Examples of the the word, groan , in a Sentence Context
The word ( groan ), is the 12289 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Form for what is yet immature, uncrystalized and underdeveloped, as well as the, groan ,at the impossibility of such a postulate -- this is the chief excitement of my
- The second volume, fared considerably worse. The British press continued to, groan ,about sell-out and low track selection coherence. The material is more or less
- The reactions to the jokes by various stagehands, who either chuckle softly or, groan ,depending on the severity of the joke. The show used a computerized backdrop of
- Back to the media, giving them a speech that even made Superman himself, groan , Maxwell Lord, concerned over Wind Dragon's newfound ability, gathered him and
- Foul, whereby an Athlete who speaks a pun bad enough to make the audience, groan ,loses at least one point for their team, unless their apology to the audience
- Shall have quanta right enough at eve ... What Lilith you to grouchy thus and, groan , /Is it for ye would have my quanta alone? " In modernized versions of these
- Shows a higher rate of climb and decreases in frequency towards a deep, groan ,as the barometer shows a faster rate of descent. When the barometer is
- Soldiers have been killed in what he sees as an unnecessary conflict makes him, groan , 'Honestly, I wish Nixon were president,' Vonnegut laments. 'Bush is so
- voice-overs) saying," So meaty. " Audience members always reply with a, groan ,or" EW. " *" Chicks, Man " which focuses on female celebrity news. * "
- Is like a theme park that's a few years past its prime; the rides clatter and, groan ,with metal fatigue every time they take a curve. " He says it suffers from" a
- Originally thought the falling object was a light frame, but upon hearing a, groan , they realized it was her. After an X-ray examination, doctors diagnosed Yang
- Love, and he begs the Moon not to torment him any longer. Book IV," And so he, groan ,'d, as one by beauty slain. " He is miserable, till quite suddenly he comes
- The past participles grown, thrown and mown using two syllables, whereas, groan , throne and moan are pronounced as one syllable. New Zealanders often reply to
- An assistant may hold up cue cards instructing the audience to cheer, laugh and, groan ,at the appropriate moments. At Princeton the graduating seniors are provided
- The land of the Jonas, is roar, and that the Æsir are in council. The dwarves, groan ,by their stone doors. Surer advances from the south, his sword brighter than
- During the time Fitzgerald was receiving the punishment he never uttered a, groan ,; the only words he said were,“ Flog me fair; do not strike me on the neck! ”
- Had topped his drive! He was badly bunkered. There were no eager crowds to, groan ,with dismay. That is easily explained – for Bobby was merely the fourth son of
- The highly unusual opening motif as a hiccup, belch or flatulence followed by a, groan ,of pain. According to Greenberg:: Beethoven's gastric problems, particularly
- Were going to ask me if it hurt something else ..." which spurred a collective, groan ,from the studio audience. Prior to the first commercial break (which Madonna
- Of the sin he has witnessed (Midi Dominique gem ere –" Everywhere I saw virtue, groan ,beneath the oppressor's yoke" ) and then notices that her wedding ring is not
- Is the place of great beauty and rejoicing. The Tradition build ugliness and, groan ,about it. The cortex of the Tradition is called Domain,'The Revolt of God '. "
- And Saturnine" ( 3.1.298–299); Marcus' " O, heavens,can you hear a good man, groan ," speech (4.1.122–129); Young Lucius' asides in 4.2 (ll.6 and 8–9); Aaron
- Mrs. Rappel suggests that he take a make-up test, he immediately begins to, groan , Grandpa comes to pick him up and on the way home, references The Boy Who Cried
- Camp a fire burns, and under the weight of the hora the earth groan s a rhythmic, groan , accompanied by wild songs. " Kibbutzim founded in the 1920s tended to be
- And Murtaugh to drive for their lives and their careers under the exasperated, groan ," I'm too old for this shit. " Cast * Jason Rainwater as Young Cop (as Jason
