Examples of the the word, celtic , in a Sentence Context

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  1. In 1982,but released it on 2004's" Jubilee" album. * In 2006 the, celtic , folk rock band http://www.tempestmusic.com Tempest released an album called The
  2. First pottery to be made in France. Strabo distinctly states they were not of, celtic , origin and a different race from the Gauls. They did not have their own
  3. Irish) mythology: Mórrígan-Nemain-Macha-Badb, Brigid,Eric, Danu *Janet is the, celtic , goddess of sex, love and harmony. Germanic Surviving accounts of Germanic
  4. A hero to all that he knew, : long live the legend of Finn Raccoon!: The brave, celtic , leader of the chosen few, : long live the legend of Finn Raccoon! Contemporary
  5. Sometimes Voyages or Voracious) was a name used in the Roman Empire for a, celtic , god of hunting and forestation. On rare known artifacts Votes is shown with a
  6. A 1964 album by Barbra Streisand * People (Hothouse Flowers album),1988,Celtic, rock album * People (The Golden Republic EP),2004 recording by the American
  7. Advertising the Dutch Center PARCs. In 2009 and 2010,he performed in the, celtic , rock opera Excalibur, and continues to do so in 2011. He mentioned on TTV on
  8. City center prior to the 12th century has been found so far. In antiquity,a, celtic , oppidum stood on the“ Engehalbinsel” north of Bern, fortified since the 2nd
  9. Difficult and can only be done by the tallest players. It weighs about. It has, celtic , designs on the soundboard. One who plays the smaller Irish or folk harps is
  10. Werner and named it“ Jurakalk” in 1795. The name“ Jury” is derived from the, celtic , root “ JOR” which was Latinized into“ Julia ”, meaning forest (i.e.“ Jury
  11. Forefront of the group's success and her voice suddenly became synonymous with, celtic , music and Irish music at the time. Brennan recorded 17 albums with Planned and
  12. Of its Journal-" Clog her Record ". He is a noted historian, linguist and, celtic , scholar. His Church of Ireland counterpart during the latter years of his
  13. As a single in the UK. Van Morrison was a headline act at the international, celtic , music festival, The Hebrides Celtic Festival in Steinway Outer Hebrides in
  14. This name comes from two terms of Liberian origin, language of the, celtic , Indo-European branch. Comes from the term Ego, which means« victory» (
  15. In modern-day Basque the word is auburn, with the same meaning),an ancient, celtic , symbol taken by the Legions during the Cantabrian Wars. Later usage has
  16. Society. With the development across Ireland of Irish games and the arts,the, celtic , revivalists and nationalists identified characteristics of what they defined as
  17. American - jazz (saxophone) *Julie Fowls (born 1979),Scottish -, celtic , ( vocalist) *Vinny Golda (born 1946),American - jazz (all woodwinds)
  18. A Roman penitentiary. Currently, the most accepted theory is that the name has, celtic , roots,from the root red that originated the name Redis (or reddish),that
  19. To the south and west. The name Orange is said to be from the Usage,a, celtic , tribe that Ptolemy's map of Ireland places in roughly the same area that
  20. Archeological site, Temple Saint-Gervais archeological site, Old City with, celtic , roman and medieval villages Museums, Theaters and other Cultural Sites:
  21. Territories in just Europe (excluding Russia). Cultural significance In, celtic , folklore,the bird appears on the shoulder of the dying Cu Cúchulainn, and could
  22. The Clyde" ), originally Brythonic Strand Club, was one of the kingdoms of the, celtic , people called the Britons in the Hen Ogled, the Brythonic-speaking parts of
  23. Celts arrived in this area and settled. The name“ Dachau” originated in the, celtic , Dahauua, which roughly translates to“ loamy meadow” and also alludes to the
  24. Sectional embankments and a stone wall. Near Heisenberg (Wasseralfingen),a, celtic , nemeton is situated. Inferred from coins found related to the late 3rd and the
  25. Shiva *Rhongomyniad, or simply 'Ron,' the spear of King Arthur according to, celtic , tradition. Types of spears Notes and references Sigrid Unset (20 May 1882 –
