Examples of the the word, obedience , in a Sentence Context
The word ( obedience ), is the 6805 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Are easily distracted by smells around them. They do not generally feature in, obedience ,trials; while they are alert, respond well to food-reward training, and are
- In discussions of canine brainpower. Stanley Coren's survey of canine, obedience ,trainers, published in the book The Intelligence of Dogs, reported that borzoi
- His messengersand to conform to their teachings. Through recognition and, obedience , service to humanity and regular prayer and spiritual practice, the Bahá'í
- Forces or of an alien in enemy occupied territory). The natural allegiance and, obedience ,is an incident inseparable to every subject, for as soon as they are born they
- The land was filled with peace and prosperity because of the people's, obedience ,to his commandments. Later, the prophet Mormon worked to convince the faithless
- Breed has a reputation among some dog trainers of having a relatively slow ", obedience ,intelligence" as defined by author Stanley Core. Although seldom used today
- Of Milan. All priests or destined to become priests, they took a simple vow of, obedience ,to their bishop. The model for this was a society that already existed at
- Of dharma (dharma) as nonviolence, tolerance of all sects and opinions, obedience ,to parents, respect for the Brahmans and other religious teachers and priests
- Within the Sovereign's protection, therefore they owe the Sovereign a local, obedience ,or allegiance (R v Cole (1759) 2 Burr 834; Low v Routledge (1865) 1 Ch
- Consistently teach that in baptism a believer surrenders his life in faith and, obedience ,to God, and that God" by the merits of Christ's blood, cleanses one from sin
- This was not a cynical use of religion to manipulate his subjects into, obedience , but an intrinsic element in Alfred's worldview. He believed, as did other
- Water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is an act of, obedience ,symbolizing the believer's faith in a crucified, buried,and risen Savior
- Covenant in warfare and in worship of Yahweh alone at single sanctuary, all in, obedience ,to the commands of Moses as found in Deuteronomy.; God and Israel Joshua takes
- A hierarchical Christian world order in which God is the Lord to whom kings owe, obedience ,and through whom they derive their authority over their followers. The need to
- Jordan and conquest of the land, its distribution, and the imperative need for, obedience ,to the Law; Joshua's own immediate obedience is seen in his speeches to the
- People into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into, obedience , Post World War II After the Second World War, Huxley applied for United States
- By Dr Robert Winthrop at Northampton on 22 February 1627,in which cheerful, obedience ,was urged to the king's demand for a general loan, and the duty proclaimed of
- Of 96 experts, half of which were veterinary surgeons and the other half dog, obedience ,trial judges: d. The specific references in each of the author's works
- A theological scheme in which Israel and her leaders are judged by their, obedience ,to the teachings and laws (the covenant) set down in the book of Deuteronomy.
- Crown is that of allegiance. At common law allegiance is a true and faithful, obedience ,of the subject due to his Sovereign. As the subject owes to his king his true
- Without the use of his hands, which are so admirably adapted to the act of, obedience ,of his will" Darwin (1871:52) and many models on bipedal origins are based
- God and His Messenger. But if I disobey God and His Messenger, ye owe me no, obedience , Arise for your prayer, God have mercy upon you. Abu Bakr's Caliphate lasted
- With the frequent confusion between the concepts of" intelligence" and ", obedience ," in discussions of canine brainpower. Stanley Coren's survey of canine
- Snap our chains, and be content with rational fellowship instead of slavish, obedience , they would find us more observant daughters, more affectionate sisters, more
- His people, degenerated into a Tyrant and forfeits all right to his subjects ', obedience ,". Following their victory in the French and Indian War in 1763,Great Britain
- Lived their lives consecrated to God under the vows of poverty, chastity and, obedience ,(or in Benedictine communities, Stability,Conversion of Life, and Obedience)
- Formula of the Rule is best translated as" to live in this place as a monk, in, obedience , to its rule and abbot. " Benedictine abbots and abbesses have full jurisdiction
- Military aircraft are often now built with a role available to assist in civil, obedience , Disaster Relief helicopters are almost always fitted with video/FLIR systems
- Sovereign. As the subject owes to his king his true and faithful allegiance and, obedience , so the Sovereign is to govern and protect his subjects, regere et protegee
- At the beginning of 1 Peter the writer sets this baptism in the context of, obedience ,to Christ and sanctification by the Spirit. So baptism into Christ is seen as
- Of the works of Maimonides, threatened the authority of the Old Testament, obedience ,to the law, and the belief in miracles and revelation. He therefore, in a
- Joshua commanding the conquest and at the end warning of the need for faithful, obedience ,of the Law (Torah) revealed to Moses. Almost without exception scholars agree
- Subject, for as soon as they are born they owe by birthright allegiance and, obedience ,to the Sovereign (Ex p. Anderson (1861) 3 E & E 487). A natural-born
- And fundamentalist Protestant groups recognize baptism as an act of, obedience ,to and identification with Jesus as the Christ. They say that baptism has no
- And the imperative need for obedience to the Law; Joshua's own immediate, obedience ,is seen in his speeches to the Israelite commanders and to the Transjordanian
- Baptism is necessary for salvation; but rather that it is an act of Christian, obedience , Some" full gospel" charismatic churches such as Oneness Pentecostals baptize
- On that spot a ram which he sacrificed in place of his son. As a reward for his, obedience ,he received another promise of numerous descendants and abundant prosperity.
- Teaching against the Law of Moses (). Perhaps to show that he was" living in, obedience ,to the law ", Paul took a biblical vow along with some others (). Near the end
- Re Stephen Election Pen, Isaacson v Durant (1886) 17 QED 54); (d) A legal, obedience , where a particular law requires the taking of an oath of allegiance by subject
- 7 Co Rep 1a; Junk 306; 2 State Try 559; 77 ER 377). Natural allegiance and, obedience ,is an incident inseparable to every subject, for as soon as the Sovereign is
- Of the main goals of monasticism was the duration of self and selfishness, and, obedience , was seen as a path to that perfection. It was sacred duty to execute the abbot
- To every subject, for as soon as the Sovereign is born, they owe allegiance and, obedience ,(Ex parte Anderson (1861) 3 El & El 487; 121 ER 525). Natural-born subjects
- Report has led to unfair denigration of breeds which are under-represented in, obedience ,clubs and poorly understood by the average obedience trainer. " Work" for
- Controversial and may be personally very costly ... this General Convention, in, obedience , to this call, urges all members of this Church to support by prayer and by such
- For membership itemized the following: listening ability, good manners, obedience , and making a pledge (bay at) to follow one's superiors. According to Wright
- To instruct others, one also who had learned how to command by having practiced, obedience , In some exceptional cases an abbot was allowed to name his own successor.
- Morum (an idiomatic Latin phrase suggesting" conversion of manners" ), and, obedience , ( to the superior, because the superior holds the place of Christ in their
- Other gods. Joshua thus illustrates the central Deuteronomistic message, that, obedience , leads to success and dis obedience to ruin. Moses, Joshua and Josiah The
- Coren's test however was by his own admission heavily weighted towards the ", obedience ," interpretation of intelligence and based on a better understanding of "
- Are under-represented in obedience clubs and poorly understood by the average, obedience ,trainer. " Work" for hound breeds is done out of hearing and often out of
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