Examples of the the word, porter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( porter ), is the 6792 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Continued to use some brown malt for flavor. Until about 1800,all London, porter ,was matured in large vats, often holding several hundred barrels, for between
  2. It was the first beer that could be made on any large scale, and the London, porter ,brewers, such as Whit bread, Truman,Parsons and Thrace, achieved great success
  3. About 1593,he found a home in" a blind lane at Amsterdam ", acting as ", porter ," to a bookseller, who,on discovering his knowledge of Hebrew, introduced him
  4. Around two parts young beer to one part old. After 1860,as the popularity of, porter ,and the aged taste began to wane, porter was increasingly sold" mild ". In the
  5. Lennox, a Scottish nobleman, and Macduff, the loyal Thane of Fife, arrive. A, porter ,opens the gate and Macbeth leads them to the king's chamber, where Macduff
  6. Until he noticed two Russian signs labelled Швейцарская (švejtsarskaja,a, porter ,'s lodge – from швейцар svelter, a porter ) and Кондитерская (konditerskaja
  7. Entire, which recreated the flavor of" three threads" and became known as ", porter ,". Porter is actually mentioned as early as 1721,but no writer before Felt ham
  8. Is a dark-colored style of beer. The history and development of stout and, porter ,are intertwined. The name was first used in the 18th century from its
  9. Pins. Unlike Plato, Smith famously argued that the difference between a street, porter ,and a philosopher was as much a consequence of the division of labor as its
  10. Nose, to the Paris Salon. The subject was an elderly neighborhood street, porter , The unconventional bronze piece was not a traditional bust, but instead the
  11. Well until 1799. In Ireland, especially Dublin, the drink was known as" plain, porter ," or just" plain ". This is the drink referred to in the famous refrain of
  12. Mild ". In the final decades of the century, many breweries discontinued their, porter , though continued to brew one or two stouts. Those that persisted with porter
  13. Швейцарская (švejtsarskaja, a porter 's lodge – from швейцар svelter,a, porter ,) and Кондитерская (konditerskaja, a confectioner's shop – from кондитер
  14. By the character and knocks from off-stage. The character is a hung over, porter ,(in most performances drunk, but in the original he was hung over) who
  15. To use porter as the generic term for both porter s and stouts. The large London, porter ,breweries pioneered many technological advances, such as the use of the
  16. Old. After 1860,as the popularity of porter and the aged taste began to wane, porter ,was increasingly sold" mild ". In the final decades of the century, many
  17. S Friend ":" A pint of plain is your only man. " By contrast, extra-strong, porter , was called Stout Porter. The last Guinness Irish porter was produced in 1974.
  18. Die quickly. He started working at Guy's shortly afterwards as a dispensary, porter , meaning that he delivered drugs from the pharmacy to the wards—where he
  19. Priestly scribe Ezra, and possibly the Levite mentioned in (Nehemiah) as a, porter ,of Jerusalem's gates after the city's reconstruction under Nehemiah (Ezra)
  20. Stout had been used as early as 1677. The history and development of stout and, porter ,are intertwined.; Mild ale has a predominantly malty palate. It is usually
  21. As too Western and" democratic" ( they particularly disliked the comic, porter ,played by Broken),so the movie most probably would not have seen the light of
  22. Varieties of beer and other traditionally brewed beverages including stout, porter , mild, traditional cider, and Perry. Organization In 2009 CAMERA announced that
  23. Imperial Stout Porter at 1.095° and more. As the 19th century progressed the, porter ,suffix was gradually dropped. British brewers, however,continued to use porter
  24. Products that differ from traditional malt beverages such as beer, ale,lager, porter , stout, or malt liquor in several respects. Flavored malt beverages exhibit
  25. Economics Part and Levy also cite Smith's view that a common street, porter ,was not intellectually inferior to a philosopher., and point to the need for
  26. Of short-fused hotelier Basil Faulty, his wife Sybil and their employees, porter ,and waiter Manuel, maid Polly, and (in the second series) chef Terry. The
  27. Peterson was born to immigrants from the West Indies; his father worked as a, porter ,for Canadian Pacific Railway. Peterson grew up in the neighborhood of Little
  28. Invention of the almost black patent malt in 1817. It was now possible to brew, porter ,from 95 % pale malt and 5 % patent malt, though most London brewers continued
  29. Remove the color, bitterness,and taste generally associated with beer, ale, porter , stout, and other malt beverages. This leaves a base product to which brewers
  30. Contrast, extra-strong porter was called Stout Porter. The last Guinness Irish, porter ,was produced in 1974. After the invention of malted barley roasted until black
  31. November 1605,a year after Oxford died. In particular, Stratfordians claim the, porter ,'s lines about" equivocation" may allude to the trial of Father Garnet in
  32. The hydrometer (1770). The use of the latter was to transform the nature of, porter , The first porter s were brewed from 100 % brown malt. Now brewers were able to
  33. Name" stout" for a dark beer is believed to have come about because a strong, porter ,may be called" Extra Porter" or" Double Porter" or" Stout Porter ". The
  34. Drunk, but in the original he was hung over) who pretends he is the, porter ,to the gates of hell welcoming sinners of different professions: (Macbeth
  35. To be delivered to pubs. It was discovered that it was unnecessary to age all, porter , A small quantity of highly aged beer (18 months or more) mixed with fresh or
  36. Guy's Hospital, London,where only a few of the staff were told that the new, porter ,was a famous philosopher. His work is often divided between his early period
  37. A flavor similar to that of aged beer. It was a cheaper method of producing, porter , as it required less beer to be stored for long periods. The normal blend was
  38. À rebounds) the protagonist, Jean DES Estates serves class, along with, porter ,and stout, for a funeral banquet" in memory of the host's virility, lately
  39. By modern standards. Early trials with the hydrometer in the 1770s recorded, porter ,as having an OG (original gravity) of 1.071° and 6.6 % ABV. Increased
  40. Pale malt. It is one of the world's major beer styles.; Stout and, porter ,are dark beers made using roasted malts or roast barley, and typically brewed
  41. Expedition were the famous Italian climber Walter Bugatti and Pakistani Hung, porter ,Mahdi, who proved vital to the expedition's success in that they carried
  42. Early In 1802,a writer named John Felt ham wrote a version of the history of, porter ,that has been used as the basis for most writings on the topic. However, very
  43. As to gain entrance to a fortress guarded by Gloomy Gafaelfawr, the eponymous, porter , The poem relates that Mason fab Matron is one of Arthur's followers, and is
  44. Porter, though continued to brew one or two stouts. Those that persisted with, porter , brewed it weaker and with fewer hops. Between 1860 and 1914,the gravity
  45. Quantity of highly aged beer (18 months or more) mixed with fresh or" mild ", porter ,produced a flavor similar to that of aged beer. It was a cheaper method of
  46. By English breweries today. The introduction of a new product from London, porter , fundamentally changed the city’s drinking habits and brought the domestic
  47. Sacks. He had a humble background, and appears to have earned a living as a, porter ,at the docks of Alexandria, hence his nickname of" Sack-bearer" ( Sacks for
  48. With slow fermenting yeast. There are a number of variations including the Baltic, porter , dry stout, and Imperial stout. The name Porter was first used in 1721 to
  49. But not limited to, pumpkin,honey, vanilla,chocolate and bourbon. Specialized, porter ,brews continue the tradition of aging in barrels, and the use of bourbon
  50. Porter suffix was gradually dropped. British brewers, however,continued to use, porter ,as the generic term for both porter s and stouts. The large London porter

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