Examples of the the word, concise , in a Sentence Context

The word ( concise ), is the 6804 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In education in three works: Intellectual Schizophrenia (a general and, concise ,study of education),The Messianic Character of American Education (a history
  2. But" lighter" than mechanized infantry. Doctrine Infantry doctrine is the, concise ,expression of how infantry forces contribute to campaigns, major operations
  3. With a military force.; esprit de l'espalier:" wit of the stairs ": a, concise , clever statement you don't think of until too late,e.g. on the stairs
  4. In which case, a less ambiguous term should have been used). The goal of clear, concise ,communication is that the receiver (s) have no misunderstanding about what
  5. One that they cannot control. Time and effort should be given to create a, concise ,and effective disaster plan to counteract any damage incurred through“ acts of
  6. And compilers of the numerous Stories of the Prophets elaborate upon David's, concise ,Our'panic narratives and specifically mention David's gift in singing his
  7. Was popularized by such neoclassical economists as Alfred Marshall as a, concise ,synonym for" economic science" and a substitute for the earlier, broader term
  8. Academic research, entertainment and training. ' The report provides a, concise ,(c. 20 pages) summary of the current scientific research on hypnosis. It
  9. Writings he set down specifically about his Spontaneous Prose method, the most, concise ,would be Belief and Technique for Modern Prose, a list of 30" essentials ".
  10. Times are understood to be in the same time zone. ISO 8601 is used widely where, concise , human-readable yet easily computable and unambiguous dates are required
  11. Python * array and object restructuring (limited form of pattern matching) *, concise ,function expressions (function (arms) exp) * ECMAScript for XML (E4X)
  12. Qur'an Elijah is mentioned in the Qur'an, where his preaching is recounted in a, concise ,manner. The Qur'an narrates that Elijah told his people to come to the worship
  13. For hyperbolas. His work was continued by d'Alembert and Euler, who gave a more, concise ,approach. In 1733,MacLaurin married Anne Stewart, the daughter of Walter
  14. Of charges on the field. Coats of arms and their accessories are described in a, concise ,jargon called blazon. This technical description of a coat of arms is the
  15. Kinds of flowers or spices are put to dry for years for the scent).;: a, concise ,summary. In French, when talking about a school course, it means an abridged
  16. Question via text message, and Somehow will search Britannica's 28,000-article, concise , encyclopedia to return an answer to the query. Daily topical features sent
  17. Sam & Max Hit the Road, the engine was modified to scroll through a more, concise ,list of verbs with the right mouse button and having the inventory on a
  18. And the Supreme Court have developed a worldwide reputation for rendering, concise ,opinions concerning corporate law which generally (but not always) grant
  19. Rhythm of jostling cups (). The language of the poem is typically direct and, concise ,and comprises short sentences - the first line is in fact a model of condensed
  20. Voice of God" ). Other instances in the Qur'an which are described in a, concise ,manner are the rescue of Abraham from the fire into which he was thrown by his
  21. Sanskrit, the stem is thematic, (. It is difficult to provide a single, concise ,definition for dharma, as the word has a long and varied history and straddles
  22. In his biblical commentaries as well as his sermons and treatises, but the most, concise ,expression of his views is found in his magnum opus, the Institutes of the
  23. Most ballads are narrative in nature, with a self-contained story, often, concise , and relying on imagery, rather than description, which can be tragic
  24. Colour or color was the more popular choice in common use. Paperback and, concise ,versions (2005,2006),with minor updates, are available. The scholarly
  25. And read the page DOM after the script has altered it. The HTML should be as, concise , navigable and semantically rich as possible whether the scripts have run or
  26. Abruptly with the disintegration of Western Zhou rule. Though this provides a, concise ,frame of reference, it overlooks the continued importance of bronze in Chinese
  27. 1852–1924) composed examples which used symphonic techniques to produce a more, concise ,and unified structure. Many anthems have been produced since this time
  28. The unwieldy names mostly used at the time, such as" ", were supplemented with, concise ,and now familiar" binomials ", composed of the generic name, followed by a
  29. Also supports regular expressions in a manner similar to Perl, which provide a, concise ,and powerful syntax for text manipulation that is more sophisticated than the
  30. Science, traditional DP, etc.) APL is an extremely powerful, expressive and, concise ,programming language, typically set in an interactive environment. It was
  31. Of Homosexuality (Garland Publishing,1990). He was editor-in-chief of a, concise ,edition of the encyclopedia, which as of 2007 was unpublished. Legacy and
  32. Of Japanese temples, particularly those found in nearby Kyoto. He created a, concise ,space frame wrapped into French limestone and covered with a glass roof. Pei
  33. Widespread means of human communication: language. Two important aspects of a, concise ,language are as follows: First, the most common words (e.g.," a "," the "
  34. court's other members. " His opinions, in the view of one commentator, were, concise , and admirable, placing Hughes in the pantheon of great justices. " His "
  35. CoffeeScript, an alternate syntax for JavaScript intended to be more, concise ,and readable and adding features like array comprehensions and pattern matching
  36. De Wonder; Procaine & Delay, p. 69; Guggenheim, pp. 37,240),we introduce a, concise ,and historical name for this quantity, the " affinity ", symbolized by A, as
  37. In the following sections, wherever numeric equalities are shown in ‘, concise ,form’—such as — the two digits between the parentheses denote the uncertainty
  38. Appeal to programmers and make it a productive programming language: * It is, concise , using symbols rather than words and applying functions to entire arrays
  39. Start value including the time zone. This feature of the standard allows for, concise ,representations of time intervals. For example, the date of a two-hour meeting
  40. Inveighs against tyrants and contributes to good morals; in his language he is, concise , exalted, careful and often like an orator;" goes on to add:" but he
  41. Ceases during mitosis. Chromatin: alternative definitions # Simple and, concise ,definition: Chromatin is DNA plus the proteins (and RNA) that package DNA
  42. Balance readability and concise ness, let \ \phi_ = \phi (r_i, s_j, t_k) be a, concise ,abbreviation. Also, we define three functions, : \ \Delta, \Deltas, \Delta
  43. Origin of the genre in inscription exerted a residual pressure to keep things, concise , Many of the characteristic types of literary epigram look back to
  44. He or she means. Code, say the proponents of this position, is always clear and, concise ,and cannot be interpreted in more than one way. Other programmers can give
  45. The cell to 0 avoids the use of negative numbers, and makes it marginally more, concise ,to write a loop that reads characters until EOF occurs. This is a language
  46. And is based on a history written by Smith in 1838. * The Articles of Faith:, concise ,listing of thirteen fundamental doctrines of Mormonism composed by Joseph Smith
  47. To their faith. Creeds (from Latin credo meaning" I believe" ) are, concise ,doctrinal statements or confessions, usually of religious beliefs. They began
  48. The Clarendon Press published these in French in the same year. His talks were, concise ,and lucid, leading students and the general reader to his other longer writings
  49. A usable customer relationship management system comes in the form of clear and, concise ,presentation. Developers are urged to consider the importance of creating
  50. Music such as the duet between Rigoletto and Sparafucile and powerful and, concise ,declamation often based on key-notes like the C and C# notes in Rigoletto and

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