Examples of the the word, troublesome , in a Sentence Context
The word ( troublesome ), is the 12285 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Behave in a manner that is annoying or undesirable, and yet less serious or, troublesome ,than malware. Grayware encompasses spyware, adware,dialers, joke programs
- Constitutional Court of Germany. Generally, geographic limitations can be, troublesome ,for a lawyer who discovers that his client's cause requires him to litigate in
- Moved over the face of the crystal in order to obtain optimum signal. This, troublesome ,device was quickly superseded by thermionic diodes, but the crystal detector
- West Virginia went through the Civil War not as an asset to the Union but as a, troublesome ,battleground ..." Confederate declarations of martial law checked attempts to
- Services, maintaining their own facilities or offering computer analysis of, troublesome ,plays. Some club leaders have noticed a recent growth of interest in backgammon
- Where any members of the Pythons were behind the camera. This proved to be, troublesome ,on the set as Jones and Gilliam had different directing styles, and it often was
- Is known for his tendency to back away to leg and slog. Sometimes, he can be, troublesome ,for bowlers because of his unorthodox and adventurous batting ways. Once, in a
- Take advantage of the multiple cores, which could easily become a tedious and, troublesome ,task, especially in complex software. It also includes advanced GPU performance
- Involves counting the number of points on a curve which is time-consuming and, troublesome ,to implement. As a result several standard bodies published domain parameters
- A sharp letter of remonstrance stating," It is not fitting that noisy and, troublesome ,frogs should come out of their marshes to trouble the Holy See and the
- S men, and thanking Patton for his efforts 'to bring some good end to these, troublesome ,matters betwixt my Lord and Oxford and Mr Thomas Knives '. On 6 May 1583
- Century Britain had been Roman for over three hundred and fifty years. The most, troublesome ,enemies of Roman Britain were the Pict's of central and northern Scotland, and
- On Zaragoza. It appeared as though ABD Brahman wanted to make clear to this, troublesome ,city that independence was out of the question. Included in the arsenal of ABD
- The least important from Bismarck's point of view, and the least politically, troublesome , The program was established to provide health care for the largest segment of
- Effect, and the nonexistence of the ultraviolet catastrophe, proved, troublesome , Through the work of leading theoretical physicists, a new theory of
- Florida Relations with Spain over the purchase of Spanish Florida proved to be, troublesome , especially after General Andrew Jackson invaded that territory on what he
- Concurrency also interacts with exceptions. Asynchronous exceptions can be, troublesome ,(where a routine raises an exception after its caller has itself finished).
- Are generally sold small enough to make single ices, but these are much more, troublesome ,to prepare. After filling the molds, if there is no cave," bed" the ice in
- As a carrier fighter, initial operation from carrier decks proved to be, troublesome , Its low-speed handling was tricky due to the port wing stalling before the
- Activities, supported by the Merovingian kingdom as a means to pacify, troublesome ,neighbor peoples. After the foundation of a church in Utrecht by Willibrord
- Aware his formidable mother would be greatly displeased if he got rid of his, troublesome ,new sibling. According to Barrayaran tradition, his brother would be named Mark
- From the driver's breath is the source of water for the crystals. It is, troublesome ,to remove this form of ice, so people often open their windows slightly when
- And jet-powered night fighters found catching these" Bed check Charlies ", troublesome , U. S. Navy F4U-5Ns were posted to shore bases to hunt them down, with U. S.
- Who answered to the governor and in time of war probably directly ruled, troublesome ,districts. Each of these commands carried a tour of duty of two to three years
- Medications, like tramadol. Serious cases may require surgery to remove the, troublesome ,disk contents. A dog may need the aid of a cart to get around if paralysis
- Dominate spent nuclear fuel radioactivity after a few thousand years. The most, troublesome ,transgenic elements in spent fuel are Neptunium-237 (half-life two million
- Previously under only nominal Assyrian vassalage, conquering and deporting, troublesome ,Ara mean, neo Hittite and Hurricane populations in the north to far-off places.
- Replacing the Intel 8259 which the PC was born with. In reality, ISA PNP can be, troublesome , and did not become well-supported until the architecture was in its final days
- Policy, announced in the Gorchakov Circular, asserting the right to annex ", troublesome ," areas on the empire's borders. This policy led immediately to the Russian
- A need for essential clothing, or sheets. He thought doing so would alternate “, troublesome ,” environmental issues. It was one of his most controversial inventions, and
- Is actually reading Scripture for the violent passages). After Alex beats a, troublesome ,cellmate to death, he is accepted into an experimental behaviour-modification
- Thomas to seek a commission as a privateer (a useful way of removing bored and, troublesome ,pirates from the small settlement),and Teach was given official title to his
- That produced a result but did not restore relationships led to a further, more, troublesome , breakdown. This highlights importance of ensuring that a mediation is not
- Economy even more and forcing planters to buy more expensive, illegal,and, troublesome ,slaves (as demonstrated by the events surrounding the ship Amistad). Cuba
- Tribal leaders, were ultimately unsuccessful. The Sikhs became particularly, troublesome , and after several unsuccessful efforts to subdue them, Zaman Shah made the
- Can be uploaded to a computer and graphed for trend analysis. * Neuropathy is a, troublesome ,complication of diabetes resistant to usual treatment. There are reports of
- In short supply throughout the 1943–45 period. The fuel system was particularly, troublesome , as leaks experienced during hard landings easily caused fires and explosions.
- Rivals, while the Eagles are the most maligned, the Cowboys have been the most, troublesome ,to Big Blue. The Cowboys dominated the Giants in the 60s into the 70s
- Of Commons. (The first was John Abbott. ) As Prime Minister, Bowell faced the, troublesome ,Manitoba Schools Question. In 1890 Manitoba had abolished public funding of its
- Back to his family in Rome. Any bias attributed to Polybius, however,is more, troublesome , since he was clearly sympathetic towards Hannibal. Nevertheless, Polybius
- The war against King Gordon II of León, who had taken advantage of the previous, troublesome ,situation to capture some boundary areas and menace the Umayyad territory. In
- Of the AIX v2 kernel was written in the PL/I'm programming language, which proved, troublesome ,during the migration to AIX v3. AIX v2 included full TCP/IP networking, as well
- Dealing with young people, and is devoid of empathy or understanding for his, troublesome ,charge. Indeed, when Alex is arrested for murdering an old woman, and then
- Feynman, Schwinger,and Tonnage compensates for this effect and eliminates the, troublesome ,infinities. After renormalization, calculations using Feynman diagrams match
- Therapy privately and then later seek surgery on the NHS. This may prove, troublesome ,because the NHS prefers to be involved at all stages of the process. Many
- If Rachael is a replica. Casting and characters Casting the film proved, troublesome , particularly for the lead role of Declared. Screenwriter Hampton Rancher
- But did not try too hard to aid these guamikena, probably hoping that the, troublesome ,outsiders would never return. However, they did return. In 1493,Columbus came
- Clear that he can't resist turning it inward on himself. This wouldn't be so, troublesome ,if Stone didn't confuse the public and the private. " Janet Marlin of The New
- Its unity in a creed, the problem of heresy and discipline became increasingly, troublesome , ” TiB 1955 XI p. 548:“ Avoid foolish questions, and genealogies In these the
- Gjallarhorn. Theories and interpretations Heimdallr's attestations have proven, troublesome ,and enigmatic to interpret for scholars. Scholar Georges Duel summarizes the
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