  26. Means bridge over the duo or droll, which appears to derive from the, celtic , word for water. Saxon and Viking age After the Romans had left Saxons took over
  27. Concentric circles, having painted on their reverse a circle and cross like a, celtic , cross. According to Plaster Crowley's instructions for the A. '. A. '., the
  28. Festivals celebrating a presumed musical survival of the region's pre-Roman, celtic , culture,of which Ortigueira's Festival del Munro CELTA is especially
  29. Himself in the chest with a sword. Mac Muffin is a parody of Robert E. Howard's, celtic , barbarian Bran MAK Morn. In his first appearance in issue 5 his name was
  30. Long career of Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King. *Scottish-Canadian, celtic , punk band" The Real McKenzie's" played an adapted version of the song on their
  31. Geology: the three major subdivisions of the Lower Paleozoic are named for local, celtic , tribes - Cambrian, Ordovician & Silurian. Also, Comley Quarry is about from the
  32. British Isles Diodorus Siculus and Pliny both suggest trade between the rebel, celtic , tribes of Armorica and Iron Age Britain flourished. In 55 BC Julius Caesar
  33. Forms which are evocative of mandalas are prevalent in Christianity: the, celtic , cross; the rosary; the halo; the aureole; could; the Crown of Thorns; rose
  34. Written several other songs inspired by MacDonald and the Inklings. * Christian, celtic , punk band Bally dowse have a song called" George MacDonald" on their album Out
  35. Its sequel Dun March by Gargoyle Games. The games included heavy references to, celtic , mythology and folklore. In the 1997 game Final Fantasy Tactics, Cúchulainn is
  36. More common to assume that the city was named after a pre-existing toponym of, celtic , origin,possibly *Bern" cleft ". The bear was the heraldic animal of the seal
  37. And will salute him forever ". ** The song" Tobacco Island" by Irish-American, celtic , punk band Flogging Molly describes the deportation of Irish citizens to
  38. Have been discovered further east in what is now Poland and Slovakia. A, celtic , coin (Beaten) from Bratislava's mint was displayed on the old Slovak 5-crown
  39. Scenario that could easily be linked to that of Central Europe, the presence of, celtic , culture in that region was generally not fully recognized. Three divisions of
  40. Stage production and spawned a worldwide craze for Irish dancing and, celtic , music. It was released as a single in the UK in 1994,credited to" Bill Wherein
  41. Involved were alternative rock bands Tonic, Matchbox 20,and Goo Dolls, celtic , rock groups The Corps and The Cranberries, and singer-songwriters Elton John
  42. Was part of a large area covering Essex and Middlesex which was home to a, celtic , tribe called Trilobites. The Romans' presence is evidenced chiefly by the
  43. Early as in the 5th century, missionary activities from Roman Britain into the, celtic , areas (current Scotland, Ireland and Wales) produced competing early
  44. Found in the name of the Italian city of Bologna. This city was founded by the, celtic , Boii. "" is French meaning" on the sea ". History Origin of the city
  45. Flat inhumation cemeteries” were directly associated with the Celts and the, celtic , language. The Iron Age Hallstatt (c. 800-475 BC) and La Ten (c. 500-50 BC)
  46. Xavier Delaware proposes: Juno meaning" dog ", and knowing in insular, celtic , otter is said" water dog ", the name of Kenneth could be" otter's lair ". e.
  47. Mean 'port ', an 'inlet' or 'harbor,' and implied the existence of an older, celtic , harbour. Others argue it is the stem of Galleria. Another theory claims it
  48. Gaul. For Vendettas Krita, Galatia in central Turkey was an area of dense, celtic , settlement. The Boil tribe gave their name to Bohemia, Bologna and possibly
  49. Notable artists from the Greensburg music scene include An Offhand Way, and,Celtic, band Coming Through the Rye (WWW. Myspace. Com/comingthroughtherye),Justin
  50. Atlas of five-star maps. * Kingdom of England annexes Cambria from the, celtic , kingdom of Strathclyde. Births Deaths * May 7 – Religious de Fécamp, first

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