Examples of the the word, preferential , in a Sentence Context
The word ( preferential ), is the 12284 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And light industry. This policy was achieved mainly by giving heavy industry, preferential ,allocation of state investment funds. More than 50 % of state investment went
- Talks covered the controversial Unity bill, as well as the future of Fiji's, preferential ,trade access to the Australian market, which the Fijian government regards as a
- Have its roots in the evolutionary impact on individuals from groups" giving, preferential ,treatment to genetically similar others. " He says" the makeup of a gene pool
- And, according to Milan, this illegal procedure was followed to give, preferential ,treatment to certain companies. During the summer of 1989,three FDA officials
- And during hydrothermal alteration of rock. The latter effect results in, preferential ,removal of the 10B (OH)4 ion onto clays. It results in solutions enriched in
- Alexander Downer's seat of Mayo in the Adelaide Hills under Australia's, preferential ,voting system. Internal conflict and leadership tensions from 2000 to 2002
- Policy of discrimination that favors ethnic Malays over other races—including, preferential ,treatment in employment, education,scholarships, business,access to cheaper
- Shift. * De Minims states that a finished good will not be disqualified from, preferential ,treatment if the non-originating content of that finished good is 7 % or less
- And was the first to analyze the architecture of complexity and to propose a, preferential ,attachment mechanism to explain power law distributions. He also received many
- Over sons of secondary consorts. Thus, it was significant which quarters had, preferential ,opportunities in providing chief wives to imperial princes,i.e. supplying
- With neighboring countries is growing, in part because of several regional, preferential ,trade agreements it has negotiated. Bolivia is a member of the Andean Community
- Versions, although subtitling is preferential for adult movies and dubbing is, preferential ,for children movies. Pay TV commonly offers both dubbed and subtitled movies
- Mostly against AMD. The allegations, going back to 2003,include giving, preferential ,prices to computer makers buying most or all of their chips from Intel, paying
- Prior to this election had instigated an elimination ballot (similar to a, preferential ,ballot),where voters could select second and third choices. The intent of the
- To advance the standing of Bumiputera Malaysians. The policies provide, preferential ,treatment to Malays over non-Malays in employment, education,scholarships
- His most notable achievements was to initiate the process of breaking down the, preferential ,White Australia policy by ending the distinction between Asian and European
- Factional lines, although sometimes a non-factional candidate will be given, preferential ,treatment (this happened with Cheryl Kernel in 1998 and again with Peter
- Form, with a number of progressive features, such as nonpartisan ballot, preferential ,voting, recall of elected officials, the referendum, and a small council
- The World Bank Group that countries permitting birth control practices will get, preferential ,access to resources, doctors in La Paz, Bolivia,called it insulting that money
- Germany, Patrick Stubbing and Susan Karolewski. Consanguineous unions remain, preferential ,in North Africa, the Middle East and some parts of Asia, with marriage between
- They believed that this was further evidence that Hitler seemed to give Rommel, preferential ,treatment. On 28 May, while making the final push into Lille and far in front
- Costs. For example, an insurance company may choose to locate in Bermuda due to, preferential ,tax rates and policies for insurance companies. This can occur particularly
- In Hong Kong. Favoritism controversy The Government had apparently given, preferential ,treatment to Chinese companies, and was again criticized for the apparent
- From banner status. They were considered a form of nobility and were given, preferential ,treatment in terms of annual pensions, land and allotments of cloth. Over the
- France continued to support Israel's right to exist, as well as Israel's many, preferential ,agreements with France and the European Economic Community. In the second half
- Of these industries, and issued incentives such as exemptions from income tax, preferential ,treatment in allocation of foreign exchange for imports, and provisions for
- Africa. Future of Afrikaans Post-apartheid South Africa has seen a loss of, preferential ,treatment by the government for Afrikaans, in terms of education, social events
- Treatment to Chinese companies, and was again criticized for the apparent, preferential ,treatment to the BOCK. The price paid was half the
- Joint workgroups to improve trade. Currently, the ETA States have established, preferential ,trade relations with 23 States and Territories, in addition to the 27 Member
- High doses of antibacterials. Under certain conditions, it may result in, preferential ,growth of resistant bacteria, while growth of susceptible bacteria is inhibited
- And of supporting forced conversions of Serbs to Catholicism. Seminar received, preferential ,treatment in recognition of his status and the sentence was soon shortened and
- Introduced a convertible currency, liberalized all prices, stopped issuing, preferential ,credits to state enterprises, backed steady land privatization, removed export
- The most impressive program to tackle these objectives. The plan gives, preferential ,treatment to a series of strategic industries, including energy efficiency
- Eisenstein) from his godfather's widow in 1938. (Göring had arranged for, preferential ,treatment for the woman, and protected her from confiscation and arrest as the
- And over fulfillment (until 1939,again in selected camps from 1946 onwards), preferential , treatment,and privileges for the most productive workers (shock workers or
- Cemented a" special relationship" between India and Nepal that granted Nepal, preferential ,economic treatment and provided Nepalese in India the same economic and
- Have great influence on the Japanese industrial and economic policy. The, preferential ,buying habits of the karts kept foreign investors and foreign goods out of
- Out of power for a generation, since DLP supporters chose the Liberal Party in, preferential ,voting. Whitley supported East throughout The Split. In 1955,a redistribution
- Aspects. Under Superior General Pedro Argue, social justice and the, preferential ,option for the poor emerged as dominant themes of the work of the Jesuits. On
- Britain until 1784. Ireland's benefits from the Union of 1707 were few. Its, preferential ,status in trade with England now extended to Scotland. However, Ireland was
- Offered with both subtitled and dubbed versions, although subtitling is, preferential ,for adult movies and dubbing is preferential for children movies. Pay TV
- His policies and the activities of his firms. Most notable among them the, preferential ,treatment for rice imports initiated by the government in late 2004 when
- Position. This is debated by advocates of other systems, who argue that, preferential ,voting or range voting systems, by getting more information from voters, allow
- Some in the media complained that her misdemeanor hit-and-run charge was, preferential ,treatment; she had also been the driver in an alleged hit-and-run incident
- A number of economic and military privileges. Economically, France enjoyed a, preferential ,treatment vis-à-vis the Saharan wealth of hydrocarbons. Militarily, it could
- Company to cover the acquisition cost of the IT installations. This can be at, preferential ,rates, as the sole client using the IT installation is the bank. If the bank
- Varieties of homosexuals, including " genuine homosexuals" who have" strong, preferential ,erotic feelings for members of the same sex "," transitory" and" situational
- Protection, and seeks to attract private investment. Measures include a, preferential ,solar-feed-in tariff and a 50 % VAT refund for wind farm developers intended
- Had also progressed, stimulated by the new oil wealth as well as Ecuador's, preferential ,treatment under the provisions of the Andean Common Market (An com, also known
- Overlaps with the LUMP (The Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital) of the metal, preferential , Metal ions bound to strong-field ligands follow the UFBA principle, whereas
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