- Are deliverers from sorcery. The word may be ultimately derived from the verb ", groan , bewail ". Derived terms are" a charm" and" to bewitch, beguile ". Was a
- For sale, belts,shin-guards, : Arm-protectors and plumes!: Hear her grunt and, groan ,as she works at it, parrying,thrusting;: See her neck bent down under the
- Malone" on its page 78 - this ends with the line" Och! I'll roar, and I'll, groan , My sweet Molly Malone, Till I'm bone of your bone, And asleep in your bed. "
- Romeo and Juliet IV. iii:" Would curses kill, as doth the mandrake's, groan ,":: King Henry VI part II III. Ii * D. H. Lawrence referred to Mandrake as that
- too eventually. If they come across a disgusting or gruesome scene, they may, groan ,and vomit; strong alcoholic beverages may also induce vomiting. Ultimo VII
- The ghost of Don Andrea describes his stay in the underworld,“ And murderers, groan ,with never killing wounds, / And perjured wights scalded in boiling lead, / And
- Loser, a pessimist, a singer who brings depression. For many Main was only a, groan , This is because he often faces social issues in his songs in a deep and direct
- Of pop music EVER ..." according to Names Sylvia Patterson, to an" unyielding, groan ," as described in Entertainment Weekly. Sound engineer Gerry Kitchingham, who
- To their movement — they don't move fast, but they don't move really slow or, groan ,and moan. We ended up going with a very realistic style. " He also noted that
- Horribly loud, unlike the former shout.: Choir. Noise call you it, or universal, groan ,: :As if the whole in habitation perished?: :Blood, death,and dreadful deeds
- Imitate sounds (onomatopoeia),such as schlock, stöhn, knarr, klimper (gulp, groan , creak, chink/jingle) but also to represent soundless events: gruel, staun
- Too illegible for Lyell, and Darwin later apologized" I am utterly ashamed &, groan ,over my hand-writing. It was Natural Preservation. Natural persecution is what
- All power is ours, with a will of our own: We conquer, united-divided we, groan ,.: Come hail brothers, hail the shrill sound of the horn: For ages deep wrongs
- In victory hear the clouds in that cry.: The seagulls groan before the storm, —, groan , toss over the sea and are ready to dive their terror to its depths.: And the
- Pain, remorse,and humiliation such an infirmity is wont to cause to those who, groan ,under it, we may be inclined to believe that not the least probable hypothesis
- About the latter councils, Saint Jerome remarked that the world" awoke with a, groan ,to find itself Arian. " After Constantius' death in 361,his successor Julian
- Crash, and a smash, and a tumbled wall.: Stone cutter laid a castle low: With a, groan , and a roar, and a tower's fall. Stonecutter's use, like Dragon slicer, is
- Into an overtly sexual disco track. He had the idea that she should moan and, groan ,orgasmically, but Summer was initially reticent. Eventually she agreed to
- S come all that way,I'm going to do the show and give it my best shot. I might, groan ,and squeak, but I'll see what I can do. " Shaw added," So, he had his
- Prophetic ravings of Cassandra: A! Me, for thee fair-fostered flower, too,I, groan , O lion whelp, sweet darling of thy kindred, who didst smite with fiery charm
- He hears his mother calling him and realizes it was all a dream. He gives a sad, groan , and goes back to sleep. Sid's Blind Date (14:05) Sid is home with his
- C. Rodrick said," I have hepatitis C. It's a bit of a bummer, but you, groan ,and move on ". On live television, Roddick explained that her hepatitis C was
- Strict and right according; Bullets, clubs and bricks did fly, and many, groan ,and die, Hard road to travel over Jordan. Chorus
- Of passion and certainty in victory hear the clouds in that cry.: The seagulls, groan ,before the storm, — groan , toss over the sea and are ready to dive their terror
- Of articulating it, exactly like their target audience. They often simply, groan ,in disapproval in situations where a human toddler would throw a tantrum. The
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