Examples of the the word, networks , in a Sentence Context

The word ( networks ), is the 6809 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To replace local area networks with ATM. Virtual circuit routing Most ATM, networks ,supporting SVPs, SPVCs, and Sacs use the Private Network Node Interface or
  2. Partly by playing against itself (temporal difference learning with neural, networks ,). Knowledge and reasoning * CBC, an attempt to assemble an ontology and
  3. Directory (AD) is a directory service created by Microsoft for Windows domain, networks , It is included in most Windows Server operating systems. Server computers on
  4. PVP's and PVC's, though conceptually simple, require significant effort in large, networks , They also do not support the re-routing of service in the event of a failure.
  5. National Urban Renewal Mission" to improve water supply and sanitation, road, networks , and urban transport. Reducing environmental pollution is an equally important
  6. 1910) with its punched-paper use of Ballot code on tape. Telephone-switching, networks ,of electromechanical relays (invented 1835) was behind the work of George
  7. Dependent priories of the" mother. " In other cases, abbeys have affiliated in, networks ,known as" congregations. " Some monastic families recognize one abbey as the
  8. Their airlines. In the past, these governments dictated airfares, route, networks , and other operational requirements for each airline. Since deregulation
  9. A type of properties describing the electrical behavior of linear electrical, networks ,* BCD Schema, a highly-structured data exchange and access model for taxon
  10. And the parents raise the young in a large den. Dens can be complex underground, networks , housing many generations of foxes. Young from a previous year's litter may
  11. Their power over many aspects of American public life. They set up espionage, networks ,to identify disloyal elements, displaced the royal officials, and helped topple
  12. To the gun's laying system and the gun automatically laid. As tactical data, networks ,become pervasive they will provide any connected soldier with a means for
  13. Failed to encourage enough senators to finance the building and maintenance of, networks ,of roads in Italy, he undertook direct responsibility for them in 20 BC. This
  14. It has been in circulation for 13 years. Besides most American television, networks , the local channel ABS TV 10 is available (it is the only station which shows
  15. United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allowed two licensee (, networks ,) known as" A" and" B" carriers. Each carrier within a market uses a
  16. Advanced Mobile Phone System). AMPS networks have been replaced by digital, networks ,based on standards including Digital AMPS, GSM,and CDMA2000 which brought
  17. On a per-virtual-connection basis. Following the initial design of ATM, networks ,have become much faster. A 1500 byte (12000-bit) full-size Ethernet frame
  18. 15 May 2005,and has since been shown in repeated reruns on NHK and other, networks ,in Japan. Poirot was voiced by Satori Potato and Miss Marple was voiced by
  19. Implementing graph theory, ANN,GA, Markov Chains, graphical models (Bayesian, networks , HMM),etc. * ELK, a research project and software framework with numerous
  20. A very powerful summarization mechanism to allow construction of very large, networks , as well as a call admission control (CAC) algorithm which determines the
  21. Tool for creating rich-media e-learning applications for delivery on corporate, networks , CD/DVD, and the Web. ” Authorware was one of the development tools acquired in
  22. Facilities that are in place are often ineffective; for example, weak piping, networks ,mean that 12 % of sanitation plants in China operate at utilization levels of
  23. Meet its traffic contract. Traffic policing To maintain network performance, networks ,may police virtual circuits against their traffic contracts. If a circuit is
  24. Information or" hardware" the system to known addresses and names. On larger, networks ,where AARP could cause problems as new nodes searched for free addresses, the
  25. Heavy influence. Most of the country's media is made up of major United States, networks , Attention to Available at boutiques in St. John's and elsewhere, although many
  26. America, AMPS is no longer offered and has been replaced by GSM and new UMTS, networks , GSM and CDMA2000 AMPS and D-AMPS have now been phased out in favor of either
  27. As widely available. Television All the five Australian national television, networks ,broadcast both analogue PAL and high definition digital services in Adelaide.
  28. Radio broadcasting company in the United States. Other African American, networks ,scheduled to launch in 2009 are the Black Television News Channel founded by
  29. From a harsh environment. It is also isolated from conventional support, networks , and must avoid damage to the surrounding ecosystem due to an international
  30. TV networks regularly broadcast anime programming. In Japan, major national TV, networks , such as TV Tokyo broadcast anime regularly. Smaller regional stations
  31. Is no longer offered, these laws remain in force. Digital AMPS Later, many AMPS, networks ,were partially converted to D-AMPS, often referred to as TDA (though TDA is
  32. A Site object in Active Directory represents a geographic location that hosts, networks , Forests, trees,and domains The Active Directory framework that holds the
  33. Correlated in time, suggesting an imbalance in toggling between the two, networks , possibly reflecting a disturbance of self-referential thought. A 2008
  34. Up until die Wendy in 1989,and were only available via clandestine Samizdat, networks , The novel's Battle of the Windmill is referred to by Sent Singh Bad as one "
  35. Houses placed outside" and thus came to play an important role in the social, networks ,of local elites. As well as its emphasis on display and status, the sport was
  36. Weaker H bonding in NH3 and the fact that such bonding cannot form cross-linked, networks ,since each NH3 molecule has only 1 lone-pair of electrons compared with 2 for
  37. Using ATM. Sacs were also used in attempts to replace local area, networks ,with ATM. Virtual circuit routing Most ATM networks supporting SVPs, SPVCs
  38. A standard switching technique designed to unify telecommunication and computer, networks , It uses asynchronous time-division multiplexing, and it encodes data into
  39. The Annals relocated to the FMSH building. FMSH set up elaborate international, networks ,to spread the Annals gospel across Europe and the world. The scope of topics
  40. Neuronal migration during early gestation. * Unbalanced excitatory–inhibitory, networks , Or by poorly regulated synthesis of synaptic proteins. Disrupted synaptic
  41. Rogers Wireless has dismantled their AMPS (along with IS-136) network; the, networks ,were shut down May 31, 2007. Bell Mobility and Telus Mobility, who operated
  42. Militants in Pakistan. Arab world Following Yemeni unification in 1990,Wahhabi, networks ,began moving missionaries into the country in an effort to subvert the
  43. TIA interim standard IS-91 (Narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone System). AMPS, networks ,have been replaced by digital networks based on standards including Digital
  44. Of Harsh Suzuki popular in the English-speaking world. Broadcasting TV, networks ,regularly broadcast anime programming. In Japan, major national TV networks
  45. Sustained attention and goal-directed thinking. In people with autism the two, networks ,are not negatively correlated in time, suggesting an imbalance in toggling
  46. Services: labor, fuel,airplanes, engines,spares and parts, IT services and, networks , airport equipment, airport handling services, sales distribution, catering
  47. On occasion, a very rare occurrence for two shows that aired on different, networks , Episode list Main cast *Peter Mannitol – John Cage (episode 12–103; recurring
  48. Americans. To combat this African Americans founded their own television, networks , Black Entertainment Television, founded by Robert L. Johnson is a network that
  49. Which defines the" clumping" of cells in time. To maintain traffic contracts, networks ,usually use" shaping ", a combination of queuing and marking of cells. "
  50. The circuit (the service" contract" ) and the two end points. Finally, ATM, networks , create and remove switched virtual circuits (Sacs) on demand when requested

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