Examples of the the word, gorilla , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gorilla ), is the 12291 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And study primates. In 1959,he conducted a systematic study of the mountain, gorilla ,in the wild and published his work. Years later, at the behest of Louis Leakey
  2. And elevations. Gorilla habitat ranges from montane forests to swamps. Eastern, gorilla ,live in montane and subroutine forests ranging 650–4000 m (2132-13,123 ft).
  3. The eastern gorilla also has a longer face and broader chest than the western, gorilla , Almost all gorilla s share the same blood type (B) and, like humans, have
  4. Even at the cost of his own life. George Schaller reported that a silver back, gorilla ,and a leopard were both found dead from mutually inflicted wounds. Social
  5. Living relatives of humans. The chimpanzee's genus, Pan,diverged from the, gorilla ,'s genus about seven million years ago. Subspecies Several subspecies of the
  6. Gorilla is described, now known as the Western Gorilla. Other species of, gorilla ,are described in the next couple of years. The first systematic study was not
  7. Jeffries Woman first described the Western Gorilla (they called it Troglodytes, gorilla ,) in 1847 from specimens obtained in Liberia. The name was derived from the
  8. Of all. The mountain gorilla also has the thickest hair. The western lowland, gorilla ,can be brown or grayish with a reddish forehead. In addition, gorilla s that
  9. From a convenient fallen branch. Interactions with humans Studies The word ", gorilla ," comes from the history of Hanna the Navigator, a Carthaginian explorer on an
  10. Then the maxilla. Adult males also have a prominent sagittal crest. The eastern, gorilla ,is more darkly colored than the western gorilla , with the mountain gorilla
  11. Including Milieu, a humpback whale off the coast of Australia; Snowflake,a, gorilla ,from a zoo in Barcelona; Snowdrop, a Bristol Zoo penguin; and an albino buffalo
  12. First syllable pronounced like the word" god ", and the rest rhyming with ", gorilla ,". When Godzilla was created (and Japanese-to-English transliteration was less
  13. To be a single gorilla species, with three subspecies: the western lowland, gorilla , the eastern lowland gorilla and the mountain gorilla . There is now agreement
  14. Native village. The mysterious Faro monster is then revealed to be the giant, gorilla , King Kong, and he arrives and defeats the octopus. King Kong then drinks some
  15. That," science has lost a friend, literature has lost a luminary, the mountain, gorilla ,and the black rhino have lost a gallant defender. " Early life Adams was born
  16. Gorillas are Paranthropus. Until recently there was considered to be a single, gorilla ,species, with three subspecies: the western lowland gorilla , the eastern
  17. Labour Party is founded in Selangor, Malaya. *1956 – Colo is born, the first, gorilla ,to be bred in captivity. *1963 – The cruise ship Lakota burns north of Madeira
  18. Sagittal crest. The eastern gorilla is more darkly colored than the western, gorilla , with the mountain gorilla being the darkest of all. The mountain gorilla also
  19. Years ago. Human genes differ only 1.6 % on average from their corresponding, gorilla ,genes in their sequence, but there is further difference in how many copies
  20. Two species is separated by the Congo river and its tributaries. The western, gorilla ,lives in west Central Africa while the eastern gorilla lives in east central
  21. Described as rounded and crested, similar to the sagittal crest of the male, gorilla , Bigfoot is commonly reported to have a strong, unpleasant smell by those who
  22. Percentage of Africa, gorilla s cover a wide range of elevations. The mountain, gorilla ,inhabits the Albertina Rift montane cloud forests of the Vicuna Volcanoes
  23. Live in lowland forests are more slender and agile than the more bulky mountain, gorilla , The eastern gorilla also has a longer face and broader chest than the western
  24. With three subspecies: the western lowland gorilla , the eastern lowland, gorilla ,and the mountain gorilla . There is now agreement that there are two species
  25. Others and they are more dispersed across their range. As such, western lowland, gorilla ,travel the farthest of the gorilla s and have the largest home ranges. They
