Examples of the the word, torpedo , in a Sentence Context

The word ( torpedo ), is the 12288 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Devices Military * Afro 571 Buffalo, a 1920s prototype carrier-based British, torpedo ,bomber * Brewster Buffalo, or Brewster F2A,a U. S. fighter plane which saw
  2. At the cost of five destroyers sunk, and some others damaged, they managed to, torpedo ,the light cruiser, which sank several hours later, and the pre-dreadnought
  3. At a low speed and with minimum detectable noise. The water entry activates the, torpedo , which is guided by its own sonar system, and homes in on the target using
  4. General Mikhail Savoy. The Bulgarians also possessed a small navy of six, torpedo ,boats, which were restricted to operations along the country's Black Sea coast
  5. By frogmen. The Allied capital ships lost in Gladioli were sunk by mines and, torpedo , while a Turkish pre-dreadnought, Messudieh was caught in the Dardanelles by a
  6. Denial strategy, based on fast, long-ranged cruisers for commerce raiding and, torpedo ,boat flotillas to attack enemy ships attempting to blockade French ports. The
  7. Under concentrated gunfire. To deter a British chase, Scheer ordered a major, torpedo ,attack by his destroyers and a potentially sacrificial charge by Scouting Group
  8. The June Cole school of thought of the 1870s and 1880s recommended placing, torpedo ,boats alongside battleships; these would hide behind the battleships until
  9. And the battlecruisers On her Tank and Derringer. On her Tank sighted the, torpedo ,and was forced to steer sharply too starboard to avoid it as it passed close to
  10. The enemy more closely. A number of opportunities to attack enemy ship by, torpedo ,had presented themselves but had been missed. All ships, not just the
  11. SMS Sent Ivan of the Austro-Hungarian Navy was sunk by Italian motor, torpedo ,boats in June 1918,while her sister ship, SMS Various Units was sunk by
  12. On British battleships, causing them to turn away to avoid the threat of, torpedo ,attack. Further near-misses from submarine attacks on battleships and
  13. End motion as it travels through the air). Other commonly used kicks are the, torpedo ,punt (also known as the spiral, barrel,or screw punt; the ball is held at an
  14. Were also engaging Scheer's destroyers, which executed several waves of, torpedo ,attacks to cover his withdrawal. Jellicoe's ships turned away from the attacks
  15. Of the destroyers (HMS Acosta) succeeded in damaging the Scharnhorst with a, torpedo , and later a submarine did the same to Gneisenau, forcing both ships to spend
  16. Captain Barry Bingham, led the British attacks. The British disabled the German, torpedo ,boat V27,which the Germans soon abandoned and sank, and Petard then torpedo ed
  17. North and east. A chaotic destroyer action in mist and smoke ensued as German, torpedo ,boats attempted to blunt the arrival of this new formation, but Hood's
  18. The battleship against the threat of torpedo attack from destroyers and, torpedo ,boats. The beginning of the pre-dreadnought era coincided with Britain
  19. In line ahead, with the four cruisers of the II scouting group plus supporting, torpedo ,boats ranged in an arc ahead and to either side. The IX torpedo boat flotilla
  20. Had invaded Malaya when they were caught by Japanese land-based bombers and, torpedo ,bombers on 10 December 1941. At many of the early crucial battles of the
  21. Vulnerable to much smaller, cheaper ordnance and craft: initially the, torpedo ,and the naval mine, and later aircraft and the guided missile. The growing
  22. S line were in fact sighting and avoiding torpedo es, and at 18:54 was hit by a, torpedo ,(probably from the disabled Wiesbaden),which reduced her speed to. Meanwhile
  23. As she maneuvered to fire a second. The lead cruiser turned away to dodge the, torpedo , while the second turned towards the submarine attempting to ram. U-32
  24. From 2011. ** Hershey class torpedo boat with four 533 mm heavyweight, torpedo ,tubes 4 or 5! Style="text-align: left; background: #aacccc;" | Notes | | | | |
  25. Deliver Fast Attack Craft for border protection from 2011. ** Hershey class, torpedo ,boat with four 533 mm heavyweight torpedo tubes 4 or 5! Style="text-align: left;
  26. And without enhanced underwater protection she went down quickly after a few, torpedo ,hits. The Japanese Kongo class battlecruisers were significantly upgraded and
  27. In 1842,where his father (who had invented modern plywood) started a ", torpedo ," works. Alfred studied chemistry with Professor Nikolai Nikolaevich Mining.
