Examples of the the word, offline , in a Sentence Context

The word ( offline ), is the 6803 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Misc. *, sci. * newsgroups. The term FAQ, and the idea behind it, has spread, offline ,as well, even to areas not related to the Net at all. Even bottles of bicycle
  2. And a smart recombination and transformation of this material in real-time. In, offline ,version, Machine Improvisation can be used to achieve style mixing, an approach
  3. System. One physical card can include the functions of an online debit card,an, offline ,debit card and an electronic purse card. Although many debit cards are of the
  4. With very little extra code. This has the advantage of running a Java applet in, offline ,mode without the need for any Internet browser software and also directly from
  5. To live venue competitions, many erg racers compete by internet, either, offline , by posting scores to challenges, or live online races facilitated by computer
  6. The site for an in-game reward. Neo pets had planned to" bring the online and, offline ,worlds together in ways that have never been done before ". An investment
  7. Social psychology of internet use, the relationship between" online" and ", offline ," forms of life and interaction, and the relationship between the" real" and
  8. Were used only briefly, and even then only to a limited degree. Dedicated, offline ,mail reader programs such as Blue Wave, Squiggy and Silver Press (OPT) were
  9. ICQ's managing director. Features *ICQ features include sending text messages, offline ,support, multi-user chats, free daily-limited SMS sending, resumable file
  10. S., you are immediately presented with the PIN screen for online debit; to use, offline ,debit you must press" cancel" to exit the PIN screen, then press" credit "
  11. Pays lower fees on online debit transaction as compared to" credit" (, offline ,) debit transaction. Electronic Purse Card System Smart-card-based electronic
  12. The process of redesigning their logo, so they complied by taking the old logo, offline ,from their website and introducing a new logo a little later. Adventure games <
  13. Bots to facilitate registration of nicknames and channels, sending messages for, offline ,users and network operator functions. * Extra modes: While the original IRC
  14. On the Internet. Internet transactions may be conducted in either online or, offline ,mode, although shops accepting online-only cards are rare in some countries (
  15. This has nothing to do with whether the transaction was conducted on online or, offline ,mode, since both credit and debit transactions may be conducted in both modes.
  16. Then female gamers said that they found it easier to converse online than, offline , It was also found that 57 % of gamers had created a character of the opposite
  17. And anonymity. Information remains available even if the publisher node goes, offline , and is anonymously spread over many hosting nodes as encrypted blocks, not
  18. Status of the blocker. Both users in this case will always see each other as, offline ,until the blocker" unblocks" them. * Buddy Info: Information about the user
  19. The Ballot system was improved by switching to punched tape, which was prepared, offline ,like the Morse tape used with the Wheatstone and Creed systems. A tape reader
  20. General user updates into RSS feeds and added the ability to send messages to, offline ,users. Certain features that were missing from the prior version were also
  21. Formalizes this idea by comparing the relative performance of an online and, offline ,algorithm for the same problem instance. For other points of view on online
  22. Account balance from which it draws funds. Transactions conducted with, offline ,debit cards require 2–3 days to be reflected on users’ account balances. In
  23. Website, SourceForge,after the website of Likewise Pirate Edition was taken, offline , Due to trademark concerns, the name of the application was changed to
  24. game's publisher),which continues to exist and evolve while the player is, offline ,and away from the game. MMORPGs are played throughout the world. Worldwide
  25. Online debit purchase. However, when a purchase is made using the" credit" (, offline ,debit) option, the transaction merely places an authorization hold on the
  26. Of money wagered (5%-7 %) and this is called tigerish. In the online and, offline ,gambling circuits, this variation of craps is considered an illegal game. The
  27. Just over one in five gamers (21 %) said they preferred socializing online to, offline , Significantly more male gamers than female gamers said that they found it
  28. Edges will fail, and the goal is to minimize the ratio between the online and, offline ,algorithms' performance. This problem is PSPACE-complete. Online algorithms
  29. The affected record labels. In retaliation, the RIAA's website was taken, offline ,on October 29 via denial-of-service attacks executed by members of Operation
  30. Declared itself bankrupt in 2002 and sold its assets. It had already been, offline ,since the previous year owing to the effect of the court rulings. Promotional
  31. Be made with the help of competitive analysis. For this method of analysis,the, offline ,algorithm knows in advance which edges will fail, and the goal is to minimize
  32. Requests, and more. You must also allow AIM to access your account when you're, offline , as well as post messages and videos on your wall. If you refuse to accept all
  33. And targeting, and features for measuring the effectiveness of online, offline , and search marketing campaigns. Web analytics have evolved significantly from
  34. Voltages into the heavy 75 amp launch loads. One of the AC inverters dropped, offline , These power supply problems lit nearly every warning light on the control
  35. Usage for business. It not only allows the business user to download mail when, offline , it also allows the small business user to have multiple users' email IDs with
  36. Without having the entire input available from the start. In contrast,an, offline ,algorithm is given the whole problem data from the beginning and is required to
  37. Overall, the online debit card is generally viewed as superior to the, offline ,debit card because of its more secure authentication system and live status
  38. Out an alert page stating that a Goldman Sachs trading system server had gone, offline ,because it was unable to interface with a Cantor server. Cantor Gaming Cantor
  39. Only with those on one's buddy list; this causes blocking (thus appear, offline ,to) all users not on one's buddy list. AOL recently teamed up with Facebook
  40. Rendered the point system obsolete. Many of these packages supported the QWK, offline ,mail standard. In other parts of the world, especially Europe, this was
  41. In the service module falsely detected overloads and took all three fuel cells, offline , along with much of the CSM instrumentation. A second strike at 52 seconds
  42. Media he had seen" that might have the ability to capture market share in the, offline ,world ". A deal with Think way Toys produced the first merchandise brought to an
  43. Of the buddies can be seen as" online "," away "," idle "," mobile ", or ", offline ,". * Direct connection: AIM users can, instead of relaying messages through the
  44. Card transactions are processed: online debit (also known as PIN debit), offline , debit (also known as signature debit) and the Electronic Purse Card System.
  45. Special effects, with multiple users in an online network, or locally with an, offline ,computer, game system, or simulator. The various formats of technological or
  46. Anonymity are more readily managed than in direct interaction, the effects of, offline ,social inequity can often be discounted in online communities. Intelligence
  47. Families holding an affiliated debit card. Issues with deferred posting of, offline ,debit To the consumer, a debit transaction is perceived as occurring in
  48. Days after the customer notices the loss. The fees charged to merchants on, offline ,debit purchases—and the lack of fees charged merchants for processing online
  49. And with some banks and merchant service organizations, a " credit" or, offline ,debit transaction is without cost to the purchaser beyond the face value of the
  50. It now sees increasing use to describe similar behaviors that take place, offline , For example, James Wolcott of Vanity Fair accused a conservative New York

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