Examples of the the word, sentimental , in a Sentence Context

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  1. September 1974,Paris) was a French playwright and screenwriter whose popular, sentimental ,comedies maintained his position as a highly-recognizable name in his country
  2. Kabuki Murasaki. Critics of his work have labeled it" slapdash "," grossly, sentimental ,", and " immoral ". Kerouac became an underground celebrity and, with other
  3. Wrote in 1785 in a letter to John Jay that Richard Hofstadter has traced the, sentimental ,attachment to the rural way of life which is" a kind of homage that Americans
  4. Parker write," Most of what we read under the name business ethics is either, sentimental ,common sense, or a set of excuses for being unpleasant. " Many manuals are
  5. Premiered in July 1947 to mixed reviews. It is a relatively uncomplicated and, sentimental ,love story dealing with an impoverished postwar couple trying to enjoy, within
  6. that's easy to make fun of. He's about Allegro. " His reputation for being, sentimental ,is based largely on the movie versions of the musicals, especially The Sound of
  7. The destruction of the Jews must be its necessary consequence. We cannot be, sentimental ,about it. It is not for us to feel sympathy for the Jews. We should have
  8. The sixth track and final single," From the Bottom of My Broken Heart ", is a, sentimental ,teen pop ballad that runs through a slow tempo. " I Will Be There" features
  9. 1920s,composers of Tin Pan Alley and Broadway used ballad to signify a slow, sentimental ,tune or love song, often written in a fairly standardized form (see below).
  10. Shows. Progressing far beyond the comparatively frivolous musicals and, sentimental ,operettas of the decade, Show Boat, which premiered on December 27, 1927 at the
  11. Horrific episode (IL Tabasco),in the style of the Parisian Grand Googol,a, sentimental ,tragedy (Sour Angelica),and a comedy (Gianni Chichi). Of the three
  12. The affair between Francesco and Lucretia was passionate, more sexual than, sentimental ,as can be attested in the fevered love letters the pair wrote one another. The
  13. Every field of intellectual interest with new and creative ideas. He wrote, sentimental ,plays, Le Film natural (1757) and Le Père de Camille (1758),accompanying
  14. Received as incredibly moving by contemporary readers but viewed as ludicrously, sentimental ,by Oscar Wilde. " You would need to have a heart of stone ", he declared in one
  15. But nowadays, he is sometimes remembered as Bonnie Dundee from the words of a, sentimental ,popular song written by the Romantic novelist, Walter Scott, in 1830. At first
  16. Sympathetic, empathetic,imaginative and intuitive, however,they can also be, sentimental , sensitive, escapistic and irrational. Ceremonial magic Water and the other
  17. Armstrong scored one last popular hit in the United Kingdom with the highly, sentimental ,pop song" What a Wonderful World ", which topped the British charts for a
  18. Saw? For the purpose of returning it, no. But it will always have that same, sentimental ,value. See pragmatism. The ship of Theseus problem: a non-receivable question
  19. In the Victorian Era, the London stage had been regarded as a place for frothy, sentimental ,entertainment. Shaw made it a forum for considering moral, political and
  20. Dickens is often described as using 'idealized' characters and highly, sentimental ,scenes to contrast with his caricatures and the ugly social truths he reveals.
  21. Gags and showgirls musicals of the Gay Nineties and Roaring Twenties and the, sentimental ,romance of operetta. The Golden Age (1940s to 1960s) 1940s The 1940s would
  22. Persona. The distinctive quality of Achard's plays was their dreamlike mood of, sentimental ,melancholy, underscored by the very titles which were primarily taken from
  23. 1888–1931) to the 27-year-old Göring. Cabin was a tall, maternal,unhappy, sentimental ,woman five years Göring's senior, estranged from her husband and in delicate
  24. Of the newly independent Greek state in 1834,largely due to historical and, sentimental ,reasons. At the time it was a town of modest size built around the foot of the
  25. Claimed Göring to be weak of character, a hysteric and unstable personality, sentimental ,yet callous, violent when afraid and a person whose bravado hid a basic lack of
  26. For the first time, Chamberlain had disliked what he considered to be an overly, sentimental ,attitude by both Baldwin and MacDonald on Cabinet appointments and reshuffles.