  28. From 23:20 to approximately 02:15,several British destroyer flotillas launched, torpedo ,attacks on the German battle fleet in a series of violent and chaotic
  29. The battle, had stated that he intended to turn his fleet away from any mass, torpedo ,attack (that being the universally accepted proper tactical response to such
  30. And smaller) were reserved for protecting the battleship against the threat of, torpedo ,attack from destroyers and torpedo boats. The beginning of the pre-dreadnought
  31. The action would now be much closer to Germany, relying instead on cruiser and, torpedo ,boat patrols for reconnaissance. Orders for the alternative plan were issued on
  32. The attacking ship would then fire an ASSOC missile carrying an acoustic homing, torpedo ,or a Nuclear Depth Bomb (NDB) onto an unguided ballistic trajectory toward
  33. May. At 03:40,she sighted the cruisers and leaving the Forth at. She fired one, torpedo ,at the leading cruiser at a range of, but her periscope jammed 'up ', giving
  34. And all escaped harm except Sailing, which was hit forward at 16:57 by a, torpedo ,fired by the British destroyer. Though taking on water, Seydlitz maintained
  35. Then 7,000 die when the German refugee ship Goya is sunk by a Soviet submarine, torpedo , *1947 – Texas City Disaster: An explosion on board a freighter in port causes
  36. First World War illustrates how, despite this support, the threat of mine and, torpedo ,attack, and the failure to integrate or appreciate the capabilities of new
  37. Battleship sank on 7 April 1945,long before she could reach Okinawa. U. S., torpedo ,bombers were instructed to aim for only one side to prevent effective counter
  38. Turrets, armor plate, and steam engines were all improved over the years, and, torpedo , tubes were introduced. A few designs, including the American
  39. Action with a German Scouting Group composed of light cruisers, but managed to, torpedo ,the which went down at 22:23 with all hands (320 officers and men). From
  40. One such car). After the car factory decline, it was used by the M. O. D. for, torpedo ,manufacture (which were tested fired in Lock Long) and then in the early 1970s
  41. Aeroplanes. By the end of World War I, aeroplanes had successfully adopted the, torpedo ,as a weapon. A proposed attack on the German fleet at anchor in 1918 using the
  42. That the enemy was to the west and then closed to firing range, letting off a, torpedo ,set for high-running at 02:37 then veering off to rejoin her flotilla. The four
  43. Dodged all the torpedo es fired at them. In this action, after leading a, torpedo ,counterattack, the British destroyer was disabled, but continued to return fire
  44. In a state of flux. Many ironclads were built to make use of the ram or the, torpedo , which a number of naval designers considered the crucial weapons of naval
  45. Plus supporting torpedo boats ranged in an arc ahead and to either side. The IX, torpedo ,boat flotilla formed close support immediately surrounding the battlecruisers.
  46. As British and German destroyers fought with each other and attempted to, torpedo ,the larger enemy ships. Each side fired many torpedo es, but both battlecruiser
  47. Seas Fleet similarly adopted a line ahead formation, with close screening by, torpedo ,boats either side and a further screen of five cruisers surrounding the column
  48. Decision at 19:15. Sheer had ordered his cruisers and destroyers forward in a, torpedo ,attack to cover the turning away of his battleships. Bellicose chose to turn to
  49. Helicopters,4 submarine,6 fast missile craft,2 frigates,5 corvettes,6, torpedo , boats,9 patrol craft,30 minesweepers and 21 transport vessels. Due to the
  50. At Taranto sank one Italian battleship and damaged two more. The same Swordfish, torpedo ,bombers played a crucial role in sinking the German commerce-raider. On 7

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