Examples of the the word, recount , in a Sentence Context

The word ( recount ), is the 6797 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Candidate Al Gore was president (would-be president – that is, if the, recount ,had gone differently). Note that this example is somewhat artificial, since
  2. Into vote-rigging claims. On 16 June, the Guardian Council announced it would, recount ,10 % of the votes and concluded there were no irregularities at all, dismissing
  3. To run for the election. There were numerous allegations of fraud, and a, recount ,of the votes in Baghdad was ordered on 19 April 2010. On May 14,IEC announced
  4. With disgust that" atrocities were committed by both sides" and went on to, recount ,going on a mission with orders from the Eighth Air Force to" strafe anything
  5. Earliest Buddhist texts. The Mahayana Outta and Acchariyaabbhuta Outta both, recount ,miraculous events surrounding Gautama's birth, such as the bodhisattva's
  6. Are interspersed with religious and philosophical treatises. The later Purana's, recount ,tales about Degas and Davis, their interactions with humans and their battles
  7. President Chen narrowly won the election over Lien Chan. Lien Chan demanded a, recount ,the following morning. A judicial recount under the jurisdiction of a special
  8. Dispenses with the idea of a single storyteller and uses multiple narrators to, recount ,Kane's life. The use of multiple narrators was unheard of in Hollywood movies.
  9. The first four books of the New Testament form the Canonical gospels which, recount ,the life of Christ and are central to the Christian faith. Christian Bibles
  10. Feature two antipopes. From two rather different perspectives these, recount ,the fictional history of a parallel hierarchy, by which in secret French
  11. The Pope" in" Short Friday" ). In those novels and stories which seem to, recount ,his own life, he portrays himself unflattering (with some degree of accuracy
  12. Eight months of sporadic violence with considerable economic disruption,a, recount ,in April 2002 led the High Constitutional Court to pronounce Ravalomanana
  13. Also published a subseries of children's texts in Latin by Bell & Forte, which, recount , the adventures of a mouse called Minimum. In the United Kingdom, the Classical
  14. Of votes according to the preliminary computation (PREP) and the ballot, recount , Andrés Manuel López Obrador contested the results and demanded a vote-per-vote
  15. Possess gifts of the Spirit of God. (Justin Martyr, c.150) The Fathers also, recount ,the lists of gifts of the Spirit recorded in the New Testament. This is He who
  16. For dressing up in a variety of various characters and embodying them; they, recount ,how Moon often dreamed of getting out of music to be a Hollywood actor. Mantra
  17. These problems were epitomized in a story that Sanger would later, recount ,in her speeches: while she was working on duty as a nurse, Sanger met Sadie
  18. Frac \franc 32,572 \franc. This was rounded to an even 33,000 ft·LBF/min. Others, recount ,that Watt determined that a pony could lift an average per minute over a
  19. A character in the novel overhears locals in the small Irish town of Shinbone, recount ,the night Carlo Guthrie came to play. The actual event occurred in February 1988
  20. Andrés Manuel López Obrador contested the results and demanded a vote-per-vote, recount , which was denied by the Federal Electoral Tribunal, based on the argument that
  21. Claudius, Laertes,and Hamlet are all dead. Horatio asks to be allowed to, recount ,the tale to" the yet unknowing world," and Fortinbras orders Hamlet's body
  22. Can also be illustrated with the verb preside (to preside). Just after the, recount ,of the 2000 United States presidential election: *then-president Bill Clinton
  23. Throw up every other Pleasure or Business to apply entirely to it. " He did not, recount ,what this" Scene" was, and commentators have offered a variety of
  24. On SNL played by Guest include Frankie, of Willie and Frankie (coworkers who, recount ,in detail physically painful situations in which they have found themselves
  25. The BNP has launched several legal challenges to the elections, including a, recount ,; none have been successful. Politics The Lesotho Government is a parliamentary
  26. Opened. *2000 – The Supreme Court of the United States stays the sixth Florida, recount , *2003 – A blast in the center of Moscow kills six people and wounds several
  27. Walk Estonian Prime Minister Mart Lair came to my office the other day to, recount ,his country’s remarkable transformation. He described a nation of people who
  28. Slaves who were not accustomed to such rigorous climate. Survivors would later, recount ,that some fellow adventurers would stop and rest, only to die frozen; others
  29. Character, nostalgias, dreams,memories, for the pleasure of being able to, recount ,them. " In 1937,Fellini opened Feb, a portrait shop in Rimini with the
  30. With the MDC, fraudulently reduced Mugabe's score, and as a result a, recount ,was conducted. After the recount and the verification of the results, the
  31. Not the manner in which Homer uses the term. Ananias and Herodotus both, recount ,the legend that the Achaeans were forced from these homelands by the Dorian's
  32. At all, dismissing all election complaints. However, Mousavi stated that a, recount ,would not be sufficient since he claimed 14 million unused ballots were missing
  33. Over Lien Chan. Lien Chan demanded a recount the following morning. A judicial, recount ,under the jurisdiction of a special panel of the High Court began on 10 May
  34. Felt as if they floated above themselves and were able to accurately, recount ,what had happened in the room even though their bodily eyes were closed.
  35. Gloria Patrick McLean (1918–1994) on August 9,1949. As Stewart loved to, recount ,in self-mockery," I, I,I pitched the big question to her last night and to my
  36. Could not be proved for all electoral circumscriptions, but order a partial, recount ,of votes of those that did show inconsistencies which represented 9.2 % of the
  37. Dynasty. * The Great Tang Records on the Western Regions, compiled by Banjo; a, recount ,of Xuanzang's journey. * The Miscellaneous Morsels from You yang, written by
  38. Peninsula, and then to the promised land, the Americas, by ship. These books, recount ,the group's dealings from approximately 600 BC to about 130 BC, during which
  39. Disputed votes were sent to High Court in Taipei for verification. After the, recount , President Chen was confirmed the winner of the election by a smaller margin (
  40. That Mexican children would find it easier to name Disney characters than to, recount ,key figures in Mexican history. Rather, he said, his words were meant to
  41. These meetings, where a congregation member or even a stranger would rise and, recount ,his turn from a sinful life to one of piety and peace. " New Britain" tune
  42. Jesus himself at his Last Supper: the Synoptic Gospels (;;) and Saint Paul's, recount ,that in that context Jesus said of what to all appearances were bread and wine:
  43. Ben Johnston, script by Wilford Leach). Seated on a sofa, Laura and Camilla, recount ,the story retrospectively in song. *Camilla, a musical theater adaptation by
  44. Results gave him only a .4 % lead over rival Cotton Solís and prompted a manual, recount ,of all ballots. After a month-long recount and several appeals from different
  45. Took him to a doctor. Becoming the first male prison-rape survivor to publicly, recount ,his experiences; At first Donaldson chose to go to jail rather than pay the
  46. 1951),Foundation and Empire (1952),and Second Foundation (1953)—which, recount ,the collapse and rebirth of a vast interstellar empire in a universe of the
  47. By a wide range of traditional creation stories. Other tribes have stories that, recount ,migrations across long tracts of land and a great river, believed to be the
  48. Between popular and magic, that his elderly servant Maria Stella used to, recount ,to him than by anything scholastic or academic. By the age of twelve he had
  49. Cotton Solís and prompted a manual recount of all ballots. After a month-long, recount ,and several appeals from different parties, Arias was declared the official
  50. Reduced Mugabe's score, and as a result a recount was conducted. After the, recount ,and the verification of the results, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (DEC)

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