Examples of the the word, maritime , in a Sentence Context

The word ( maritime ), is the 6808 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A number of distinct regional centers of metal production, unified by a regular, maritime ,exchange of some of their products. Great Britain In Great Britain, the Bronze
  2. And Provide are major air travel hubs, while Verna and Burgas are the principal, maritime ,trade ports. Science and technology Bulgaria has traditions in astronomy
  3. In antiquity, not only along the sea lanes of the Poetic Sea but also in, maritime ,cities whose economic interests were tightly connected to the riches of the
  4. In both quality and quantity of tobacco produced. Bermudians began to turn to, maritime ,trades relatively early in the 17th century, but the Homers Isles Company used
  5. Regular army numbered over 900,the reserve army 381,the air wing 45 and the, maritime ,wing 36,amounting to an overall strength of approximately 1400. In the same
  6. 1971 and the Maria Declaration of 1 June 1975,which were devised to outline, maritime ,boundaries between the two countries following their independence. The line was
  7. The Signal de Botrange forms the country's the highest point at. The climate is, maritime ,temperate with significant precipitation in all seasons (Köppen climate
  8. On 31 July 1867 the government of Brazil, constantly pressed by the, maritime ,powers and by the countries encircling the upper Amazon basin, especially Peru
  9. Including the area known as the Collaborate Reef, has a rich environment of, maritime ,species, such as black coral and manta rays, sharks,and sea turtles. On São
  10. 1918). SVG|War ensign (not implemented) File: Royal Hungarian, maritime ,flag. GIF|Royal Hungarian maritime ensign The colors black-yellow were used as
  11. As well as winds. Because of the ocean's great heat retention capacity, maritime ,climates are more moderate and have less extreme seasonal variations than
  12. To the Revolution, New Englanders consumed large quantities of rum and beer, as, maritime , trade provided them relatively easy access to the goods needed to produce these
  13. Experiences a fairly humid, continental-type climate, but with a definite, maritime ,flavor due to strong modification from the Great Lakes (Köppen climate
  14. Light of political changes and developments in international environmental and, maritime ,law, a new convention was signed in 1992 by all the states bordering on the
  15. Troop transports. The sinking of the Wilhelm Cutoff remains the worst, maritime ,disaster, killing (very roughly) 9,000 people. In 2005,a Russian group of
  16. Of Km el Shaft, one of the Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages. Ongoing, maritime ,archaeology in the harbor of Alexandria, which began in 1994,is revealing
  17. Rise as a sea power (6th–5th centuries BC) It follows, therefore,that the, maritime ,importance of the island dates back to pre-Dorian times. It is usually stated
  18. Or political reasons. Basques are often employed in shepherding and ranching, maritime ,fisheries and merchants around the world. Millions of Basque descendants (see
  19. Way deep into the interior of Borneo. The Malay and Sea Kayak pirates preyed on, maritime ,shipping in the waters between Singapore and Hong Kong from their haven in
  20. F-X entering in service. To replace the Embrace P-95 Bandeirulha in the, maritime ,patrol duties,12 Lockheed P-3A Orion's have been bought from US Navy surplus
  21. In multiple phases and enable Bangladesh to service the whole region as a, maritime ,transport and logistics hub. India, China,Bhutan, Nepal and other neighboring
  22. Granted public funding to raise a proper commercial fleet and ordered the first, maritime ,explorations. " La Race more ", a French drama was inspired by the conflict
  23. In the Seven Years' War therefore left Britain as the world's most powerful, maritime ,power. Rise of the" Second British Empire" ( 1783–1815) Company rule in
  24. Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) to extend its, maritime ,continental margin. Foreign aid Overseas aid has become an increasingly
  25. The transport sector in the country includes roads, railways,aviation, and, maritime , transport. Azerbaijan is also an important economic hub in the transportation
  26. Historically, the star was frequently used in celestial navigation in the, maritime ,trade, because it is listed as one of the 57 navigational stars. Peculiarities
  27. Action Plan. Main Challenges * Combating Pollution from land-based sources and, maritime ,transport, * Achieving sustainable management of marine living resources
  28. 100 stations (18 km). On this anchorage, being the best sheltered within the, maritime ,region of Sweden (Devonian),all the ships belonging to Danes (Decorum)
  29. With Croatia on several small disputed sections of the boundary related to, maritime ,access that hinder final ratification of the 1999 border agreement. Sections of
  30. Logistic and engineer support to the rest of the defense force. This is the, maritime ,element of the defense force, and is divided into four units: **Flotilla - the
  31. Neck)—at the far southeastern tip of the Bronx—is the national leader in, maritime ,education and houses the Maritime Industry Museum. (Directly across Long
  32. Marine air masses from the Atlantic Ocean. Nearby wetlands also ensure a, maritime ,temperate climate. On average (based on measurements the last 100 years)
  33. Icing in the extreme north from October to May. Persistent fog can be a, maritime ,hazard from May to September, as can hurricanes north of the equator (May to
  34. Caspian Guard Initiative, focused mostly on enhancing Azerbaijani and Kazakh, maritime ,border security. In May 2011,President of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan
  35. Of sites around the island, mainly on the West Coast tourist belt. Air and, maritime ,traffic is regulated by the Barbados Port Authority. Tourism Barbados has
  36. To the exchange of oxygen and nutrients, and fostering completely separate, maritime ,environments. Regional emergence The land is still emerging statically from
  37. Airport. The ports of Antwerp and Zeebrugge share more than 80 % of Belgian, maritime ,traffic, Antwerp being the second European harbor with a gross weight of goods
  38. The naval expansion of Regina during the Archaic Period, Kydonia was an ideal, maritime ,stop for Aegina's fleet on its way to other Mediterranean ports controlled by
  39. On the documentation of archaeological resources related to Achill's rich, maritime ,heritage. Maritime archaeologists recorded 19th century fishing station, ice
  40. 14 million km2) is the surface area of the continent itself. Geography The, maritime ,part of the region constitutes the area of application of the international
  41. The reef measures. The region is subject to cyclones. The atoll has long been a, maritime ,hazard and is the site of numerous shipwrecks. About 40 and 70 km southwest of
  42. It. However, it did not remain defeated long. The Second Athenian Empire,a, maritime ,self-defense league, was founded in 377 BC and was led by Athens; but Athens
  43. A similar-looking ballpark just across 161st Street. The peninsular borough's, maritime ,heritage is acknowledged in several ways. http://www.cityislandmuseum.org/ The
  44. To Holland in 1716 (he was in Holland before in 1697 to instruct himself in, maritime ,affairs),he also took lessons from Behave. Linnaeus traveled to see him
  45. Prince Rupert are also major ports of call for cruise ships. In 2007,a large, maritime ,container port was opened in Prince Rupert with an inland sorting port located
  46. In 1870, he was appointed a member of the commission for drawing up a, maritime ,and commercial code, and the navigation law of 1882 is mainly his work. In 1879
  47. Not implemented) File: Royal Hungarian maritime flag. GIF|Royal Hungarian, maritime ,ensign The colors black-yellow were used as the flag of the Austrian part. The
  48. BDSM works is probably depicting BDSM, while the same image done by a historic, maritime ,artist depicting life aboard a British vessel would probably not be considered
  49. Only offshore. The narrow fringing reef surrounding the island can be a, maritime ,hazard, so there is a day beacon near the old village site. Baker's abandoned
  50. Colonialism, trade and piracy, the West Indies was the setting for a great many, maritime ,incidents during the 17th and 18th centuries. The privateer-turned-pirate Henry

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