Examples of the the word, russians , in a Sentence Context

The word ( russians ), is the 6802 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Point and is a major firefight zone. The zone is also showcased in the trailer, russians , use the square for cover and the Luxor Obelisk is heavily damaged. Later in the
  2. Immigration ceased somewhat after 1939. Russians in the 19th century many, russians , went to Bucaramanga, santander, colombia to escape communism and the soviets
  3. 1941 they were in an even more sensitive situation. To separate the anti-soviet, russians , from the soviet Russians, the former were ordered to wear a badge with the
  4. The population of municipality was 10,237 where 69.3 % was Latvians,19.8 %, russians , 4.6 % Belarusians,1.8 % Lithuanians,1.7 % Ukrainians,1.5 % poles and 1.3 %
  5. Our only goal - to rebuild anty-Germany front in Russia in collaboration with, russians , and our allies ... In July Russian troops of Vladimir Rappel took Syrian, and

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