Examples of the the word, peasant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( peasant ), is the 6807 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Poland he advocated expropriation of gentry estates. His observation of with, peasant ,individualism convinced him that Poland should combine voluntary collectivism
  2. Preaching did not have an obviously religious theme. The model, an Italian, peasant ,who presented himself at Rodin's studio, possessed an idiosyncratic sense of
  3. Melodies can be found in his music, but it is pervaded by the atmosphere of, peasant ,music. In this case we may say, he has completely absorbed the idiom of peasant
  4. Samurai in which the samurai Shichirôji, who is standing, wishes to console the, peasant ,Mango, who is sitting on the ground, and he gets down on one knee to talk to
  5. Was forbidden. Consequently, after the death of Emperor Dongle, independent, peasant , landholders predominated in Chinese agriculture. These laws might have paved
  6. Found themselves pushed into the halls of state power by worker and, peasant ,mobilizations. Between September 1933 and January 1934 a loose coalition of
  7. How when he first fled to the Somerset Levels, Alfred was given shelter by a, peasant ,woman who, unaware of his identity, left him to watch some cakes she had left
  8. And corrupt system. Many politicians relied on intimidated or loyal, peasant ,voters in the countryside, even though the population was becoming increasingly
  9. Cinq pace" as it was made of five steps. In 1650 the Minuet, originally a, peasant ,dance of Poison, was introduced into Paris and set to music by Jean-Baptiste
  10. Tranquil horse, the horn of a dairy cow reclining by a stream, or the tip of a, peasant ,'s hat are all caught in a bath of yellow ocher light. The richly varnished
  11. There is yet a third way ... Neither peasant melodies nor imitations of, peasant ,melodies can be found in his music, but it is pervaded by the atmosphere of
  12. Of Claudius; consul 45 and 74 AD * Alliance (rebel),leader of the Baghdad, peasant ,rebels Alliance Tactics () was a Greek military writer of the 2nd century
  13. Is often discouraged. At most dances, no special outfits are worn, but ", peasant ,skirts" or other full, lightweight skirts are popular, as these have a very
  14. Of Sanshiro's departure. In the opening sequence of Seven Samurai in the, peasant ,village, the axial cut is used twice. When the villagers are outdoors, gathered
  15. Was an early agrarian social and political philosophy that advocated, peasant ,utopian communalism and egalitarianism. The philosophy is founded on the notion
  16. Emperor, the last Emperor of Ming Dynasty China, commits suicide during a, peasant ,rebellion led by Li Lichen. *1707 – The Habsburg army is defeated by Bourbon
  17. Another method ... is the following: the composer does not make use of a real, peasant ,melody but invents his own imitation of such melodies. There is no true
  18. Possession of the leased land. His pragmatism left room even for private, peasant ,ownership, despite his Marxism. Australia In Australia, the Country Party from
  19. To be known as land captains, who were much feared and resented amongst the, peasant ,communities throughout Russia. At the same time he sought to strengthen and
  20. Were over 200,000 Guatemalans and half a million from El Salvador, almost all, peasant ,farmers and most under age twenty. In the 1980s,the polarization of the
  21. Of this school. *Agrarianism, or the School of Agrarianism, which advocated, peasant ,utopian communalism and egalitarianism. The Agrarians believed that Chinese
  22. And parish councils in England, and placed the autonomous administration of the, peasant ,communes under the supervision of landed proprietors appointed by the
  23. Of ten children born to Hugh Bounty and Eleanor McCrory, a couple of poor Irish, peasant ,farmers. The family surname mac AEDH Ó Proinntigh had been earlier Anglicized
  24. Along with mestizos, Guatemalan refugees and others. Most of these migrants are, peasant ,farmers, who cut forest to plant crops. However, the soil of this area cannot
  25. And monarchist forces preferred regional languages in an attempt to keep the, peasant ,masses under-informed. In 1794,Barre submitted to the Comte de salt public
  26. Method and the one described above. ... There is yet a third way ... Neither, peasant ,melodies nor imitations of peasant melodies can be found in his music, but it
  27. Talked and behaved when greeted, and even how each tied his shoes. For the 101, peasant , characters in the film, he created a registry consisting of 23 families and
  28. A number of economic sanctions against Chile. At the same time, indigenous and, peasant ,forces across the country violently started to take control of agricultural
  29. Was completed in 1279,the 1300 census reported roughly 60 million people. A, peasant ,named Zhu Yuanzhang overthrew the Mongols in 1368 and founded the Ming Dynasty.
  30. Philosophers. The Chinese School of Agrarianism was a philosophy that advocated, peasant ,utopian communalism and egalitarianism. This influenced European intellectuals
  31. Bartok and Kodaly quickly set about incorporating elements of such Magyar, peasant ,music into their compositions. They both frequently quoted folk song melodies
  32. He was still a mighty figure. There was indeed something of the Muzak Russian, peasant ,about him. The look of his bright eyes made quite an impression on me. As he
  33. Peasant music. In this case we may say, he has completely absorbed the idiom of, peasant ,music which has become his musical mother tongue. (Bartok 1931/1976,341–44. )
  34. In local hands, and credit institutions to underwrite needed improvements. Many, peasant ,parties were also nationalist parties, because peasant s often worked their land
  35. Later, the Socialist-Revolutionary Party developed a theoretical basis for a, peasant ,movement, building a rich, well-developed humanistic ideology which influenced
  36. Of rebel forces led by Li Lichen, a minor Ming official turned leader of the, peasant ,revolt. The last Ming Changchun Emperor committed suicide when the city fell.
  37. And becomes transmuted into modern music? We may, for instance, take over a, peasant ,melody unchanged or only slightly varied, write an accompaniment to it and
  38. S Republic of China in 1949 (and the late 1950s famine),a typical Chinese, peasant ,would have eaten meat or animal products (including eggs) rarely and most
  39. There was a Green International (International Agrarian Bureau) based on the, peasant ,parties in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia,Poland and Serbia. It functioned primarily
  40. The royal fleet were costly endeavors that provoked resistance from noble and, peasant ,alike. But they paid off. When the Vikings returned in force in 892 they found
  41. The Mongol rule. The frequent natural disasters since the 1340s finally led to, peasant ,revolts. The Yuan Dynasty was eventually overthrown by the Ming Dynasty in
  42. Asia Minor. Alexios was able to secure much of the coastal regions by sending, peasant ,soldiers to raid the Seljuk camps, but these victories were unable to stop the
  43. Early agrarian social and political philosophy in ancient China that advocated, peasant ,utopian communalism and egalitarianism. The Agriculturalists believed that the
  44. Folk music into art music he said: The question is, what are the ways in which, peasant ,music is taken over and becomes transmuted into modern music? We may, for
  45. From the agricultural sector. Perhaps because of the Emperor's background as a, peasant , the Ming economic system emphasized agriculture, unlike that of the Song and
  46. Although wife Margaret, a blue-blooded Bostonian, has obvious disdain for the ", peasant ," hillbillies, she tacitly agrees to tolerate them (rather than Wilburn lose
  47. Except slaves, as essentially equal under the law, and even the lowliest, peasant ,was entitled to petition the vizier and his court for redress. Legal system The
  48. And fought against communists. Chiang crushed pro-communist worker and, peasant ,organizations and rich Shanghai capitalists at the same time. Chiang continued
  49. Population, or 250,000 inhabitants, and radicalized countrysides leading to, peasant ,uprisings. After the fall of the Holy Roman Empire, Bohemia became part of the
  50. Memorable waltzes, all talking of past loves and lost worlds ... There is a, peasant ,touch here. " He commented that the lyrics are" breathtaking ". In its review

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