Examples of the the word, butt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( butt ), is the 6796 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Writing the 'Marginal Thinking' marginals had always been a pain in the, butt , Sergio made the pain go away. " Dragons is a very prolific artist; Al Coffee
  2. The comical appearance of the real world gorilla's prominent belly and, butt , His lips, eyebrows,and nose were fashioned of rubber, his eyes of glass, and
  3. Common name for the remains of a cigarette after smoking is a" ( cigarette), butt ,". The butt typically comprises about 30 % of the cigarette's original length.
  4. The indecent character it retains in British and Australian use, as it and ", butt ," are commonly used as a polite or childish euphemism for ruder words such as
  5. Mozart carried on a curious kind of friendly mockery, often with Letter as the, butt ,of Mozart's practical jokes. He enjoyed billiards and dancing, and kept pets:
  6. When Spitzer attempted to answer a question, the coach was clubbed with the, butt ,of an AK-47 in full view of international television cameras and pulled away
  7. Echoed ever since the book’s publication, and Don Quixote's imaginings are the, butt ,of outrageous and cruel practical jokes in the novel. Even faithful and simple
  8. Also the first person to escape from it, using a smuggled rope secreted in a, butt ,of wine. He was held in luxury and permitted servants, but on 2 February 1101
  9. Or trigger on a joystick is commonly used. Light machine guns often have a, butt ,stock attached, while vehicle and tripod mounted machine guns usually have
  10. Effects of secondhand smoke. Laws vary by country and locality. See: Cigarette, butt ,The common name for the remains of a cigarette after smoking is a" ( cigarette
  11. Seemed to be the American League's perennial doormats. The Senators became the, butt ,of a well-known vaudeville joke," First in war, first in peace, and last in
  12. The handle when sharpening or as a forward-finger grip. The knife's handle or, butt ,may allow a lanyard (11) to be used to secure the knife to the wrist, or a
  13. That no one would want, such as" suicide drink,"" a swift kick in the, butt ," for one dollar, insurance,or" frank appraisal of your looks" for fifty
  14. Verb) is to pistol-whip someone with the barrel of a gun, rather than with the, butt , The Bebop was a short-lived dual processor personal computer, offered by Be
  15. The parent nucleus to recoil, the effect acts much like the 'kick' of a rifle, butt ,when a bullet goes in the opposite direction. This gives a significant amount
  16. For the remains of a cigarette after smoking is a" ( cigarette) butt ". The, butt ,typically comprises about 30 % of the cigarette's original length. It consists
  17. Team in NFL history. Their losing streak caused them to become the, butt ,of late-night television comedians' jokes. Their first win came in 1977 on the
  18. The town's other famous association is with Arrington Stanley F. C.,the, butt ,of many (largely affectionate) jokes. The club's name is often invoked as a
  19. Daley picked up a rifle with a bayonet and told him," If I put this up your, butt , you'll find out how effective it is. " Daley made the statement at a news
  20. Joint) color red> (5),connecting the bell and the boot; the boot (or, butt ,) color red> (4),at the bottom of the instrument and folding over on
  21. Observations garnered from newspapers around the country. Overwhelmingly,the, butt ,of these jokes was the prosecution and those aligned with it: Bryan, the city
  22. Some players, especially current or former snooker players, use a screw-on cue, butt ,extension instead of or in addition to the mechanical bridge. Bridge head
  23. For a sequence where a robot barber chair gives Donald Duck a haircut on his, butt , In 1937 when Donald Duck became the star of his own series of cartoons instead
  24. Of a specific desire to satirize Old castle or the Cob hams. Cob ham was a common, butt ,of veiled satire in Elizabethan popular literature; he figures in Ben Jonson's
  25. Tribune, and the winner was the Oakland Senors. After a few weeks of being the, butt ,of local jokes (and accusations that the contest was fixed, as Chest Soda was
  26. Childhood called" Iron Butt" ( who would encourage people to kick him in the, butt ,to demonstrate his strength) and" Butt-head ". *Tom Anderson—voiced by Mike
  27. Of a firearm or grasp it by the barrel or grip and strike someone with the, butt , which is informally called" pistol-whipping ". A problem for firearms is the
  28. Hitting the water. *Fashion Air - the rider curls the board behind towards the, butt ,while keeping knees pointing down, arches back, and throws backhand up behind
  29. A Cree loanword). Older Canadians may see" bum" as more polite than ", butt ,", which before the 1980s was often considered rude. Similarly, the word pissed
  30. And a single housekeeper who cleaned and cooked for him. He was often the, butt ,of jokes for his long beard, his cheap clothes and often not wearing socks
  31. Or more balls prevent the spider being placed where the striker desires.; Half, butt ,: Usually housed underneath the side of the table, the half butt is a
  32. Turned over to the lynch mob by jail guards, had his teeth smashed with a rifle, butt , was castrated, lynched three times in three separate locations, and then his
  33. A half hitch to a roll of paper or cardboard, about the size of a cigarette, butt , strung through the holes at the head of the Kyoto, threaded through the holes
  34. And pump-action weapons, which may be located underneath the barrel or in the, butt ,stock. Military-style semiautomatic rifle Many semi-automatic-only versions (
  35. Frame.; Extended rest: Similar to the regular rest, but with a mechanism at the, butt ,end which makes it possible to extend the rest by up to three feet.; Extended
  36. Peter Edmund as Private" Snowball" Brown, an African-American recruit,the, butt ,of jibes from Hartman about" fried chicken and watermelon ". Snowball informs
  37. Degrees of chemicals in their tobacco blends. After a cigarette is smoked,the, butt ,is capable of retaining some chemicals, and parts of them are
  38. Next day, on 30 July 1987,Rajiv Gandhi was assaulted on the head with a rifle, butt ,by a young Sinhalese naval cadet named Vijayamunige Rohan de Silva, while
  39. Bat being swung at someone's head (a round-house punch),as opposed to the, butt ,end of the bat being thrust forward into the opponent's face (wing Chen punch
  40. Implementing monetary deposits on filters, increasing the availability of, butt ,receptacles, and expanding public education. It may even be possible to ban the
  41. The first M16 adopted operationally. This variant had triangular hand guards, butt ,stocks without a compartment for the storage of a cleaning kit, a three-pronged
  42. Her," O. K., baby! You're all mine! I gave you a chance to hit me witty gun, butt ,... But naturally, you have immediately fallen in love with me, since I am a
  43. Daphnia at concentrations of 0.125 cigarette butt s per liter (or one cigarette, butt ,per 8 liter). Cellulose acetate and carbon particles breathed in from
  44. Which protects the hand from an opponent, and (10) the end of the handle, or, butt , A choir, where the blade is unsharpened and possibly indented as it meets the
  45. Is part of plyometrics, as a form of a running exercise such as high knees and, butt ,kicks. Flexibility is an often forgotten tool for long jumpers.
  46. Desires.; Half butt : Usually housed underneath the side of the table, the half, butt ,is a combination of a table length rest and cue which is rarely used unless the
  47. show's producer, said that Shearer was" a gifted performer but a pain in the, butt , He's just so demanding on the preciseness of things, and he's very, very hard
  48. Present arms" salute. In the" order arms salute," the rifle rests on its, butt ,by the sentry's right foot, held near the muzzle by the sentry's right hand
  49. His pain and to get his mad out and to take pratfalls and sometimes be the, butt ,of his own jokes. I mean, Indiana Jones is not a perfect hero, and his
  50. Series model 1885 Single Shots, as they have the original style steel crescent, butt ,plates, and folding steel tang rear sights, with full length octagon barrels.

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