- Of Seems. We read about the relationship between the bishop IMHO AHB and the, persian , king Khosla II. Carved (590-628):" IMHO AHB was treated respectfully
- Near the site, thus making a state of pre-domestication probable. Fox and, persian , fallow deer are present as well, but seem to have been hunted. There are no
- In Pakistan. Balochistan province of Pakistan neighbors Iran and shares the, persian , language/culture Notes Victor Jacobi, Jakobi Viktor (22 October 1883 10
- Palm (of hand) ”, qulaghay“ thief ”. Phonology As a group of eastern, persian , varieties,Hazard retains the voiced fricative γ and the bilabial articulation
- From the Turkic words for" Blue Water Lake". Also word of go is applied in, persian , language to call flower and maybe khovsgol refers to lake of flowers. Four is
- In 19th century introduces the Lake as a Our tribe. In our own times,the, persian , writer Īzadpanāh about lake, the writer of the Lurii-Persian dictionary
- Pandit Raja Paul Araceli" Data" ( 1825–1900 AD) wrote Divan -i- Data,a, persian , poetical work in Kashmir. The book was later published by The Research &
- Network, * in England on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manoto_1 Manor 1,a, persian , language channel, for Iranian viewers Derivative formats On 21 March 2007 it
- Has started since 1999. *http://khwarizmi.irost.org/young Official website (, persian , ) Wren bury railway station serves the village of Wren bury in Cheshire, England
- Position in Calabash. The word och hi is akin to okay means possession. When, persian , and Arabic-speaking people reshaped its accent like Bagh-ochhi to Bifocal
- In the cathedral-basilica for the first time. The text is based on texts by the, persian , mystic Rum. The work was performed once again in Rome for Christmas 2010 by
- Islam, Seuil, L'Universe Historize 2002. Some Arabic borrowings from Semite or, persian , languages are, as presented in De Prémare's above-cited book: - Rahman (
- Star Blood - namely, a big plush rotating chair, and a pet white fluffy, persian , cat. * Germ can be seen watching The Strange Love of Martha Rivers in her hotel
- Continues today. Handmade carpet The world's the largest hand woven carpet is a, persian , carpet made in Iran, measuring 60,546 square feet. Competitor for Canada Eva
- Part of a French-speaking urban elite. (See Jewish exodus from Arab lands. ), persian , Gulf states Oceania Australia The cultures of modern Aboriginal Australians, or
- Of Iranian Architects and Planners * http://heritage.chn.ir/news/? Id=21423 A, persian , article about early 19-20th century architects of Tehran *
- Of them all, suggests that they should find the legendary Smooth, a mythical, persian , bird roughly equivalent to the western phoenix. It is an allegory of the quest
- Well known for his mastery of light and attention to detail, most notably in, persian , rugs and other textiles. Seen was prolific, producing about 800 paintings, of
- Origin of the Sheena The origin of North Indian Sheena is believed to be from, persian , Surna (Surf east, Nai Na= flute. The Sheena is believed to have originated
- Of Pakistan. The word" Khan" is derived from" Around or Ashland" which in, persian , means teacher" scholar ". Distribution There are several tribes of Khan Keels
- Mindedness. Inscription On the main gateway an Islamic inscription written in, persian , reads " Jesus, Son of Mary (peace be upon them) said: 'The world is a Bridge
- Marcel Cornis-Pope, this cooperative vision is the background theme to Divan, persian , a book" demonstrating the value of intercultural dialogue at a time of sharp
- It also. Artaxerxes was in the center of his line, with 6,000 units of, persian , cavalry (which were some of the finest in the world and by far superior to
- Persian cat also known as Doll Face Persian is considered as a true breed of, persian , cat. This breed did not change its physical appearance but some breeders in
- Lucy May),Arabic (Lucy),Spanish (Lucy),German (Lucy in Australian)and, persian , ( emigrants). One interesting note is that this was the only World Masterpiece
- Photos and how-to's *http://nay-nava.blogfa.com/ Sayonara the encyclopedia of, persian , music instruments * http://www.rhythmweb.com/doumbek/ The Dumber Page
- There are two distinctive" other ribbed vaults" ( called" Garland" in, persian , ) in India which form no part of the development of European vaults, but are
- From flour and mashed potatoes, coated in powder sugar or icing sugar. Iran The, persian , zoolbia and Bailey are fritters that come in various shapes and sizes and are
- Ballarat is famous for Mira Abdullah Khan Goalie, the renowned Urdu and, persian , poet. * Mali Basis Jan that is in Ballarat is famous for Mira Ghalib's
- TF34) The Saint Thaddeus Monastery (- Sour Takes Bank; Azerbaijani and -In, persian , Sertivier relish, meaning " the heart of Iran church" ), also known as Kara
- Shahs first enemies were the Turkmen of turkmensahra. Ahmad shallow a famous, persian , writer wrote a novel about a Turkmen guy main. He also indicated the
- De About, Accademia National die Linda, Roma,1977 Translations into the, persian , language *Marge Soft, ( La Mort de Socrates, Lamartine) 1935 (1314),3.
- And non-Sufi Muslims. What al-Walid What al-Walid (Arabic: وحدة الوجود, persian , : وحدت وجود) the" Unity of Being" is a Sufi philosophy emphasizing that
- But the Danish national kingdom, outside the Holy Roman Empire). * The, persian , position of Marian (Mary means border, and Ban means lord) was a position
- Girls episodes" Cat Man Do" and" The Powerpuff Girls Rule!!! " *The white, persian , cat belonging to Ernst Star Blood in the James Bond series *The original
- Wind"الهواء العليل or" fragrant air ". It may refer to: Passim is an old, persian , name (Persian: نسیم) which means breeze, gentle wind, fragrant wind, spring
- The frauds around the elections. Therefore, her fans call her" golden stone in, persian , music ". In February 2010 Howard announced that she will start a goodbye tour
- By Persians. The biggest city of turkmensahra is Organ which is dominated by, persian , inhabitans thought resent years there have been migration of Turkmen and
- Neurological syndrome --- inert gas narcosis --- laboratory infection ---, persian , gulf syndrome --- pneumoconiosis --- sleep disorders, circadian rhythm ---
- City one of the oldest cities in Iran, and is even mentioned in the famous, persian , epic Shah name by Meadows. There also used to be a significant Armenian
- People of Ger ash speak Crash, a language with 2 main branches: Passage (in, persian , ناساگی)and Barqe-Roozi (برق روزی) (commonly known as Bellini). Despite the
- Europe as Johannes Sedation * Maya in Khalid (died 806),Vizier of the, persian , Barmakids family * Maya in Sad, Samanid ruler of Hash (819-855) and
- D E F G A B C #::: with a B replacing the B in the descending scale #‘Adam The, persian , philosopher and scientist Al-Farabi described a number of intervals in his work
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