Examples of the the word, transformer , in a Sentence Context

The word ( transformer ), is the 12290 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And wiring, and exposing an observer to injury. In AC circuits, a current, transformer ,converts the magnetic field around a conductor into a small AC current
  2. Is a cyclic water pump powered by hydropower. It functions as a hydraulic, transformer ,that takes in water at one" hydraulic head" ( pressure) and flow-rate, and
  3. Resonate the frequency of the input signal. Power can be coupled to a load by, transformer ,action with a secondary coil wound on the inductor. The average voltage at the
  4. Form of electrical energy. The invention in the late nineteenth century of the, transformer ,meant that electrical power could be transmitted more efficiently at a higher
  5. Energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled conductors—the, transformer ,'s coils. A varying current in the first or primary winding creates a varying
  6. Ratios of more than 1000:1 have been demonstrated. An extra feature of this, transformer ,is that, by operating it above its resonant frequency, it can be made to appear
  7. They use the argument operation to construct a new modified operation. Twice is, transformer ,f (f) twice rest 4,5,6,7,8 | 6 7 8 Atlas An atlas in Dial is an
  8. 2000ºF) such as those found in high challenge fires, such as in electrical, transformer ,hydrocarbon oil fires. The use of refractory concrete has led to innovative new
  9. Which uses magnetic coupling between input and output, the piezoelectric, transformer ,uses acoustic coupling. An input voltage is applied across a short length of a
  10. Electrical corona and reduce magnetically induced wire vibration. Large power, transformer ,windings are still mostly insulated with paper, wood,varnish, and mineral oil;
  11. A light signal in photons to a DC signal in amperes) is a transducer,a, transformer , or a sensor. However, none of these amplify power. Figures of merit The
  12. Even though it required an induction coil which was an impedance matching, transformer ,to make it compatible with the impedance of the line. The Edison patents kept
  13. The Carburetor. *Otto Bath, Miksa Devi and Karol Zipernowsky invented the, transformer ,in 1885. And Kodak Bantam Special. *Bela Barely designed the Volkswagen Beetle
  14. End of each horizontal scan line the magnetic field which has built up in both, transformer ,and scan coils by the current, is a source of latent electromagnetic energy.
  15. Operating on similar principles. Typical modern design incorporates the fly back, transformer ,and rectifier circuitry into a single unit with a captive output lead, ( known
  16. Enabled early mass production of pottery. But it was the use of the wheel as a, transformer ,of energy (through water wheels, windmills,and even treadmills) that
  17. By providing current to the drain of the transistor through an inductor or a, transformer ,winding. In this case the RF zero level is near the DC rail and will swing both
  18. Ram is a water pump powered by hydropower. It functions as a hydraulic, transformer ,that takes in water at one" hydraulic head" ( pressure) and flow-rate, and
  19. Its dining hall is a bronze casting, which depicts the symbol of an electrical, transformer , and inside there hangs a portrait, both in Faraday's honor. A five-story
  20. Fundamental component of every electric utility power grid. The efficiency of a, transformer ,may decrease as the frequency increases due to eddy currents in the core
  21. CRT. The sound is due to magnetostriction in the magnetic core of the fly back, transformer , Implosion A high vacuum exists within all cathode ray tubes, putting the
  22. Was induction coupled, with energy supplied by a local battery. The coupling, transformer , battery, and ringer were in a separate enclosure. The dial switch in the base
  23. Or to power low power microprocessors and wireless radios. *A piezoelectric, transformer ,is a type of AC voltage multiplier. Unlike a conventional transformer , which
  24. Horizontal scanning. Direct current (DC),is switched though the line output, transformer , and alternating current (AC) is induced into the scan coils. At the end of
  25. Manner—all it takes is a vacuum tube, a pair of electrodes, and a high-voltage, transformer ,; fusion can be observed with as little as 10 KV between electrodes. The key
  26. High-tension magneto combines an alternating current magneto generator and a, transformer , Magneto ignition was introduced on the 1899 Daimler Phoenix. This was followed
  27. Ignition. The firewall serves as a fire containment wall between one oil-filled, transformer ,and other neighboring transformer s, building structures, and site equipment.
  28. Transformers, which will alarm on slow accumulation of gas or shut down the, transformer ,if gas is produced rapidly in the transformer oil. Forced-guided contacts relay
  29. Uniform magnetic field. * A hybrid coil (or bridge transformer ) is a single, transformer ,that effectively has three windings. * An induction coil (or ignition coil)
  30. Field that actuates the mechanism. * A Repeating coil is a voice-frequency, transformer , * A Borowski coil is an electrical device for measuring alternating current. *
  31. A single unit with a captive output lead, ( known as a diode split line output, transformer ,), so that all high-voltage parts are enclosed. Earlier designs used a separate
  32. About 10 % of the line scan time) current from both the line output, transformer ,and the horizontal scan coil is discharged again into the primary winding of
  33. Then in place. A completed coil assembly with taps is often called a winding. A, transformer ,is an electromagnetic device that has a primary winding and a secondary winding
  34. A region of nearly uniform magnetic field. * A hybrid coil (or bridge, transformer ,) is a single transformer that effectively has three windings. * An induction
  35. For instance. Two (or more) inductors that have coupled magnetic flux form a, transformer , which is a fundamental component of every electric utility power grid. The
  36. Isolated during this short period. One of the secondary windings on the fly back, transformer ,then feeds this brief high voltage pulse to a Cock croft design voltage
  37. Scan coil is discharged again into the primary winding of the fly back, transformer ,by the use of a rectifier which blocks this negative reverse emf. A small value
  38. High-voltage parts are enclosed. Earlier designs used a separate line output, transformer ,and a well insulated high voltage multiplier unit. The high frequency (15 kHz
  39. Coil is category of disruptive discharge coils, usually denoting a resonant, transformer ,that generates very high voltages at radio frequencies. * A Universal coil or a
  40. LC-coupled and transformer -coupled amplifiers cannot be distinguished as a, transformer ,is some kind of inductor.; Direct coupled amplifier, using no impedance and
  41. Produced by this factory. The Electrozavod factory was the first, transformer ,factory in Russia. The Kris tall distillery is the oldest distillery in Russia
  42. Bifilar coil is a coil that employs two parallel windings. * A Blue is set of, transformer ,coils for transmission lines. * A degassing coil is used in the process of
  43. Pyrolysis of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB),e.g. from burning older, transformer ,oil, and to lower degree also of other chlorine-containing materials, can
  44. Transformer is a type of AC voltage multiplier. Unlike a conventional, transformer , which uses magnetic coupling between input and output, the piezoelectric
  45. S close friend, Richard Farina, first published in 1966. Notes A, transformer ,is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another
  46. Via an overhead wire or third rail. Some also or instead use a battery. A, transformer ,in the locomotive converts the high voltage, low current power to low voltage
  47. This avoided the cost of a large high voltage mains supply (50 or 60 Hz), transformer , This type of circuit was used for thermionic valve (tube) technology. It was
  48. In selective radio-frequency circuits.; Transformer coupled amplifier, using a, transformer ,to match impedance or to decouple parts of the circuits: Quite often
  49. Light Company. In 1892,Fleming presented an important paper on electrical, transformer ,theory to the Institution of Electrical Engineers in London. Education and
  50. Of gas or shut down the transformer if gas is produced rapidly in the, transformer ,oil. Forced-guided contacts relay A forced-guided contacts relay has relaid

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