  27. Of it. Throughout the 1950s,Mad featured groundbreaking parodies combining a, sentimental ,fondness for the familiar staples of American culture—such as Archie and
  28. Of Barbara) and her father are fictional characters supposed to evoke a, sentimental ,image of women and elderly men waiting for Polish soldiers to return home and
  29. As similarly to the mythologized American Western frontier, showing a, sentimental ,affection for the freedom and wildness of the frontier. This aesthetic includes
  30. Romantically linked, however,it is more likely the affection between them was, sentimental , Goya's works from 1814 to 1819 are mostly commissioned portraits, but also
  31. Unionists ", especially in the Border South, often former Whigs, appealed to, sentimental ,attachment to the United States. Their favorite was John Bell of Tennessee.
  32. Had grown in sophistication since the early 19th century. After Verdi,the, sentimental ," realistic" melodrama of verso appeared in Italy. This was a style
  33. Of a movement called the" New Humanism ", wrote a critique of what he called ", sentimental ,humanitarianism ", for which he blamed Rousseau. Babbitt's depiction of
  34. Preferring to use" Mile High Stadium" because of its storied history and, sentimental ,import. Additionally, The Denver Post had an official policy of referring to the
  35. But a second engaging vocalist. Wills himself largely sang blues and, sentimental ,ballads. With its jazz sophistication, pop music and blues influence, plus
  36. In addition, the language of many entries of the Man'you exerts a powerful, sentimental ,appeal to readers: This early collection has something of the freshness of dawn
  37. Of letters were published after his death, as was Journal to Eliza, a more, sentimental ,than humorous love letter to a woman Sterne was courting during the final years
  38. Between stories. * Rosa's characterization of Scrooge is that of a much more, sentimental ,person for often relishing his memories of past adventures. * Barks situated
  39. Music of youth, with its little sins and absurdities that almost point out the, sentimental ,affectation…appears to me like the carvings in the Alhambra, those peculiar
  40. Often. Jean-François Millet was another whose work he admired, especially his “, sentimental ,renditions of rural life ”. Pissaro later explained the technique of painting
  41. Against our management to date is the Zukor situation, and we can no longer be, sentimental ,about it .... We are a business concern and not patrons of the arts ..." Zukor
  42. It grew to define Stewart's film persona and is widely considered as a, sentimental ,Christmas film classic and, according to the American Film Institute, one of
  43. Such as Noel Coward and Ivor Novella continued to deliver old-fashioned, sentimental ,musicals, such as The Dancing Years. Similarly, Rodgers & Hart returned from
  44. His soft-hearted, liberal father, and still less to his refined, philosophic, sentimental , chivalrous, yet cunning granduncle Alexander I, who coveted the title of" the
  45. Tin Pan Alley’ music industry of the later 19th century. They were generally, sentimental , narrative, strophic songs published separately or as part of an opera (
  46. Ballads Now the most commonly understood meaning of the term ballad, sentimental ,ballads, sometimes called" tear-jerkers" or" drawing-room ballads" owing to
  47. Century the music publishing industry found a market for what are often termed, sentimental ,ballads, and these are the origin of the modern use of the term ballad to mean
  48. Feminized men ". If men feel free to adopt both the masculine position and the, sentimental ,feminine position, she argues, women have no position open to them in society.
  49. And moral themes led him at times to create what some commentators regard as, sentimental ,or naïve work. Speaking of the postwar“ slice of life” drama One Wonderful
  50. Was also used on all the other shots carrying forward the romantic and, sentimental ,parts of the story of this film. Subjective effects It was during this period

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