Examples of the the word, cathedral , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cathedral ), is the 6790 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Places, the Market (marketplace) and the Katschhof (between city hall and, cathedral ,). The coronation hall is on the first floor of the building. Inside you can
  2. Of Brandenburg, which was originally seated in the same city. Chapter and, cathedral , surrounded by further ecclesiastical institutions, were located on Dominoes (
  3. North of the Alps. On his death Charlemagne's remains were interred in the, cathedral ,and can be seen there to this day. The cathedral was extended several times in
  4. Continued the rebuilding of the cathedral church as well as securing the, cathedral ,chapter's rights. While in Jerusalem he made a gift of a gold chalice to the
  5. Part of what was formerly known as Area. York The young Alcuin came to the, cathedral ,church of York during the golden age of Archbishop Ebert and Northumbrian
  6. Time, apart from the building of the Palatine Chapel in Aachen (since 1929, cathedral , ) and the palatial presentation halls. Charlemagne spent most winters between
  7. The Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu, Hawaii is dedicated. Now the, cathedral ,of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu, it is the oldest Roman Catholic
  8. Monuments dating back to the Muslim era: the Great Mosque of Córdoba (now a, cathedral ,), the Alhambra in Granada and the Giraldo in Seville. There are hundreds of
  9. Covering one of the city's famous fountains. It is just a minute away from the, cathedral , Just a few steps in south-eastern direction lies the 19th century theater.
  10. Light" or, as it was called by British Ambassador Sir Neville Henderson, a ", cathedral ,of ice ". Speer described this as his most beautiful work, and as the only one
  11. 13th century cathedral in the center of the city; Århus Dunkirk is the tallest, cathedral ,in Denmark, as well as the second longest in Northern Europe, being only
  12. Regional church body. St. Hedwig's Cathedral is Berlin's Roman Catholic, cathedral , Unter den Linden is a tree lined east-west avenue from the Brandenburg Gate to
  13. Surrounded by further ecclesiastical institutions, were located on Dominoes (, cathedral ,island),which formed a prince-episcopal immunity district, distinct from the
  14. San Giovanni on the northwest shore of the Gulf of Ajaccio, which still had a, cathedral ,said to have been the 6th century seat of the Bishop of Ajaccio. The Costello
  15. Consulate),the" Grand "," New ", and Ketchup Mosques, the Roman Catholic, cathedral ,of Notre Dame d'Antique, the Bard Museum (a former Turkish mansion),the old
  16. Who opposed Use d'Abetot's attempt to extend the castle of Worcester into the, cathedral ,after the Norman Conquest. While archbishop, Ealdred built at Beverley
  17. Long thereafter and burned the city. They destroyed all of it, but Augustine's, cathedral ,and library, which they left untouched. According to Bede's True Martyrology
  18. Congregational worship in a wide range of Christian denominations. In 1719 the, cathedral ,choirs of Gloucester, Hereford and Worcester combined to establish the annual
  19. Appears to be based on custom rather than doctrine, which no one remembers. A, cathedral ,is shown in ruins and forgotten, although some elderly people occasionally feel
  20. In Roman Catholic worship was an organ introduced by Pope Italian into a, cathedral ,in Rome around 670. Thus, over time, the expression" a cappella" ( Italian
  21. The site with 130 anti-aircraft searchlights. This created the effect of a ", cathedral ,of light" or, as it was called by British Ambassador Sir Neville Henderson, a
  22. INRA) to excavate. They found the baptistery of the 6th century, cathedral ,and large amounts of pottery dated to the 6th and 7th centuries AD; in other
  23. 1541,but the contents were probably re-interred in the Galilee chapel at the, cathedral , The section in question is the only one in that work that is written in
  24. Adorned the collegiate church (Stiftskirche) at Halle (Scale) and the, cathedral ,at Mainz in sumptuous fashion, and took as his motto the words Domino, dilexi
  25. Henry II of England. The city flourished, primarily due to wine trade, and the, cathedral ,of St. André was built. It was also the capital of an independent state under
