Examples of the the word, helmet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( helmet ), is the 6793 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Understand there is absolutely no experience at all with landing without the, helmet ,on. SHIRR: And there is no experience with the helmet either on that one.
  2. Uniform. The main pieces of this armor were a round shield, a spear and a, helmet , Ancient Rome The Roman Army had its origins in the citizen army of the
  3. By Sigurd) bears on his forehead the Ægis-helm (ON ægishjálmr),or Ægir's, helmet , or more specifically the" Helm of Terror ". However, some versions would say
  4. Landing without the helmet on. SHIRR: And there is no experience with the, helmet ,either on that one. CAP COM: That one we've got a lot of experience with
  5. Be fitted to the breastplate. The small skull cap evolved into a bigger true, helmet , the bassinet, as it was lengthened downward to protect the back of the neck
  6. In Renaissance and Neoclassical works of art, Ares ' symbols are a spear and, helmet , his animal is a dog, and his bird is the vulture. In literary works of these
  7. 11 and 12 had trouble distinguishing the astronauts while both had their, helmet ,sunshades down. The red bands were a feature for the remaining Apollo flights
  8. And hermitage, a landmark in the Way of St. James * Adrian helmet , a combat, helmet ,issued to the French Army during World War I * Adrian, a village in Outfit
  9. White jerseys included a dark blue shoulder yoke and royal blue numbers. The, helmet ,remained primarily red with one navy blue, two nickel, two royal blue, two
  10. Island that once existed off the coast of Bridgetown. Above the shield is the, helmet ,of Barbados with an extended arm clutching two sugar-cane stalks. The" cross "
  11. Tankage, which has the power to make the user invisible. It may be an actual, helmet ,or a magical sign with a rather poetic name. Ægir is an Old Norse word meaning
  12. Practice amongst European cavers. * Sturdy clothing and footwear, as well as a, helmet , are necessary to reduce the impact of abrasions, falls,and falling objects.
  13. Any of its 3.9 kg of radioactive plutonium. Lovell's lunar space suit, helmet ,is located at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, Illinois. The
  14. And traveling as a group through city streets. There is a long-running cycle, helmet ,debate among activists. The most heated controversy surrounds the topic of
  15. The varied marine life of the island chain. The conch shell rests on a, helmet , Below this is the actual shield, the main symbol of which is a ship
  16. A helmet . Armour did not always cover all the body; sometimes no more than a, helmet ,and leg plates where worn. The rest of the body was generally protected by
  17. Phase of the case. The Baltimore Sun ran a poll showing three designs for new, helmet ,logos. Fans participating in the poll expressed a preference for a raven's
  18. Falcons wore red helmet s with a black falcon crest logo. In the center of the, helmet ,was a center black stripe surrounded by 2 gold stripes and 2 white stripes
  19. Dog being used for various Browns functions. But overall, the orange, logo-less, helmet ,remains as the primary trademark of the Cleveland Browns. Uniforms
  20. Among activists. The most heated controversy surrounds the topic of compulsory, helmet ,use. Associations Cyclists form associations, both for specific interests (
  21. Is portrayed wearing a full-length chitin, and sometimes in armor, with her, helmet ,raised high on the forehead to reveal the image of Nike. Her shield bears at
  22. And falling rocks. The caver's primary light source is usually mounted on the, helmet ,in order to keep the hands free. Electric lights are most common, with halogen
  23. The standing red bison was designated as the logo and took its place on a white, helmet , In 1962,the team's colors also changed to red, white,and blue. The team
  24. Worn with the white jerseys in 1973,the last year of the standing buffalo, helmet , The blue pants remained through 1985. The face mask on the helmet was blue
  25. Cyclists to wear helmet s include Spain, New Zealand and Australia. Mandatory, helmet ,wearing is one of the most controversial topics in the cycling world, with
  26. Into Eagles shadow produced no temperature change inside the suit, though the, helmet ,was warmer in sunlight, so he felt cooler in shadow. Nixon originally had a
  27. Adrian (tunnel) and hermitage, a landmark in the Way of St. James * Adrian, helmet , a combat helmet issued to the French Army during World War I * Adrian, a
  28. Yesterday: :He was marching his men up and down on parade when the crest of his, helmet ,fell off! The rhythm begins at a typical anapestic gallop, slows down to
  29. The Ravens finished their pre-season 3-1. Logo controversy The team's first, helmet ,logo, used from 1996 through 1998,featured raven wings outspread from a shield
  30. Poets and artists, and the hero who appears on some Dorian coins with the, helmet , shield, and sword is probably this Ajax. Other accounts of his death are
  31. Built a statue of Athena as a temple to the goddess, which had piercing eyes,a, helmet ,on her head, attired with an aegis or Coors, and an extremely long spear. It
  32. During Apollo 17's first EVA. Eugene Hernán is visible reflected in Schmitt's, helmet ,visor. Image: Moon-apollo17-schmitt boulder. JPG|Schmitt stands next to a large
  33. In 1971,and the club began to wear silver pants in 1978. A prototype white, helmet ,was developed for the team prior to the 1974 season but was never worn. In 1990
  34. Buffalo helmet . The blue pants remained through 1985. The face mask on the, helmet ,was blue from 1974 through 1986 before changing to white. Buffalo sporadically
  35. A tomahawk across the A. Both home jerseys are worn with a navy blue batting, helmet ,with red brim and a white A in front. The cap worn with the blue road jerseys
  36. Serious injuries as a result of being hit by a pitch, even when wearing a, helmet , On August 18, 1967,Red Sox batter Tony Consigliere was hit almost directly in
  37. Blow to the head which knocked off a piece of the crown that formed part of his, helmet , The attack on the English baggage train The only French success was an attack
  38. Charging one with a red slanting stripe streaming from its horn. In 1984,the, helmet ,'s background color was changed from white to red, primarily to help Bills
  39. Would have been the first to feature red bands on the arms, legs,lunar EVA, helmet ,assembly, and the life-support backpack. This came about because Mission
  40. Cubs catcher Michael Barrett, who was blocking home plate. Sierpinski lost his, helmet ,in the collision, and slapped the plate as he rose. Barrett stopped him and
  41. Pitch from Julian Tavares of the St. Louis Cardinals on September 10, 2005. His, helmet ,shattered, and he suffered a concussion. Other relatively minor injuries that
  42. Early Japanese patellar armors took the form of a sleeveless jacket and a, helmet , Armour did not always cover all the body; sometimes no more than a helmet
  43. And eyeball—remained unchanged. In 2005,the Bills revived the standing bison, helmet ,and uniform of the mid-1960s as a throwback uniform. The Bills usually wore the
  44. Shield, nearly in the shape of a crescent, called Delta, and in early art a, helmet , the model before the Greek mind having apparently been the goddess Athena. In
  45. That may help spot a receiver down the field. " (The Patriots now use a silver, helmet , the Colts have since been realigned to the AFC South, and the New York Jets
  46. May help reduce injury in the event of a collision or accident, and a certified, helmet ,is legally required for some riders in some jurisdictions. Helmets are
  47. In 1965,NFL Creative Services designed a brown" CB" logo for the Browns ', helmet , It was never used in any games. Finally, the popularity of the Dawg Pound
  48. The basic equipment players are required to wear includes a pair of skates,a, helmet , a mouth guard and, in the case of the goalkeeper, a face guard. The teams must
  49. Sale),but fan backlash led to the team retaining the running bison logo. The, helmet ,logo adopted in 1974—a charging royal blue bison, with a red streak, white horn
  50. The first fails. More often than not, a second light will be mounted to the, helmet ,for quick transition if the primary fails. Carbide lamps systems are an older

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