  26. Violet Carson, British actress (b. 1898) *1985 – Dan Fossa, American, gorilla , specialist (b. 1932) * 1985 – Margaret Scion, German actress (b. 1895) *
  27. Severe aggression is rare in stable groups, but when two mountain, gorilla ,groups meet, the two silver backs can sometimes engage in a fight to the death
  28. b. 1902) *1981 – Alfie UNIDO, Filipino actor (b. 1959) *1984 – Massey, oldest, gorilla , on record (b. 1930) *1986 – Era Bell Thompson, American journalist (b. 1905
  29. Between a blue and a fin as about the same as that between a human and a, gorilla , Researchers working off of Fiji believe they photographed a hybrid
  30. Only small wrist rotations to move the cursor, reducing user fatigue or ", gorilla ,arm ". Usually cordless, they often have a switch to deactivate the movement
  31. Species. The separate species and subspecies developed from a single type of, gorilla ,during the Ice Age, when their forest habitats shrank and became isolated from
  32. From sea level to 1600 m (5249 ft). Bamboo is also a favored food item and, gorilla ,will spend much time digging to unearth the tender shoots. Little competition
  33. Tributaries. The western gorilla lives in west Central Africa while the eastern, gorilla ,lives in east Central Africa. Between the species and even within the species
  34. Remake of King Kong, actor Andy Series was used to help designers pinpoint the, gorilla ,'s prime location in the shots and used his expressions to model" human "
  35. The western lowland gorilla , the eastern lowland gorilla and the mountain, gorilla , There is now agreement that there are two species with two subspecies each.
  36. To unearth the tender shoots. Little competition exists between mountain, gorilla ,groups for resources since they rely on food that is readily available and
  37. The announcement, Sanders referred to the partnership as creating a" virtual, gorilla ," that would enable AMD to compete with Intel on fabrication capacity while
  38. Feelings or religious sentiments. In September 2005,a two and a half year old, gorilla ,in the Republic of Congo was discovered using rocks to smash open palm nuts
  39. Are more slender and agile than the more bulky mountain gorilla . The eastern, gorilla ,also has a longer face and broader chest than the western gorilla . Almost all
  40. Weightlifter. Donald at first protests that she seems too impressed by a ", gorilla ," just because the" muscle-bound buffalo" can lift 300 pounds. But when Daisy
  41. Nuts inside a game sanctuary. While this was the first such observation for a, gorilla , over 40 years previously chimpanzees had been seen using tools in the wild
  42. Film has widely been considered to be one of the least appealing and insipid, gorilla ,suits in film history Adams Ariana (who worked with Fiji Suburbia) said
  43. Otherwise poor in large game, though the special habitat of the chimpanzee and, gorilla , Baboons and mandrills, with few exceptions, are peculiar to Africa. The
  44. Gorilla is more darkly colored than the western gorilla , with the mountain, gorilla ,being the darkest of all. The mountain gorilla also has the thickest hair. The
  45. Joining a new group is likely to be a tactic against this. However, while, gorilla ,troops usually disband after the silver back dies, female eastern lowlands
  46. Eventually knocking Kong down with a vicious drop-kick, and battering the, gorilla ,unconscious with powerful tail attacks to his forehead. When Godzilla tries to
  47. Gorilla, with the mountain gorilla being the darkest of all. The mountain, gorilla ,also has the thickest hair. The western lowland gorilla can be brown or grayish
  48. Because in one planning stage, Godzilla was described as" a cross between a, gorilla ,and a whale ", alluding to his size, power and aquatic origin. A popular story
  49. 50,000) in exchange for the release of the main characters, their truck,the, gorilla , Amy and ten military escorts to the Congo-Zaire border. Though Lindo's
  50. Truly gorilla s, another species of ape or monkeys, or humans. Where Troglodytes, gorilla ,is described, now known as the Western Gorilla. Other species of gorilla are

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