  26. The Republic of Venice from 1405 to 1797. Main sights *Band Cathedral, or the, cathedral ,(duo mo) of St. Lawrence. The current edifice was erected in 1780 over a
  27. In popular culture today. Main sights * Århus Dunkirk, the tallest and longest, cathedral ,in Denmark. * VOR Free Kirk (Church of Our Lady),a large church. * Aarhus
  28. Was abroad is unclear, although it appears that Sultan, the prior of the, cathedral ,chapter, performed the religious duties in the diocese. On the financial side
  29. Fragments of the Roman walls have been incorporated into the cathedral . The, cathedral , also known as basilica La SEU, is said to have been founded in 343. The city
  30. On the orders of Charlemagne in AD 786 and was on completion the largest, cathedral ,north of the Alps. On his death Charlemagne's remains were interred in the
  31. South. ABD Brahman reached the Basque city of Pamplona, which was sacked, its, cathedral , church being demolished. The succession crisis which struck León after Gordon
  32. Some remaining fragments of the Roman walls have been incorporated into the, cathedral , The cathedral , also known as basilica La SEU, is said to have been founded in
  33. Serves as the metropolitan see for the Province of Atlanta. The archdiocesan, cathedral ,is the Cathedral of Christ the King and the current archbishop is the Most Rev.
  34. جامع كتشاوة),at the foot of the Cash, was before independence in 1962 the, cathedral ,of St Philippe, itself made in 1845 from a mosque dating from 1612. The
  35. Woman can be appointed to. A dean is a priest who is chief resident cleric of a, cathedral ,or other collegiate church and the head of the chapter of canons. If the
  36. Public forest. Architecturally impressive sights include the 13th century, cathedral ,in the center of the city; Århus Dunkirk is the tallest cathedral in Denmark
  37. The first stage of the plague outbreak, Paneloux preaches a sermon at the, cathedral , He has a powerful way of speaking, and he insists to the congregation that the
  38. Are the two remaining city gates, the Monitor, one half mile northwest of the, cathedral , and the Kleinmarschiertor, close to the central railway station. There are
  39. In 1055,and during his administration, Ealdred continued the rebuilding of the, cathedral ,church as well as securing the cathedral chapter's rights. While in Jerusalem
  40. IV south of the Danube delta. *1173 – Construction of the campanile of the, cathedral ,of Pisa (now known as the Leaning Tower of Pisa) begins; it will take two
  41. They Do It With Mirrors (1952),it is mentioned that Miss Marple grew up in a, cathedral ,close, and that she studied at an Italian finishing school with Americans Ruth
  42. Remains were interred in the cathedral and can be seen there to this day. The, cathedral ,was extended several times in later ages, turning it into a curious and unique
  43. And art gallery). * Ketchup Mosque (This mosque became the Saint-Philippe, cathedral ,during colonization before becoming again a mosque). * National Library, is in
  44. Or other collegiate church and the head of the chapter of canons. If the, cathedral ,or collegiate church has its own parish, the dean is usually also rector of the
  45. The relics of Augustine, and the disassembled Area, which were removed to the, cathedral ,there. San Pietro fell into disrepair and was a military magazine during the
  46. Tour Pa Ireland (1440–1450),a massive, quadrangular tower annexed to the, cathedral , * Elise Sainte-Croix (Church of the Holy Cross). It lies on the site of a
  47. Of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu, it is the oldest Roman Catholic, cathedral ,in continuous use in the United States. * 1843 – Tripoli Gardens, one of the
  48. Which was dedicated in 2002 by the Los Angeles, California Archdiocese. The, cathedral ,incorporates special cooling to prevent the panes from overheating and turning
  49. Of the nave. The above plan of the Abbey of St Augustine's at Bristol, now the, cathedral ,church of that city, shows the arrangement of the buildings, which departs very
  50. Among the capitulate of Bremen, and by 1069 he appeared as director of the, cathedral ,'s school. Soon thereafter he began to write the history of Bremen/Hamburg and

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